Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Teste seu conhecimento em verbos em inglês no passado e fixe estes conhecimentos com esse quiz

Created by HoL about 9 years ago

Quiz - Simple Past

Question 1 of 40


1) Went é a forma no passado de qual dos seguintes verbos irregulares?

Select one of the following:

  • Want

  • Wear

  • Eat

  • Go

  • Wait


Question 2 of 40


2) Se você quisesse traduzir a frase “Como era domingo, a loja estava fechada”, como você a escreveria?

Select one of the following:

  • Since it was Sunday, the store is closed.

  • Since it was Sunday, the store was closed.

  • Since it was Sunday, the store were closed.

  • As it was Sunday, the store is closed.

  • Since it is Sunday, the store was closed.


Question 3 of 40


3) Qual é o passado do verbo speak?

Select one of the following:

  • Spook

  • Speaked

  • Speak

  • Spoke

  • Spolk


Question 4 of 40


4) Saw é a forma no passado de qual dos seguintes verbos?

Select one of the following:

  • Say

  • Set

  • See

  • Sit

  • Sell


Question 5 of 40


5) Escolha a opção que melhor define o verbo Understand:

Select one of the following:

  • Verbo Regular, Significado: Entender, Passado Understanded

  • Verbo Regular, Significado: Descer, Passado Understanded

  • Verbo Irregular, Significado: Entender, Passado Understold

  • Verbo Irregular, Significado: Entender, Passado Understant

  • Verbo Irregular, Significado: Entender, Passado Understood


Question 6 of 40


6) Os verbos Leave e Let são dois verbos em inglês que podem significar “Deixar”. Além disso, esses verbos no passado são bem semelhantes. Selecione a opção com a forma correta no passado para os dois verbos, respectivamente:

Select one of the following:

  • Left / Let

  • Leaved / Letted

  • Leat / Let

  • Lev / Let

  • Leat / Leet


Question 7 of 40


7) Selecione a forma correta no passado para os verbos feel, forget, find, respectivamente:

Select one of the following:

  • Feeled / Forgetted / Finded

  • Fell / Forgot / Find

  • Felt / Forgot / Found

  • Felt / Forgotted / Found

  • Feel / Forgot / Found


Question 8 of 40


8) Se você quisesse traduzir a frase “Foi o livro mais triste que já li”, como você a escreveria?

Select one of the following:

  • It was the saddest book I ever road.

  • It’s the saddest book I ever read.

  • It was the saddest book I ever readed.

  • It was the saddest book I ever read.

  • It’s the saddest book I ever readed.


Question 9 of 40


9) Selecione quais dos seguintes verbos foram conjugados para a forma regular corretamente:

Select one of the following:

  • Needed / Closed / Opened / Looked / Remembered

  • Stayed / Closed / Opened / Maked/ Finded

  • Needed / Readed/ Maked / Looked / Remembered

  • Needed / Closed / Opened / Looked / Writed

  • Needed / Sleeped/ Opened / Looked / Remembered


Question 10 of 40


10) De acordo com as regras de regularidade dos verbos no passado, selecione a opção em que os verbos foram conjugados de forma correta:

Select one of the following:

  • Stay – Stayed / Play – Played / Study – Studyed / Stop – Stopped

  • Stay – Stayed / Play – Played / Study – Studied / Stop - Stopped

  • Stay – Stayed / Play – Played / Study – Studied / Stop - Stoped

  • Stay – Staied / Play – Played / Study – Studied / Stop - Stoped

  • Stay – Stayed / Play – Plaied / Study – Studied / Stop – Stoped


Question 11 of 40


11) Qual é o passado do verbo choose?

Select one of the following:

  • Choose

  • Chase

  • Choosed

  • Chose

  • Chasen


Question 12 of 40


12) Qual é o passado do verbo buy?

