Created by Leslie Thurman
almost 3 years ago
The Conquest Era Storyline Summary:
Joshua leads the __________ of the ___________ ____________.
The Four Main Events in the Conquest Era:
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
Jordan: A ________ parting of _______
Jericho: A miraculous _________ of a _______
Conquest: The ________ of _______
Dominion: _____________ _____________
The Judges Era Storyline Summary:
_______ and others were chosen as ________ to _________ the people for _____ ____________ rebellious years.
The four main subjects of the Judges Era:
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
Judges: The _________ of ________
Rebellion: The __________ of ________ ______
Cycles: __________ of __________ _____________
Ruth: A _________ __________
The Kingdom Era Storyline Summary:
David, the greatest king in the new _________ is followed by a succession of mostly _____________ kings, and God eventually ________ Israel for her sin, sending her into exile.
The four main periods in the Kingdom Era:
1. ____________ _____________
2. ____________ _____________
3. ____________ _____________
4. ____________ _____________
United Kingdom: A ______ _____________
God allows _________, the last judge, to anoint _____ to be the first king, beginning the ______ _____________.
Divided Kingdom: A _______ _____
As a result of Solomon's spiritual drifting, a _______ _____ erupts upon his death, and the kingdom is ___________. A Northern Kingdom which consists of ____ tribes, retaining the name "________" & a Southern Kingdom which consists of 2 tribes, tribe of _________ and ____________, name "_________", its the larger tribe.
Northern Kingdom:
The _____________ ____________:
_____________ commands the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He is unrighteous, along with the 19 that follow him. Lasting 250 years, then ___________ conquers the Northern Kingdom and scatter His people to the four winds. The _____________ ____________ is never restored!
Southern Kingdom:
The ____________ _____________
Lasted ____ years, prolonged by ___ of the 20 that were righteous kings. God brings judgement on the ____________ _____________ by raising up ____________ to conquer Judah and take them into captivity.
The Storyline Summary of the Exile Era:
Daniel gives ____________ and encourages ____________ among the _________ for the next seventy years.
These are the four main divisions in the Exile Era:
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. _____ _________
Prophecy: _________ of __________ _________
The Northern Kingdom, Israel, has been conquered by Assyria and dispersed in _____ B.C. The Southern Kingdom receives a warning of __________ _________ through Jeremiah, which happened in _____ B.C. He also prophesied it would last 70 years.
Prophets: ___________ ___________of ________
Two prophets write books of the Bible during the Exile: ________ & ________ . The prophecy foretold of national restoration and ___________ ___________ among the ________.
Exiles: ____________ into the ___________
The book of Daniel gives us a glimpse of the life among the exiles. The _____ are ____________ into the ___________ in which they are exiled. Some of them achieve positions of _____________.
Power Change: _________ ________ ________
While the Jews are in exile, in Babylonia, Persia rises to become the dominant military power of that region and conquers Babylonia. So, Persia rules their land, the Assyria and Babylonia land. The _________ ________ ________ from the Tigris River to the ______________ ______.
The Storyline Summary of the Return Era:
Ezra _______ the people back from _________ to rebuild _____________.
The four major subjects in the Return Era:
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
___________ from ____ and ________
During the 70 years of captivity, the city of Jerusalem falls into disrepair. The ___________ from ____ and ________ leaves Jerusalem in a state of abject ruin.
Temple: _____________ the _________
Under the direction of Zerubbabel the _____________ of the _________begun. At the urging of _________ & ____________, two Jewish prophets in Jerusalem, the _____________ of the temple is ___________.
People: Spiritual rebuilding
_____________ the _________ is in direct parallel to the ___________ ____________of the Jewish people. Temple worship has been discontinued for 70 years. Most of the Jews have never seen or heard of the Law of Moses.
Walls: ______________ _____________
The temple stands restored as the dominant structure in the city, but the walls of the city are still broken down. ___________ is burdened to rebuild the walls. He is given permission by the king of Persia. ______________ is _____________as the ________ is rebuilt, the ________ are rebuilt, and the ________ are rebuilt.
The Storyline Summary of the Silence Era:
Pharisees and others _________ the __________ in _________ for the next ______ ______________ years.
The four major subjects in the Silence Era:
1. The _________ __________
2. _________ __________
3. _________ __________
4. _________ __________
The Changing Guard: The _______ of _______
The _______ of _______ passes from _______ to ________ to ______.
Political Sect:
The ______________ and __________
During the 400 silent years, there are militant Jews who attempt to revolt against foreign rule and make Jerusalem and are of Judea an independent country. These include the ______________ and __________
Religious Sect: ____________ and ____________
These are the two primary religious "parties" in Jerusalem during this time. A ruling board, called the ____________, is made up of representatives from both the ____________and the ____________, they both have antagonism for Jesus of Nazareth.
Messianic Hope: _________ of a ________
The "Messiah" or "Savior" is one who is prophesied throughout the Old Testament to come save the Jews, some from religious and some from political. The Jews are suffering such __________ and _________ humiliation that widespread hope and _________ of a ________ exists.