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Created by Luis Alberto Andia Celaya
over 9 years ago
1. What are the names of the kings that rule in Spain in the 18th century?
2. Main characteristics of the old regime:
3. What had caused the subsistence crisis in the 18th century?
4. What are the reasons of the increase of the population?
5. Classification of the stratified society.
6. During the absolutism, which privileges had the nobility?
7. What is the Enlightenment?
8. What means mercantilism?
9. What principles did the French scholars defend in their writings?
10. What were the two houses of the Parliament during the English Revolution?
11. What is required to have a monarchy of limited power, as England?
12. When has been the USA’s Declaration of Independence signed?
13. Which was the motto of the American Revolution?
14.How many English colonies composed the first United States of America?
15. In the American State, what warranted the Constitutional text?
16. What rights are in the declaration of rights in the country’s first constitution?
17. What countries participated in the war of succession?
18. Who were the two first Spanish Bourbon?
19. Which were the main objectives of the Spanish enlightened after the crisis of the Austria’s empire?
20. How did the Spanish economy improve on the 18th century?
1-Which were the economically causes of the French Revolution?
2- When started the French Revolution (year)?
3- What proposed the third state at the begining of the revolution?
4-What happened the 14th of July of 1789?
5-Which were the main stages and dates of the French Revolution?
6-Which was the longest period in the French Revolution?
7-How was proclaimed the republic?
8-Why did the European monarchies form the coalition against the revolutionary France?
9-Which two main events occurred in 1793?
10-When took place the coup d'etat of termidor?
11-What did Napoleon do?
12- How did Napoleon's Empire fall?
13. What did the winners of Napoleon create at the Congress of Vienna?
14. What did the liberalism advocate?
15.What did the nationalism want to keep?
16. Which were the successes of the revolutions of 1820 and 1830?
17- What had in common the union of Italy and Germany?
18-What did Garibaldi with a popular uprising?
19- How was proved the advance of the nationalism in Europe?
20- What kinds of conflicts continued in the late of XIX century?