Created by jessica.neilan
about 11 years ago
what are the three types of biological rythms?
What are the three types of timing systems organisms seem to have developed?
what behaviour does the circadian clock influence?
what part of the brain is thought to house the circadian clock?
by what mechanism is the circadian clock thought to work?
what part of the brain is interval timing thought to rely on?
what behaviour involves interval timing?
what mechanism is thought to underlie interval timing?
what behaviour is involved in millisecond timing?
what part of the brain has it been suggested may play a role in millisecond timing?
in what way is timing like conditioning?
how is the environment involved in timing?
what are three non-imaging forming responses to light?
what are the cells in the retina responsible to non0image forming responses to light?
what part of the brain is involved in sleep induction?
Which part of the brain is involved in pupil constriction?
what photoreceptor in retinal ganglion cells is thought to be used in nonimage forming responses to light?
what are parietal eyes?
what are three examples of zeitgebers?
what two things are eliminated when the SCN is lesioned?
what type of circadian patterns do SCN tissue cells continue to express in vitro?
what effect does cocaine have on a persons perception of time?
what are dyssomnias?
what is the clinical word for sleep walking?
what two dyssomnias are associated with slow wave sleep?
what are four dissomnias accosiated with REM sleep?
what is cataplexy?
what is narcolepsy?
what drugs are used to suppress narcoleptic attacks?