Bit(b)=Single binary digit (1 or 0)
Nibble =
Byte(B) =
Kilobyte =
Megabyte =
Terabyte =
Petabyte =
Name the smallest measure of data?
How many nibbles are there in a byte?
How many terabytes are there in 1 petabyte?
Calculate the number of megabytes in 15 terabytes.
A DVD has 300000 kilobytes of data on it. How many gigabytes is this?
Mei has 3 identical files that have a combined size of 2.1 terabytes. How big is this in gigabytes?
Adnan has an external hard drive that can store 500 gigabytes of data. How many 10000 megabyte videos can he store on the external hard drive?
Which digits are used in the binary number system?
Why do you need to convert data into binary?
True or False? 4-bit numbers can represent the denary numbers 0-255.
What is the least significant bit in the binary number 1010?
Convert the denary number 7 into binary.
Convert the binary number 00011010 into denary.
What is the largest denary number that can be represented as a 5-bit binary number?
Use the table below to convert 118 into 8-bit binary number.
What is the result of adding 1 + 1 in binary?
When performing a 1 place left shift, is a binary number doubled or halved?
If a binary number is shifted 4 places to the right, what is the effect on the size of the number?
What is an overflow error?
Add the binary numbers 10110100 + 01000101.
Use binary shift to multiply the binary number 00101011 by 4.
Which letters are used as hexadecimal digits?
True or false? Computers can process hexadecimal data.
What is the denary number 12 in hexadecimal?
Convert the binary number 1011 into hexadecimal.
Convert the hexadecimal value D into binary.
Explain why a programmer might prefer to use hexadecimal instead of binary.
Moving from right to left, how do the place values increase in hexadecimal?
How many bits can represent the same number of values as two hexadecimal digits?
Convert the denary number 167 into hexadecimal using the division method.
Convert the binary number 00111101 to hexadecimal.
Convert the hexadecimal number 9F to binary.
What is a character set?
Which character set is larger, Unicode or ASCII?
What is the size of a text file (in bits) that uses 8 bits per character and contains 80 characters?
How does the number of bits used to represent each character in a character set affect the number of characters that can be represented?
In ASCII, the binary code for ‘a’ is 01100001 and ‘b’ is 01100010. What is the binary code for ‘e’ in ASCII?
explain the advantages of Unicode over ASCII
What is colour depth?
Calculate how many different colours a 5-bit image can use.
What is the formula that relates file size, image
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using images with a high resolution.
An image is 10 pixels high, 10 pixels wide and has a colour depth of 4-bits. What is the file size of the image.
Give three types of information that are often stored in an image’s metadata.
What is meant by the term sample rate?
What is the formula to calculate sound file size?
Outline how an analogue sound wave is converted into digital data, and how quality can be lost during the conversion.
How does increasing the sample rate improve the sound quality?
Explain why sound is not always sampled using settings that give the highest possible quality.
A 200 second piece of audio is sampled using a sample rate of 30 Hz and a bit depth of 10 bits. What is the file size of the sampled audio?
What does compressing a file mean?
True or false? Lossless compression temporarily removes data.
Give two benefits of compressing files.
The owner of a website that allows users to stream and download music is deciding which type of compression to use on the music files. Explain the advantages of using lossy compression instead of lossless compression.