Created by Michael-owen sons
over 2 years ago
“Her hands dug into my flesh and she dragged me off the mattress across the floor. I slapped her away. I was happy sleeping dead.
“Leave her. You can’t save all of them,” Handler Xavier said. I opened my eyes and saw him smacking Kitty’s arm.”
Your only favourite place, your haven and place of peace was destroyed in an already destroyed society - How must you feel?
“I climb the fire escape to the top of the building and leap across the rooftops. It is as busy as a sewer full of rats. I run past the shanties, the cooking fires, the lines of washing.”
“leap across to the next roof.”
“I take the fire escape at the side of the building and peer in at the windows until I find something that interests me. Three floors down, I stop.”
Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism.
“ It will be Kitty who gets to do it. Not you. She will succeed where you have failed. She will be free and you will be a drudge. Dead-brain. Coward.
I climb down the fire escape to the market below. This is one game Kitty is not going to play without me. I have to find out what they are planning. I must be part of it.”