Jaslyn Villalona
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Practice test for Dr. Geiger Biology 2 Exam

Jaslyn Villalona
Created by Jaslyn Villalona over 2 years ago

Exam 3 Practice Test

Question 1 of 55


Which feature/trait do squid and octopus have that other members of phylum Mollusca, such as clams/oysters/snails, do not have?

Select one of the following:

  • heterotrphy

  • bilateral symmetry

  • closed circulatory system

  • tissues

  • multicellularity


Question 2 of 55


Which of the following is (are) unique to animals ?

Select one of the following:

  • heterotrophy

  • flagellated gametes

  • nervous conduction and muscular movement

  • the structural carbohydrate, chitin

  • cells that have mitochondria


Question 3 of 55


What is an important advantage to a closed circulatory system?

Select one of the following:

  • quicker early development

  • improved movement/activity

  • development of coelom

  • development of tissues


Question 4 of 55


Which of the following groups of insects do we think has the highest number of species?

(NOTE: over 400,000 species have been described so far in this group of insects)

Select one of the following:

  • butterflies

  • flies

  • beetles

  • bees/wasps/ants

  • grasshoppers


Question 5 of 55


Which of these, if true, would support the claim that the ancestral cnidarians had bilateral symmetry?

1.) Cnidarian larvae possess anterior-posterior, left-right, and dorsal-ventral sides/positions.

2.) Cnidarians have fewer Hox genes than bilaterians.

3.) All living cnidarians have both endoderm and ectoderm layers as embryos.

4.) All cnidarians are acoelomate.

Select one of the following:

  • statements 2 & 4 only

  • statement 1 only

  • statements 2 & 3 only

  • statements 3 & 4 only


Question 6 of 55


Which of the following is NOT a feature of chordates?

Select one of the following:

  • pharyngeal slits/clefts

  • ecdysis (i.e., molting)

  • dorsal. hollow nerve cord

  • post-anal tail

  • notochord


Question 7 of 55


Which of the following are the only living animals that descended directly from dinosaurs?

Select one of the following:

  • snakes

  • birds

  • tuataras

  • lizards

  • crocodiles


Question 8 of 55


What can ~ most amphibians do that humans cannot do?

Select one of the following:

  • walk using legs

  • breathe through their skin

  • resist gravity with bony internal skeleton

  • have separate pulmonary circuit

  • breathe through lungs


Question 9 of 55


Which 2 important features distinguish bony fish (e.g., goldfish, grouper) from cartilaginous fish (e.g., stingrays, sharks)?

Select one of the following:

  • gill cover/operculum & post-anal tail

  • post-anal tail & swim bladder

  • dorsal, hollow nerve chord and gills

  • swim bladder & gill cover/ operculum

  • dorsal, hollow nerve chord & post-anal tail


Question 10 of 55


Which of the following are the most abundant and diverse of living vertebrates?

Select one of the following:

  • mammals

  • birds

  • insects

  • amphibians

  • ray-finned fishes


Question 11 of 55


Do members of the phylum Cnidaria have a separate mouth and anus?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes

  • No


Question 12 of 55


In terms of numbers of species, which is the most successful group of animals?

Select one of the following:

  • birds

  • mollusks

  • fishes

  • mammals

  • arthropods


Question 13 of 55


Arthropods invaded land about 100 million years before vertebrates did so. This most clearly implies that...

Select one of the following:

  • arthropods evolved before vertebrates did

  • ancestral arthropods must have been poorly adapted to aquatic life and thus experienced a selective pressure to invade land

  • arthropods have had more time to coevolve with land plants than vertebrates have had

  • extant terrestrial arthropods are better adopted to terrestrial life than are extant terrestrial vertebrates


Question 14 of 55


Of the following organisms, which are amniotes ?

Select one of the following:

  • egg-laying mammals only

  • amphibians

  • fishes

  • mammals

  • placental mammals only


Question 15 of 55


Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments?

