What is بضع سنين?
1 to 10 years
3 to 9 years
3 to 7 years
1 to 2 years
Fatwa is ___________________.
Legal verdict - religious solution to a problem
based on only Qur'an
A Legal Opinion every muslim is supposed to follow
Who can see true meaningful dreams?
Only Righteous People
Muslims Only
Elderly People
Yusuf was known for his qualities by the people around him, which of the following qualities were mentioned in these ayahs?
Which type of soul constantly commands to do evil?
Who said this قالوا اضغاث احلام وما نحن بتاويل الاحلام بعالمين?
King's Chiefs
Translation of سبع سنين دابا is ______________.
Seven Years Consecutively
Seven Years of Famine
Seven Years of Jail Time
Seven Years of Prosperity
Running translation of the following ayahs: ولاجر الاخرة خير للذين امنوا وكانوا يتقون
And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believed and were fearing Allah
And the reward of the Hereafter is for those who believed and were fearing Allah
And reward of the Hereafter is for only those who believed and have Taqwa
Who said the following statement? قال اجعلني على خزائن الارض اني حفيظ عليم
Azeez's Wife
The Prisoner
Translation of المحسنين is: May Allah make us one of the Muhsineen, Aameen!
Those who do utmost good
The ones who do favors on others
Those who pray regularly
Those who fulfil their responsibilities