Soheila Amri
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Based on PUM physiology Audition presentation

Soheila Amri
Created by Soheila Amri almost 3 years ago


Question 1 of 44


What is true about characteristics of sound waves?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Alternate phases of compression and decompression of molecules of the medium

  • Alternate phases of compression and decompression in vacuum

  • Sound waves are associated with pressure changes called sound pressure.

  • Pressure waves are longitudinal vibrations of molecules of the medium


Question 2 of 44


What is a correct match between Velocity and sound in air?

Select one or more of the following:

  • 335 m/s in air - 0°C at sea level

  • 44 m/s in air - 20°C at sea level

  • 297 m/s in air - 0°C at sea level ,

  • 1450 m/s in water - 20°C at sea level.


Question 3 of 44


What is a correct match between Velocity and sound in water?

Select one or more of the following:

  • 335 m/s in water - 0°C at sea level

  • 1450 m/s in water - 20°C at sea level

  • 344 m/s in air - 20°C at sea level

  • 1250 m/s in water - 20°C at sea level


Question 4 of 44


Sound waves; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The crests of these waves are areas of high density, called compressions.

  • The troughs are called rarefactions.

  • The troughs are called compression.

  • Sounds are waves of air molecules.


Question 5 of 44


Sound wave properties; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Amplitude determines Pitch

  • Amplitude determines Loudness

  • Frequency determines Loudness

  • Frequency determines Pitch


Question 6 of 44


Frequency of sound; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Frequency is the rate at which the source produces sound waves

  • Low pitched or bass sounds have low frequencies.

  • High-pitched or treble sounds have low frequencies.

  • A healthy, young person can hear sounds with frequencies from 20 to 20,000 Hz.


Question 7 of 44


Frequency of sound; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The ability to hear high pitch sounds (high frequencies) increases with age –
    this condition is called presbycusis.

  • The ability to hear high pitch sounds (high frequencies) declines with age – this condition is called presbycusis.

  • Male hearing range decreases more quickly than the female.

  • The sound of human speech is mainly in the range 300 to 3,000 Hz.


Question 8 of 44


Loudness of sound; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • This very wide range of values is converted into a logarithmic scale of decibels range of 0 dB to 300 dB.

  • This very wide range of values is converted into a logarithmic scale of decibels range of 0 dB to 140 dB.

  • Sound waves are silent if their compressions are dense.

  • The amplitude of the acoustic pressure is measured in pascals (Pa).


Question 9 of 44


Thresholds of hearing; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Threshold of hearing (10-16 W/m2 = 0 B = 0 dB).

  • Loud conversation (10-12 W/m2 = 4 B = 40 dB).

  • Ordinary conversation (10-9 W/m2 = 7 B = 70 dB).

  • Threshold of pain (10-3 W/m2 = 13 B = 130 dB).


Question 10 of 44


Characteristics of audition; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The pitch of the average male voice is 120 Hz while of the female voice is 250 Hz.

  • Noise is sound composed of many related frequencies.

  • harmonics is sound composed of many unrelated frequencies.

  • Sounds are complex mixtures of pure tones. (accords)


Question 11 of 44


Sound and anatomy; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The auditory system is maximally sensitive between 500 – 5,000 Hz

  • The Frequency response is determined by the functional anatomy of the ear.

  • The auditory system is maximally sensitive between 200 – 2,000 Hz

  • Sound is FELT above 130dB


Question 12 of 44


What is correct about the external ear?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Consists of the tympanic membrane and the external auditory meatus (auditory canal).

  • Sound waves travel through the meatus and impinge on the brain.

  • The Meatus acts as a resonator

  • The Pinna funnels sound waves into the meatus.


Question 13 of 44


Characteristics of audition; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Binaural localization relies on the comparison of auditory input from two separate auditory detectors (ears).

  • The auricle ensures reliable transmission of speech.

  • Convergence and amplification of the sound.

  • Localization of the source of the high pitch sound is based on assessment of difference of amplitude and time


Question 14 of 44


Middle ear; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Decompression of the sound pressure.

  • Conduction of the sound through the lever system of auditory ossicles.

  • Defensive mechanism of the ear – function of the tympanic reflex.

  • Language (foreign) is shifted higher, needs to be louder


Question 15 of 44


The middle ear; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The handle of the malleus is attached to the centre of the tympanic membrane

  • The malleus forms a rigid connection with the incus and they act as a single lever.

  • The incus forms flexible connection with the malleus.