Select one of the following:

  • the ability to maintain a constant body temperature

  • two pairs of appendages

  • a four-chambered heart

  • the shelled, amniotic egg

  • bony scales


Question 16 of 55


What kind of symmetry do members of the phylum Porifera exhibit?

Select one of the following:

  • bilateral symmetry

  • isohedral symmetry

  • radial symmetry

  • no symmetry


Question 17 of 55


Some corals have photosynthetic organisms (i.e., zooxanthellae) living within their tissues. What benefit do these corals get from their photosynthetic 'house- mates"?

Select one of the following:

  • sugars

  • CO2 (carbon dioxide)

  • prey items that the zooxanthellae capture

  • a safe place to live


Question 18 of 55


What feature do cnidarians have that porifera do not have?

Select one of the following:

  • multicellularity

  • sexual reproduction

  • hetertrophy

  • tissues


Question 19 of 55


Which of the following terms describes an animal with a body cavity completely enclosed within mesoderm tissue?

Select one of the following:

  • pseudocoelomate

  • quasicoelomate

  • coelomate

  • acoelomate


Question 20 of 55


The presence of a swim bladder allows the typical ray-finned fish to stop swimming and still

Select one of the following:

  • be highly maneuverable

  • effectively circulate its blood

  • use its own bladder as a respiratory organ

  • not sink


Question 21 of 55


Which of the following features is NOT present in arthropods?

Select one of the following:

  • molting of exoskeleton to grow

  • closed circulatory system

  • segmentation of body parts

  • open circulatory system

  • molting (i.e., replacement of "old" exoskeleton with new one)


Question 22 of 55


Which of the following is not an insect?

Select one of the following:

  • butterfly

  • bettle

  • ant

  • spider

  • bee


Question 23 of 55


Acoelomate (i.e., no coelom) is a feature of chordates... true or false?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 24 of 55


Which of the following organisms does NOT have a 4 chambered heart?

Select one of the following:

  • crocidile

  • parrot

  • frog

  • opossum

  • platypus


Question 25 of 55


A "complete digestive tract" differs from a gastrovascular cavity in that only the complete tract

Select one of the following:

  • permits extracellular digestion

  • has teeth and tentacles to help with ingestion

  • uses its surface area for nutrient absorption

  • has specialized compartments

  • allows elimination of undigested waste


Question 26 of 55


In humans, the first opportunity for ingested food to undergo enzymatic hydrolysis is in the

Select one of the following:

  • mouth

  • stomach

  • liver

  • small intestine

  • large intestine


Question 27 of 55


The brush border/microvilli of the epithelial cells lining the small intestine have a specific form. What is their function?

Select one of the following:

  • clean the surfaces of the intestinal cells

  • promote movement of waste products

  • promote movement of chyme

  • nutrient absorption

  • waste excretion


Question 28 of 55


The bile salts function in fat digestion by

Select one of the following:

  • hydrolyzing fat molecules to glycerol and fatty acids

  • separating individual fat molecules from each other

  • dissolving fats in water

  • dispersing big droplets of fats to small droplets

  • triggering the secretion of pancreatic lipase


Question 29 of 55


Increased glucose levels in blood, after a meal trigger

Select one of the following:

  • glucagon release from pancreas

  • insulin release from the pancreas

  • secretin release from the duodenum

  • cholecystokinin release from the pancreas

  • activation of amylase in the blood


Question 30 of 55


Glucagon, the pancreatic hormone, functions to

Select one of the following:

  • stimulate hunger

  • inhibit activity in the small intestine

  • increase fat storage in fat cells

  • reduce glucose levels in the blood

  • stimulate the liver to release glucose


Question 31 of 55


The fluid that moves around in the circulatory system of a typical arthropod is the

Select one of the following:

  • intracellular fluid

  • interstitial fluid/hemolymph

  • blood plasma

  • digestive juices

  • cytosol


Question 32 of 55


Corrected order of blood flow in human circulatory system:

Select one of the following:

  • left ventricle, aorta, right ventricle, lungs, & systemic capillaries

  • left ventricle, right ventricle, aorta, systemic capillaries , & lungs

  • left ventricle, aorta, systemic capillaries , right ventricle, & lungs

  • left ventricle, aorta, lungs, systemic capillaries, right ventricle


Question 33 of 55


Which of the following tissue types is incorrectly matched with its function?

