Created by jfielke
over 9 years ago
Why Use SEM?
What is SEM?
What objects are used to draw a model in AMOS and what do they represent?
Specifying a SEM model
What features can be estimated in SEM?
Specifying a SEM model
What do models consist of?
what inferences do SEM models consist of?
What form can variables take in SEM?
What are:
observed-exogenous variables
observed-endogenous variables
unobserved-endogenous variables
observed-exogenous variables?
what are the three classes of relationships that exist between variables in a SEM model?
How does SEM work?
What is identification in SEM?
What is an over-identified model?
What is a just-identified model?
What is an under-identified model?
What is different in identification in non-recursive models
Is this model identified?
Is this model identified?
Is this model identified?
What are model degrees of freedom?
When considering sample size in SEM which two options are advised?
What is the factor analysis approach to sample size?
What are the regression approaches to sample size?
What is the formula for the number of observations from a set of variables?
What is factor analysis?
What is exploratory factor analysis?
What is confirmatory factor analysis?
Does the term 'measurement model' refer to EFA or CFA?
Is CFA theory generating or theory confirming?
How is CFA different to EFA?
Does this represent CFA or EFA and why?
Does this represent CFA or EFA and why?
How do we test CFA model fit?
What is factor and error scaling?
Why do you need factor and error scaling?
What is a specification search in CFA?
What is the MI statistic?
At what value of the MI do you modify the model?
What is the expected parameter change statistic?
What is the standardised residual covariance matrix
At what value of the standardised residual covariance matrix do you modify the model?
When does respecification of a CFA model commence?
What are the two ways to change a CFA model?
What are the benefits to trimming a CFA model?
What is the process for modifying a CFA model
How do you know if modification to a CFA model has had an impact?
How do you test significance of the change to a CFA model?
Which table in the AMOS output shows the factor loadings?
When analysing the MIs & EPC covariances in CFA models what suggested respecifications are impossible to make?
When analysing the MIs & EPC regression co-efficients in CFA models what suggested respecifications are impossible to make?
What are the minimum requirements for a one factor CFA model to be identifiable?
What are the minimum requirements for a two or more factor CFA model to be identifiable?
How might multicollinearity show up in SEM
How do you know a SEM model is misspecified?
What is the SEM process?
SEM Interpretation
What is NPAR?
SEM interpretation
What is CMIN?
SEM interpretation
What p values are ideal?
SEM interpretation
What is CMIN/DF
SEM interpretation
What is the independence model?
SEM interpretation
What is the saturated model?
SEM interpretation
What is the default model?
What is multi-level modelling (MLM)?
What is clustering (MLM)?
How does MLM model clusters?
What type of variable is used in a MLM general linear mixed model?
What type of variable is used in a MLM generalised linear mixed model?
What is a MLM fixed effect?
What is a MLM random effect?
What are cross level interactions?
Why do we use centring in MLM?
What is grand mean centring?
What is group mean centring?
When would you use grand mean centring?
When would you use group mean centring?
What is the problem with group mean centring?
What are the benefits of MLM?
What is the intraclass correlation?
When do you use MLM?
What are the advantages of MLM over a single level regression for clustered data?
What are the advantages of MLM over a regression using just the clusters?
What are the advantages of MLM over a corrective approach/adjustment to standard errors (Huber-white sandwich estimate)?
What is the ecological fallacy?
What is the atomistic fallacy?
What are the assumptions of MLM?
What are the sample size recommendations for MLM?
How do you know if MLM is a suitable approach?
How do you assess the predictors in MLM?
What are the issues with effect size estimation in MLM?