1. “They’re in a hurry,” Anna said said to told to( said, said to, told to ) me.
2. Quelle phrase est correcte ?
Anna said she was sick.
Anna told she was sick.
Anna said me she was sick.
Quelle phrase n'est PAS correcte ?
Anna said goodbye.
Anna said me goodbye.
Anna said goodbye to me.
I heard a beautiful voice say tell( say, tell ), “Hi there! ”.
5. Say me Tell me( Say me, Tell me ) your name!
6. Quelle phrase est incorrecte ?
Anna said her age.
Anna told me her age.
Anna told to me her age.
Anna said her age to me.
7. He said told( said, told ) a strange thing.
8. Quelle phrase est incorrecte ?
Anna said she would come a bit later.
Anna told she would come a bit later.
Anna said to me she would come a bit later.
9. Anna says me tells me( says me, tells me ) she will be late tonight.
10. Est-ce que l’on est obligé d’utiliser that dans la phrase suivante : Anna tells me that you’re not coming.
11. Everyone tells says( tells, says ) that I look like my Dad.
12. Quelle phrase est incorrecte ?
What did I tell you?
What did you say?
What did you tell?
13. Anna said told( said, told ) “I’m hungry”.
14. I have to tell say( tell, say ) you something important.
15. What did Anna say tell( say, tell )?
16. Anna just wanted to say tell tell her( say, tell, tell her ) hello.
17. Est-ce que les deux phrases suivantes ont le mĂŞme sens ? Anna told me that she liked him. Anna told me she liked him.
18. Quelle phrase est correcte ?
He said he would be right back.
He said that he will be right back.
He said he is right back.
19. I agreed with Anna, “Well told said( told, said ), Anna!”.
20. Quelle phrase est incorrecte ?
Anna says, “He loves me”.
Anna tells me that he loved her.
Anna says to me that he has loved her.
Anna tells that he loves her.
21. Comment traduiriez-vous « Je dois dire que je suis déçu(e). » en anglais ?
I must tell that I’m very disappointed.
I must say I’m very disappointed.
That’s to say that I’m very disappointed.
I’ll tell you what, I’m very disappointed.
I’m telling you, I’m very disappointed.
22. Anna told me said said to me( told me, said, said to me ) a joke and I laughed.
23. Quelle phrase est incorrecte ?
Do you know how to say the time in English?
Do you know how to tell the time in English?
Do you know how to tell time in English?
24. Can I tell say to( tell, say to ) you a secret? ?
25. Pinocchio’s nose grows every time he tells says( tells, says ) a lie. ?
26. "I can do this," I said to told( said to, told ) myself.