Select one of the following:

  • epithelial tissue- covers and lines organs and body cavities

  • muscle tissue- holds the tissues and organs in place

  • connective tissue- stores fat and provides flexibility

  • nervous tissue- processing and transmission of information


Question 34 of 55


Heat exchange between an organism and its environment to maintain body temperature (thermoregulation) is achieved by

Select one of the following:

  • radiation

  • conduction

  • convection

  • evaporation

  • all of the above


Question 35 of 55


For blood flow in fish gills, net movement of oxygen from water into blood occurs only in the first half of the distance where blood and water are in close contact

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 36 of 55


The desert ant, which lives in the Sahara Desert, has several features and behaviors that allow it to live in such a harsh environment. These include all the following, except

Select one of the following:

  • living in underground burrows that are much cooler than the above ground temperatures.

  • unusual enzymes that work optimally at extremely hot temperatures.

  • only leaving its burrows during the day to capture its prey items.

  • long legs that allow it to run very fast to capture its prey so it spends little time aboveground.

  • long legs which lift its body above the extremely hot desert sands.


Question 37 of 55


Galapagos iguanas are the only iguana species that regularly spends time in saltwater, where they eat macroalgae growing on the submerged rocks. They manage to stay warm enough to swim in the very cold waters surrounding the Galapagos islands. They stay warm enough by all the following, except

Select one of the following:

  • They gain heat via conduction by laying next to other iguanas that are warmer.

  • They gain heat via evaporation in their relatively large nasal (i.e., nose) cavities.

  • They gain heat via radiation from the sun shining down on them.

  • They gain heat via conduction from lying on the dark rocks on land.


Question 38 of 55


A defining characteristic of birds

Select one of the following:

  • is a four-chambered heart.

  • is that they build nests and care for their young.

  • are feathers.

  • is their having both a systemic circuit and a pulmonary circuit.

  • is endothermy.


Question 39 of 55


The 4 characteristic features of chordates include all the following, except

Select one of the following:

  • notochord.

  • dorsal hollow nerve cord.

  • post-anal tail.

  • pharyngeal slits/clefts.

  • bony or cartilaginous vertebral column.


Question 40 of 55


Successful invasion of the land by tetrapods required all the following, except

Select one of the following:

  • systems to prevent embryos from drying out.

  • system to prevent the whole-body desiccation.

  • lungs which were more efficient than fish gills to extract oxygen from the air.

  • redesigned heart and circulatory systems to support larger muscles.

  • legs to support the weight of the body.


Question 41 of 55


A student in a general biology 2 class told their professor that they missed class the previous week because they had suffered an injury to their notochord. Is this possible?

Select one of the following:

  • No, as the notochord is located within and protected by the rigid vertebral column containing calcium phosphate.

  • No, as human adults do not have a notochord.

  • Yes, as the notochord is made of cartilage which is not as rigid as bone.

  • Yes, as general biology 2 students very often suffer damage to their notochords because of poor posture when reading their textbooks.

  • Yes, as the notochord is not contained within or protected by the bony vertebral column.


Question 42 of 55


How many different cell types are in the human body?

Select one of the following:

  • ~50

  • ~200

  • 4

  • ~100

  • ~500


Question 43 of 55


Is the human body’s response to excessively cold temperatures, shivering and vasoconstriction of blood vessels near the skin surface, voluntary or involuntary?

