Which senior was able to name all 50 states and their capitals at the age of four?
Libby Kaseta
Maddie Wise
Bella Adams
Caitlyn Petrizzo
Which senior has lived in three different continents?
Kaitlyn Langer
Annie O'Connor
Dylan Drury
Kate Hong
Which senior has never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Fiona Powers
Charlotte Fallon
Leah Allen
Ava Cobb
Which senior has slept through an earthquake?
Caroline Bennett
Claire Moore
Erin Griffin
Elisa Taylor
Which senior went to preschool in Thailand?
Isabella Stewart
Jackie Erensen
Ava Rogers
Nicole Mayer
Which senior went on the "Rock n Roller Coaster" at Universal Studios 127 times in a week?
Claire Miller
Claire Pittaro
Joi Almonacy
Diana McIntire
Which senior sat in front of Justin Bieber at the Broadway play, The Lion King?
Izzy Sciacca
Sophia Flynn
Gabrielle Lauria
Emma Denson
Which senior lives next to a llama farm?
Kayla Malcolm-Joseph
Julia Fonti
Isobel Cunningham
Charlotte Marvin
Which senior did Niall Horan hit in the head with a football?
Gracie Iannaccone
Abby Barnett
Mimi Lee
Franny O'Brien
Which senior was in a Today Show segment in third grade?
Charlotte Burchetta
Lauren Giuriceo
Kat Corroon
Annie Hamilton
Which senior has dual citizenship with Germany and the United States?
Jessica Thompson
Angélique Wheeler
Zoe Young
Mary Hawthorn
Which senior is followed on instagram by Dr. Praeger's, the frozen food brand?
Sarah Augustine
Grace Gasvoda
Lucy Catalano
Natalie Becue
Which senior has never passed the Impact concussion test?
Isabelle Berkery
Heidi McGannon
Mary Dowling
Isabel Lehrman
Which senior can do the pretzel?
Regina Finn
Ella Radtke
Jules Ingram
Chelsea Hyland
Which senior has two sets of twins in their family?
Olivia Berkery
Delaney Servick
Alexandra Hannett
Caitlyn Rivera
Which senior had 12 imaginary friends when they were five?
Emily Krzemienski
Mimi Greco
Cailin Gordon
Rachel Lherisson