Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

practice test

Created by chapmaj almost 9 years ago

Unit 2 Unit Practice Test

Question 1 of 30


Choose the group of terms that fit together.

Select one of the following:

  • Franklin Roosevelt, Spanish-American War, Buffalo Soldiers, Army, Rugged individuals from American southeast

  • Teddy Roosevelt, Spanish-American War, Buffalo Soldiers, Navy, Rugged individuals from American northwest

  • Teddy Roosevelt, Spanish-American War, Rough Riders, Army, Rugged individuals from American southwest

  • Franklin Roosevelt, Spanish-American War, Rough Riders, Army, Rugged individuals from American northeast


Question 2 of 30


The term YELLOW JOURNALISM refers to the

Select one of the following:

  • practice of selling newspapers by producing deep investigative stories.

  • practice of selling newspapers through sensational headlines and exaggerated stories.

  • practice of selling newspapers through exposing government corruption.

  • practice of selling newspapers through covering war by placing journalists with soldiers.


Question 3 of 30


During the time period that included the Spanish American War, American foreign policy shifted FROM________________________ TO _____________________________.

Select one of the following:

  • imperialism, capitalism

  • isolationism, imperialism

  • imperialism, interventionism

  • isolationism, interventionism


Question 4 of 30


Identify the causes of the Spanish-American War

Select one or more of the following:

  • Abuse of American citizens by Spanish government

  • Yellow journalism in Spain

  • The assassination of President William McKinley

  • Explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor

  • US desire for more naval bases

  • Yellow journalism in the United States

  • Declining power of European empires

  • Abuse of Cuban citizens by Spanish government


Question 5 of 30


President McKinley’s belief that all countries should be allowed to trade with China.

Select one of the following:

  • Big Stick Diplomacy

  • Open Door Policy

  • New China Policy

  • Dollar Diplomacy


Question 6 of 30


Territories gained by the US as a result of the Treaty of Paris included:

Select one of the following:

  • Philippines, Puerto Rico, Panama, and Cuba

  • Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Easter Island, and Cuba

  • Philippines, Puerto Rico, Wake Island, and Guam

  • Philippines, Puerto Rico, Panama, and Easter Island


Question 7 of 30


Guerrilla rebels fought the US for three years for control of:

Select one of the following:

  • Cuba

  • The Philippines

  • Guam

  • Panama


Question 8 of 30


Choose the set of words that best describe “Big Stick” diplomacy.

Select one of the following:

  • Roosevelt, Army Power, intimidation to discourage war, Latin American empires

  • Taft, Naval Power, intimidation to discourage rebellion, Latin American leaders

  • Roosevelt, Naval Power, intimidation to discourage war, European Colonial Powers

  • McKinley, Army Power, intimidation to discourage trade, European Colonial Powers


Question 9 of 30


Check that were obstacles to completing the Panama Canal

Select one or more of the following:

  • Money

  • Mosquitoes

  • Malaria

  • Snakes

  • Wet Dynamite

  • Continental Divide

  • The French

  • War

  • Cuba

  • Lack of government support


Question 10 of 30


The man responsible for purchasing Alaska from Russia

Select one of the following:

  • McKinley

  • Roosevelt

  • Hay

  • Seward


Question 11 of 30


"It is my belief that we should stay out of the conflicts between European colonial powers". The term that best describes this statement is

Select one of the following:

  • neutrality

  • laissez-faire

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • isolationist


Question 12 of 30


Choose the ideas that were used to support the bigger idea of imperialism.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Capitalism

  • Anglo-marxism

  • Economics

  • Social Darwinism

  • Social Gospel

  • Manifest Destiny

  • Social Marxism

  • Socialism

  • Anglo-saxonism


Question 13 of 30


Choose from the list, countries that were part of the ALLIED POWERS during World War I.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Germany

  • Mexico

  • France

  • Switzerland

  • Russia

  • Norway

  • Great Britain

  • Egypt

  • Ottoman Empire

  • Austria-Hungary


Question 14 of 30


Choose the countries that were part of the CENTRAL POWERS during World War I

Select one or more of the following:

  • Brazil

  • Spain

  • Dennmark

  • Germany

  • Sweden

  • Austria-Hungary

  • Australia


Question 15 of 30


Choose the group of terms that best fit together.

Select one of the following:

  • Zimmerman Telegram, Mexico, Southeast US, Great Britain

  • Sussex Pledge, Lusitania, U-Boats, Merchant Ships, Germany

  • Poison Gas, Machine Guns, Tanks, Rough Riders

  • Wilson, Stalin, Clemenceau, Leeuwenhoek , Orlando, "Big Five"


Question 16 of 30


To increase the number of men in the military, the US passed what Act?