Select one of the following:

  • Buyed

  • Buied

  • Bolt

  • Bout

  • Bought


Question 13 of 40


13) Como você diria “Nunca comi batatas fritas na minha vida”?

Select one of the following:

  • I never eat French fries in my life.

  • I never eated French fries in my life.

  • I never eaght French fries in my life.

  • I never et French fries in my life.

  • I never ate French fries in my life.


Question 14 of 40


14) Selecione quais dos seguintes verbos seriam irregulares no passado:

Select one of the following:

  • Kiss / Dance / Take / Drink / Sleep

  • Give / End / Make / Think / Sleep

  • Give / Write / Make / Drink / Sleep

  • Give / Write / Make / Drink / Show

  • Change / Write / Take / Drink / Sleep


Question 15 of 40


15) Qual é o passado dos seguintes verbos: Sleep e Keep?

Select one of the following:

  • Slope / Kope

  • Sleft / Keft

  • Sleeped / Keeped

  • Slep / Kep

  • Slept / Kept


Question 16 of 40


16) Selecione a opção que melhor define o passado dos verbos Make e Take?

Select one of the following:

  • Make: Regular (Maked) / Take: Regular (Taked)

  • Make: Regular (Maked) / Take: Irregular (Took)

  • Make: Irregular (Meak) / Take: Regular (Taked)

  • Make: Irregular (Made) / Take: Irregular (Took)

  • Make: Irregular (Made) / Take: Irregular (Taken)


Question 17 of 40


17) Como você diria “Eu corri o mais rápido possível”?

Select one of the following:

  • I ran as fast as possible.

  • I run as fast as possible.

  • I runned as fast as possible.

  • I runed as fast as possible.

  • I ruon as fast as possible.


Question 18 of 40


18) Qual é o passado do verbo think?

Select one of the following:

  • Thunk

  • Thought

  • Thing

  • Thinked

  • Think


Question 19 of 40


19) Escreva em inglês: “Eu queria ir à praia, mas encontrei algo melhor para fazer!”

Select one of the following:

  • I want to go to the beach but I found something better to do!

  • I wanted to go to the beach but I find something better to do!

  • I went to go to the beach but I finded something better to do!

  • I wanted to go to the beach but I finded something better to do!

  • I wanted to go to the beach but I found something better to do!


Question 20 of 40


20) Qual é o passado dos seguintes verbos em inglês: Give, Sell, Answer?

Select one of the following:

  • Gave / Sold / Answered

  • Gove / Selled / Answered

  • Gived / Sold / Answert

  • Gave / Selled / Answered

  • Gived / Sold / Answered


Question 21 of 40


21) Dry é o verbo em inglês que significa secar, como este verbo é expresso no passado?

Select one of the following:

  • Drough

  • Dryed

  • Dried

  • Drought

  • Dright


Question 22 of 40


22) Qual é o passado do verbo bring (trazer)?

Select one of the following:

  • Bringed

  • Bringged

  • Brain

  • Brought

  • Bright


Question 23 of 40


23) Como você diria: “Eu cortei o papel”?

Select one of the following:

  • I cuted the paper.

  • I cutted the paper.

  • I cult the paper.

  • I cut the paper.

  • I couth the paper.


Question 24 of 40


24) O verbo Freeze significa congelar em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta para sua conjugação no passado?

Select one of the following:

  • Freezed

  • Fraize

  • Firzen

  • Froze

  • Frozen


Question 25 of 40


25) Qual é o passado dos verbos: Draw, Know, Show, Follow e Grow?

Select one of the following:

  • Drawed / Knew / Showed / Followed / Grow

  • Drew / Knew / Showed / Followed / Grew

  • Drew / Knowed / Showed / Follow / Grow

  • Drew / Knew / Showed / Followed / Grow

  • Draw / Knew / Showed / Follow / Grew


Question 26 of 40


26) Qual é o passado do verbo seem?