Select one of the following:

  • voluntary

  • involuntary

  • It depends on the person


Question 44 of 55


A true 4-chambered heart does not allow

Select one of the following:

  • the mixing of blood from the systemic circuit with the pulmonary circuit.

  • the mixing of blood from the pulmonary circuit with the gill circuit.

  • the mixing of blood from the right side of the body with the left side of the body.

  • the mixing of blood from the systemic circuit with the gill circuit.

  • the mixing of blood from the right lung with the left lung.


Question 45 of 55


Is the human body’s response to excessively hot temperatures, sweating and vasodilation of blood vessels near the skin surface, voluntary or involuntary?

Select one of the following:

  • voluntary

  • involuntary

  • It depends on the person


Question 46 of 55


Where do absorbed fats finally enter the blood?

Select one of the following:

  • within chylomicrons in the lymph at the subclavian veins

  • from epithelial cells lining the small intestine into the hepatic portal vein

  • within chylomicrons in the lymph into the hepatic portal vein

  • within chylomicrons in the liver

  • from epithelial cells lining the small intestine into the hepatic portal artery


Question 47 of 55


The body stores excess glucose as all the following, except

Select one of the following:

  • glycogen in the pancreas

  • glycogen in the muscles

  • glycogen in the liver

  • fat in adipose tissue


Question 48 of 55


Why is the protease pepsin released from cells in an inactive form?

Select one of the following:

  • so it can reach very high concentrations within the cells

  • so that it can be produced constantly

  • so it does not break down proteins found within the cells

  • so it can be produced only when it is needed

  • so it can be more easily transported across plasma membranes


Question 49 of 55


What would be an important consequence of losing all your alpha cells in your pancreas?

Select one of the following:

  • inability to lower your blood glucose levels once they are > 90 mg/100ml

  • inability to raise your blood glucose levels once they are < 90 mg/100ml

  • inability to increase the pH of the chyme entering your duodenum

  • inability to decrease the pH of the chyme entering your duodenum

  • inability to use glucose as a source of energy in your cells


Question 50 of 55


A very low level of glucose in the blood after a long period of fasting will cause

Select one of the following:

  • activation of amylase in the blood.

  • pepsinogen release from chief cells in the stomach.

  • insulin release from the pancreas.

  • secretin release from the duodenum.

  • glucagon release from the pancreas.


Question 51 of 55


What is meant by the term “essential” in reference to nutrients?

Select one of the following:

  • They cannot be synthesized within the human body and need to be a part of the diet.

  • They are needed only during early developmental stages and are not needed once an organism reaches maturity.

  • They can only be synthesized by plants and therefore are not needed by animals.

  • They can only be synthesized by animals and therefore are not needed by plants.

  • They can be created from scratch/de novo within the human body from other organic molecules.


Question 52 of 55


Which of the following is mismatched?

Select one of the following:

  • O2 rich blood — arteriole

  • O2 rich blood — left ventricle

  • O2 poor blood — venule

  • O2 rich blood — pulmonary artery

  • O2 poor blood — right atrium


Question 53 of 55


The following structures are involved in the vertebrate circulatory system: (1) veins, (2) arterioles, (3) capillaries, (4) venules, and (5) arteries. What is the correct order of blood flow once it leaves the capillary beds?

Select one of the following:

  • 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

  • 4, 1, 2, 5, 3

  • 5, 2, 1, 4, 3


Question 54 of 55


Why do arteries have thicker walls than veins have?

Select one of the following:

  • to minimize the passage of molecules through the endothelial cells

  • to allow greater diffusion of amino acids and glucose

  • to allow greater diffusion of O2 and CO2

  • to tolerate the greater blood pressure found within the arteries

  • to maintain the volume of blood in the circulatory system


Question 55 of 55


What is returned to the blood at the junction between the lymphatic system and the circulatory system?

Select one of the following:

  • chylomicrons

  • BOTH fluid lost from the capillary beds and chylomicrons

  • fluid lost from the capillary beds

  • glucose and amino acids from digestion