  • Footplate of stapes moves in and out at the round window


Question 16 of 44


Attenuation reflex; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Contraction - increase sound conduction

  • Tensor tympani muscle – pulls the handle of the malleus inward

  • Stapedius muscle – pulls the stapes outward

  • Loud sound in high frequencies

  • Adaptation to continuous high intensities sound
    - to mask low-frequencies sound in loud environment

  • Reduce sound by 30dB


Question 17 of 44


The inner ear; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Consist of vestibule and cochlea

  • Helicoterma – connection between scala tympani and scala vestibuli

  • Scala vestibuli – to oval window;

  • Scala media has 3 walls; basilar memb, Reissner's memb. and stria vascularis

  • Scala tympani – to round window


Question 18 of 44


The inner ear; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Organ of corti is placed in cochlear duct

  • Perilymph – scala vestibuli

  • Endolymph – scala tympani

  • Potential gradient across hair cells about 140 mV


Question 19 of 44


The organ of corti; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • In scala media

  • Hair cells and various supporting cells

  • Cones and rods

  • The rods of Corti


Question 20 of 44


The organ of corti - hair cells; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Inner hair cells 3,500 - supplied by myelinated fibers

  • Outer hair cells 3,500 - supplied by myelinated fibers

  • Outer hair cells 15,000 - supplied by unmyelinated fibers

  • Inner hair cells 15,000 - supplied by unmyelinated fibers


Question 21 of 44


Organ of corti - Afferent innervation ; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • From superior olivary nucleus – olivocochlear fibers

  • Bipolar neurons from spiral ganglion within the modiolus

  • 90% of fibers innervate inner hair cells

  • Axons enter the auditory-vestibular nerve

  • On afferent fibers that contact the inner
    hair cells


Question 22 of 44


Organ of corti - Efferent innervation ; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • From superior olivary nucleus – olivocochlear fibers

  • On afferent fibers that contact the inner
    hair cells

  • Bipolar neurons from spiral ganglion within the modiolus

  • On outer hair cells

  • Helps to improve frequency discrimination


Question 23 of 44


Hair cells activation; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Different parts of the basilar membrane have the same resonance frequencies.

  • Basilar membrane up – reticular lamina up and toward the modiolus

  • Basilar membrane up – reticular lamina down and away from modiolus

  • Tectorial membrane holds the tips of the outer hair cells stereocilia

  • Inner hair cells cilia’s are bend by movement of endolymph


Question 24 of 44


Auditory Pathway - neurons ; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Neurones of the spiral ganglion – to auditory nerve.

  • Neurones of the ventral (and dorsal) cochlear nucleus – to lateral lemniscus.

  • Neurones of the superior colliculi.

  • Neurones of the Inferior olives.

  • Neurones of the medial geniculate body (MGN) of the thalamus to auditory cortex


Question 25 of 44


Auditory cortex; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Area 41 of Brodmann division in temporal lobe

  • Low frequencies are represented rostrally and laterally,

  • High frequencies – caudally and medially

  • High frequencies – caudally and laterally

  • Secondary auditory cortex 42, 22, 52 Brodmann’s area


Question 26 of 44


Hair cells; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Has stereocilia with actin and kinocilia

  • Connect to efferent fibers with glutamine

  • Endolymph is low in K+

  • Mechano-sensitive non-selective channels, opened by tip links on hair cells

  • Hair cells bending to stereocilia - de -polarize producing sound


Question 27 of 44


Audition; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Semicircular system and Cochlea use different receptors

  • Semicircular system is responsible for equilibrium

  • Cochlea is responsible for sound

  • Olivary nucleus connects to neuron from left and right ear


Question 28 of 44


Audition; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • The right ear is the 1st to hear sounds

  • The left ear is the 1st to hear sounds

  • The right ear has a shorter pathway to the brain

  • The left ear has a shorter pathway to the brain


Question 29 of 44


Correct conduction of sound in air, from start (standard pathway)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Ossicles - Tympanic memb. - Basilar memb. - Perilymph to endolymph - Cochlea

  • Tympanic memb. - Ossicles - Basilar memb. - Cochlea - Perilymph to endolymph

  • Tympanic memb. - Ossicles - Perilymph to endolymph - Basilar memb. - Cochlea

  • Ossicles - Tympanic memb. - Perilymph to endolymph - Cochlea- Basilar memb.


Question 30 of 44


Correct conduction of sound in bone, from start (amplification)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Vibration of skull - Perilymph to endolymph - Basilar membrane - Cochlea

  • Vibration of skull - Cochlea - Perilymph to endolymph - Basilar membrane

  • Vibration of skull - Cochlea - Basilar membrane - Perilymph to endolymph

  • Vibration of skull - Basilar membrane - Cochlea - Perilymph to endolymph


Question 31 of 44


Deafness; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Nerve deafness is impairment of the auditory nerve

  • Conduction deafness is impairment of structures of the ear that conduct sound to cochlea

  • Nerve deafness impairment of structures of the ear that conduct sound to cochlea

  • Bone conduction in conduction deafness is normal


Question 32 of 44


Match audio tests to purpose
Quantitative - Assessment of hearing loss
Qualitative - Type of hearing loss = Conduction deafness, Sensorineural (cochlear, nerve) deafness.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Acumetry – Quantitative

  • Audiometry - Quantitative and Qualitative

  • Tuning fork tests - Qualitative

  • Tuning fork tests - Quantitative

  • Acumetry - Qualitative


Question 33 of 44


Tuning fork tests; Choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Rinne test - comparison of the patient’s bone conduction to examiner’s bone conduction.