Select one of the following:

  • The Indentured Servitude Act

  • The Compulsory Service Act

  • The Military Service Act

  • The Selective Service Act


Question 17 of 30


The Espionage and Sedition Acts led to people being arrested and put in jail for criticizing the US government.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 18 of 30


The War Industries Board did which of the following

Select one or more of the following:

  • Established what goods were to be made.

  • They were in charge of protecting merchant ships.

  • Bought supplies from the European Powers.

  • Regulated the flow of raw materials.

  • Set the prices for raw materials and finished goods.

  • Rationed certain materials and goods.


Question 19 of 30


Women during World War 1

Select one of the following:

  • Stayed at home and knit hats for soldiers.

  • Served in the military as pilots.

  • Replaced men in factory jobs.

  • Worked to create propaganda.


Question 20 of 30


The Great Migration was

Select one of the following:

  • Women moving to factory work from office work.

  • African Americans moving from the South to the North.

  • French citizens moving to Great Britain.

  • Europeans moving to Canada.


Question 21 of 30


____________________________ was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, this stated that the U.S. would intervene in Latin American affairs in order to maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere.

Select one of the following:

  • Open Door Policy

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • Big Stick Policy

  • Wilson's 14 Points


Question 22 of 30


Choose the phrase that best describes what a Liberty Bond was.

Select one or more of the following:

  • The way the US government raised money to build the Panama Canal.

  • A bond bought to support the building of schools for poor African American communities.

  • A loan made to the US government to support the building of Victory Gardens

  • Buying these meant you were loaning the government money for the war that would be paid back to you in the future.


Question 23 of 30


Check all the ways people supported the war effort during World War 1, on the the home front.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Growing vegetables in Victory Gardens.

  • Buying Liberty Bonds.

  • Sending troops in Europe packages with guns and wool hats.

  • Rationing the certain foods they ate.

  • Taking part in the Red Migration.

  • Building bomb shelters.

  • Following yellow journalism newspapers


Question 24 of 30


What term describes the use of posters, movies, speeches, and advertising to get people behind the war effort.

Select one of the following:

  • yellow journalism

  • war cartoons

  • sedition

  • propaganda


Question 25 of 30


Pick any of the following phrases that apply to Wilson's 14 points

Select one or more of the following:

  • European power needed to take control of Africa.

  • People should have the right to choose what nation they belong to.

  • International businesses should not exist.

  • The European Union was formed.

  • The United Nations was formed.

  • Limits should be put on the number of weapons can own.

  • There should be a organization that works to resolve conflict and prevent future wars.

  • Germany should have to pay back all of the costs related to the war.

  • Freedom of the seas and trade should always exist even during war.


Question 26 of 30


Select the group of terms that describe the causes of World War 1

Select one of the following:

  • Imperialism, Military Build up, Mutual Defense Agreements, Assassination of Kaiser Wilhelm, Nationalism

  • Isolationism, Military Build up, Mutual Defense Agreements, Assassination of Archduke Gavrilo Princip, Nationalism

  • Imperialism, Nationalism, Military Build up, Mutual Aggression Agreements, Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Magellan

  • Imperialism, Nationalism, Military Build up, Mutual Defense Agreements, Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Question 27 of 30


Choose the best option for describing where the Western Front (WF) and Eastern Front (EF) were located.

Select one of the following:

  • WF: Spain, France, Italy. EF: China, Korea, Japan

  • WF: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama. EF: Hawaii, Guam, Philippines

  • WF: France, Germany, Belgium EF: Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary

  • WF: Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary EF: France, Germany, Belgium


Question 28 of 30


The treaty that ended World War I was

Select one of the following:

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Treaty of Verdun

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Treaty of Serbia


Question 29 of 30


Choose all of the way Germany was punished after World War 1

Select one or more of the following:

  • They were forced to send all of their food to the winning countries.

  • They had to pay for bread with wheelbarrows full of money.

  • They had lots of their territory taken away including their colonies.

  • They had to apologize to the world for starting the war .

  • They had to disarm their military.

  • They had to pay reparations to the French and British.

  • They were forced to claim full responsibility for the war.


Question 30 of 30


Select the option that correctly identifies who the "Big Four" were and what their role was

Select one of the following:

  • Wilson, Clemenceau, Orlando, George; they wrote the charter for the European Union

  • Wilson, Clemenceau, Lenin, George; they worked to write the Treaty of Paris

  • Wilson, Clemenceau, Orlando, George; they worked to write the Treaty of Versailles

  • Wilson, Clemenceau, Lenin, George; they worked to write the Treaty of Versailles