Select one of the following:

  • Sent

  • Seem

  • Seen

  • Seam

  • Seemed


Question 27 of 40


27) Como você diria: “Eu ensinei o que eu sabia a um amigo”?

Select one of the following:

  • I touch what I knew to a friend.

  • I teached what I knew to a friend.

  • I taugh what I knew to a friend.

  • I taught what I knew to a friend.

  • I toach what I knew to a friend.


Question 28 of 40


28) Qual é o passado do verbo may?

Select one of the following:

  • Maid

  • Mayed

  • Might

  • Maied

  • Mouth


Question 29 of 40


29) Selecione a opção que melhor define o passado dos verbos Call (chamar) e Fall (cair)?

Select one of the following:

  • Call: Regular (Called) / Fall: Regular (Falled)

  • Call: Regular (Called) / Fall: Irregular (Fell)

  • Call: Regular (Called) / Fall: Iregular (Fallen)

  • Call: Irregular (Could) / Fall: Regular (Falled)

  • Call: Irregular (Could) / Fall: Irregular (Fallen)


Question 30 of 40


30) Qual é o passado do verbo catch (pegar)?

Select one of the following:

  • Cotch

  • Catched

  • Caught

  • Cath

  • Cought


Question 31 of 40


31) Como você diria: “Eu gastei muito dinheiro para comprar o livro que eu emprestei a meu colega”?

Select one of the following:

  • I spended little money to buy the book I lended it to my colleague.

  • I spent little money to buy the book I lend it to my colleague.

  • I spent little money to buy the book I lound it to my colleague.

  • I spended little money to buy the book I lent it to my colleague.

  • I spent little money to buy the book I lent it to my colleague.


Question 32 of 40


32) Qual é o passado dos verbos dirigir (drive) e quebrar (break)?

Select one of the following:

  • Drove/Broke

  • Drived/Broken

  • Drived/Breaked

  • Drift/Broke

  • Drove/Breaked


Question 33 of 40


33) Could é o passado de qual dos seguintes verbos?

Select one of the following:

  • Cool

  • Cook

  • Can

  • Call

  • Care


Question 34 of 40


34) Qual é o passado do verbo fly?

Select one of the following:

  • Flea

  • Flyed

  • Flied

  • Flew

  • Flight


Question 35 of 40


35) Como você diria: “Eu ouvi tudo que eles conversaram”?

Select one of the following:

  • I heared all they talked.

  • I hurd all they talked.

  • I heard all they talked.

  • I heard all they talk.

  • I heared all they talken.


Question 36 of 40


36) Qual é o passado do verbo happen?

Select one of the following:

  • Hopen

  • Hoppen

  • Happened

  • Happed

  • Happen


Question 37 of 40


37) Como você diria: “Nós jogamos video game: na primeira vez eu perdi, na segunda vez eu ganhei”?

Select one of the following:

  • We played video game: The first time I loss, the second time I won.

  • We played video game: The first time I lost, the second time I win.

  • We played video game: The first time I lose, the second time I won.

  • We played video game: The first time I lost, the second time I won.

  • We played video game: The first time I lost, the second time I winned.


Question 38 of 40


38) Qual é o passado do verbo cantar em inglês?

Select one of the following:

  • Singed

  • Song

  • Sing

  • Sang

  • Sign


Question 39 of 40


39) Qual é o passado dos seguintes verbos: Agree, Die, Mean?

Select one of the following:

  • Agreed / Died / Meant

  • Agred / Dead / Meaned

  • Agree / Died / Meant

  • Agreed / Dead / Meant

  • Agreed / Died / Meaned


Question 40 of 40


40) Qual é o passado dos seguintes verbos: Become, Begin, Forgive, Swim?

Select one of the following:

  • Became / Began / Forget / Swam

  • Became / Began / Forgave / Swimmed

  • Becomed / Began / Forgave / Swam

  • Became / Begin / Forgave / Swam

  • Became / Began / Forgave / Swam