  • Rinne test – comparison of the patient’s air (ossicular) conduction of sound to the bone conduction.

  • Weber test - differentiation between conduction and nerve deafness.

  • Schwabach test – comparison of the patient’s bone conduction to examiner’s bone conduction.


Question 34 of 44


Rinne test - air and bone conduction (tuning fork test); choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Normal hearing - (positive rinne) sound is heard twice as long by air conduction as by bone conduction

  • Conductive deafness in right ear - (negative rinne) sound is heard longer by bone conduction than by air conduction

  • Conductive deafness in right ear - (positive rinne) sound is heard longer by air conduction than by bone conduction

  • Perceptive deafness of right ear - (positive rinne) sound is heard longer by air conduction than by bone conduction


Question 35 of 44


Weber test - bone conduction (tuning fork test) - choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Conductive deafness in right ear - Sound lateralizes to the better ear

  • Normal hearing - Sound does not lateralize to either side; heard equally well in both ears.

  • Perceptive deafness of right ear - Sound lateralizes to the better ear

  • Conductive deafness in right ear - sound lateralizes to defective ear, few sound are carried through external and middle ear.


Question 36 of 44


SCHWABACH bone conduction; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Longer - conduction disorder – longer than normal bone conduction

  • Is a method based on comparing bone conduction to a normal subject to the patient

  • Shorter - nerve disorder - shorter than normal bone conduction

  • Is a method based on comparing bone conduction to a deaf subject to the patient


Question 37 of 44


Acumetry (whisper test); choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Assessment of the distance of hearing.

  • Normal ear can hear whisper voice from 6m (young humans – even 20 m).

  • 1-3m – mild hearing loss.

  • 3-6m – moderate hearing loss.

  • < 1m – severe hearing loss.

  • > 6m – normal hearing.


Question 38 of 44


Vestibular sensation – hair cells; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Otolith organ – signals linear acceleration

  • Semicircular canals – signal rotational acceleration

  • Utricle – signal vertical acceleration

  • Sacculus – signal horizontal acceleration


Question 39 of 44


Vestibular pathways; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • 3rd neuron - flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum - posture

  • II neuron – here terminate vestibular nerves in: flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum - posture

  • II neuron – here terminate vestibular nerves in: ipsilaterally four-part vestibular nuclei

  • 1st neuron – vestibular ganglion (Scarpa’s ganglion):
    supplies the cristae and macula

  • 3rd neuron - vestibular ganglion (Scarpa’s ganglion):
    supplies the cristae and macula


Question 40 of 44


Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR); choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Abducens nucleus - The medial lateral fascicle (mlf) projects from the Vestibulocochlear nucleus to the oculomotor nucleus

  • Vestibulocochlear nerve - from the peripheral vestibular sensors to the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem (vn)

  • Two-neuron arc, during a head movement to the right

  • The oculomotor nucleus - The left lateral rectus muscle (lr) and the right medial rectus muscle (mr) get contracted, turning the eyes to the left.


Question 41 of 44


Romberg test; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • With the eyes open 3 sensory systems provide input to cerebellum to maintain truncal stability. These are vision, olfaction and vestibular sense.

  • Mild lesions in one vestibular or proprioception system cannot be compensated by vision

  • When the patient closes their eyes, visual input is removed and instability can be brought out.

  • In vestibular malfunction direction of falling is direction of slow phase of nystagmus


Question 42 of 44


Nystagmus; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Is a jerky movement of the eye with slow and quick components.

  • The direction of nystagmus is identified by the direction of the quick component.

  • The quick component is initiated by impulses from the labyrinths.

  • The slow component is triggered by a center of the brainstem.


Question 43 of 44


Vestibular nystagmus; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Secondary nystagmus is involved with the slow phase in the opposite direction. It continues for 1min.

  • Secondary nystagmus is involved with the rapid phase in the same direction. It continues for 20-30 s.

  • Trigger by angular acceleration, which activate movement of eye opposite direction to head movement.

  • Pathology causing vestibular nystagmus can be lesions of brainstem or Menier's disease


Question 44 of 44


Tests for Nystagmus; choose correct

Select one or more of the following:

  • Optokinetic – reflex that maintain visual fixation on stationary point while the body rotates

  • Caloric test - toward the warmer ear

  • Caloric test - post-rotatory nystagmus

  • Barany rotation test - post-rotatory nystagmus
