itachi uchiha
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

CH 3: Analyzing the Marketing Environment

itachi uchiha
Created by itachi uchiha almost 2 years ago

MARKETING CH 3: Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Question 1 of 39


The​ demographic, economic,​ natural, technological,​ political, and cultural forces that affect a​ company's ability to serve its customers make up which of the​ following?

Select one of the following:

  • Macroenvironment

  • Technological environment

  • Cultural environment

  • Marketing environment

  • Microenvironment


Question 2 of 39


Which is now the largest generation alive in the United​ States?

Select one of the following:

  • Millennials

  • Baby boomers

  • Generation Alpha

  • Generation Z

  • Generation X


Question 3 of 39


The first generation to come of age in a world filled with​ computers, mobile​ phones, and online social​ media, ________​ embrace(s) technology as a way of life.

Select one of the following:

  • Generation X

  • millennials

  • baby boomers

  • Generation Alpha

  • Generation Z


Question 4 of 39


Americans are a mobile​ people, with about 9 percent of all U.S. residents moving each year. Which population trend does this​ describe?

Select one of the following:

  • Decreases in populations in Oregon and Alabama

  • An exodus from the suburbs

  • Increases in populations in New York and Connecticut

  • A shift from the Sunbelt states to the Snowbelt states

  • A shift from rural to metropolitan areas


Question 5 of 39


Which environment shows trends including shortages of certain raw​ materials, higher pollution​ levels, and more government​ intervention?

Select one of the following:

  • The political environment

  • The economic environment

  • The natural environment

  • The sociocultural environment

  • The technological environment


Question 6 of 39


Wonders such as​ smartphones, driverless​ cars, and antibiotics can be attributed to which marketing​ environment?

Select one of the following:

  • Social

  • Political

  • Natural

  • Cultural

  • Technological


Question 7 of 39


Environmental sustainability means​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

  • doing good deeds to atone for the strain that a business puts on the natural environment

  • sacrificing business success to protect natural resources

  • using fewer natural resources than​ one's competitors

  • precisely following federal and state environmental regulations


Question 8 of 39


The​ ________ environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a​ society's basic​ values, perceptions,​ preferences, and behaviors.

Select one of the following:

  • demographic

  • .

  • technological

  • cultural

  • economic


Question 9 of 39


To exercise social​ responsibility, many companies are linking themselves to what type of​ marketing?

Select one of the following:

  • Generational

  • ​Cause-related

  • Technological

  • Environmental

  • Intermediaries


Question 10 of 39


Which statement regarding cultural values is​ true?

Select one of the following:

  • Core beliefs and values are more open to change than secondary values.

  • The media pushes core values onto the community.

  • Marketers have no chance of changing secondary values

  • Secondary beliefs and values are less open to change than core beliefs.

  • Marketers have little chance of changing core values.


Question 11 of 39


Which of the following is NOT one of the components of a​ company's microenvironment?

Select one of the following:

  • Marketing intermediaries

  • Customer markets

  • Suppliers

  • Cultural forces

  • Competitors


Question 12 of 39


Which of the following is NOT one of the forces in a​ company's macroenvironment that shape opportunities and pose threats to the​ company?

Select one of the following:

  • Technological forces

  • Economic forces

  • Demographic forces

  • Competitive forces

  • Cultural forces


Question 13 of 39


The​ company's ________ consists of actors close to the company that combine to form its value delivery network or that affect its ability to serve customers.

Select one of the following:

  • supply chain

  • .
    natural environment

  • macroenvironment

  • competitive environment

  • microenvironment


Question 14 of 39


Which is NOT one of the major actors in the​ microenvironment?

Select one of the following:

  • Competitors

  • Suppliers

  • Cultural forces

  • Customers

  • The company


Question 15 of 39


In terms of the​ microenvironment, any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an​ organization's ability to achieve its objectives is called a​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • supplier

  • marketing intermediary

  • .

  • customer

  • competitor


Question 16 of 39


Which of the following statements is correct regarding generational​ marketing?

Select one of the following:

  • Each generation shares similar​ socio-economic status​ (SES).

  • The changing age structure of the population is of little importance to marketers.

  • Generation​ Alpha, Millennials, and Gen Z are so similar that marketers can treat them as one segment.

  • Demographically, generational marketing in the U.S. today is characterized by rising birthrates and shorter life expectancies.

  • Defining people by their birth date may be less effective than segmenting them by​ lifestyle, life​ stage, or common values.


Question 17 of 39


One recent trend in the​ ________ is that rather than reverting to their old​ free-spending ways, Americans are retaining an enthusiasm for frugality.

Select one of the following:

  • technological environment

  • economic environment

  • political environment

  • demographic environment

  • sociocultural environment


Question 18 of 39


​Age, race,​ gender, and other statistics are part of a​ company's ________ environment.

Select one of the following:

  • cultural

  • micro

  • political

  • demographic

  • economic


Question 19 of 39


Marketers keep a close eye on demographic trends and developments in their markets. They analyze​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • changing age and family​ structures, geographic population​ shifts, consumption​ habits, and population diversity

  • changing age and family​ structures, geographic population​ shifts, political​ shifts, educational​ characteristics, and population diversity

  • .
    changing age and family​ structures, geographic population​ shifts, educational​ characteristics, technological​ advances, and population diversity

  • changing age and family​ structures, geographic population​ shifts, economic​ changes, and population diversity

  • changing age and family​ structures, geographic population​ shifts, educational​ characteristics, and population diversity


Question 20 of 39


The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • increasingly diverse markets

  • a​ better-educated, more​ white-collar, more professional​ population

  • ​people, and people make up markets

  • changes in the age structure of the population

  • geographic shifts in population


Question 21 of 39


The wealthiest generation in U.S. history​ is/are ________.

Select one of the following:

  • Generation X

  • the millenials

  • Generation Z

  • the baby boomers

  • Generation Alpha


Question 22 of 39


Major economic variables include​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • income, cost of​ living, and savings and borrowing patterns

  • income, cost of​ living, and government regulation

  • income, occupation, and savings and borrowing patterns

  • population, age, and occupation

  • income, savings and borrowing​ patterns, and lifestyle


Question 23 of 39


Which of the following is an important trend in the natural environment of which marketers should be​ aware?

Select one of the following:

  • A decrease in consumer concern toward the environment

  • Decreased government intervention

  • Decreased pollution

  • Shortages of raw materials

  • A decreased emphasis on sustainability


Question 24 of 39


The IoT is part of which external marketing​ environment?

Select one of the following:

  • The economic environment

  • The technological environment

  • The sociocultural environment

  • The natural environment

  • The demographic environment


Question 25 of 39


Being environmentally sustainable​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • is being embraced by fewer and fewer companies

  • is​ nice, but is not part of​ companies' core missions

  • makes poor business sense

  • is just about doing the right thing

  • can help deliver more value to customers


Question 26 of 39


Environmental sustainability concerns have grown steadily over the past three decades. Marketers should be aware of three primary trends in the natural​ environment, which include​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • increased government​ intervention, increased​ pollution, and the expense associated with sustainability

  • growing shortages of raw​ materials, increased​ pollution, and increased government intervention in natural resource management

  • increased global pollution especially in​ Asia, climate​ change, and the refusal of foreign governments to address it

  • growing depletion of natural​ resources, climate​ change, and accompanying shortages of raw materials

  • climate​ change, increased government intervention in environmental​ regulation, and the accompanying regulations


Question 27 of 39


Which of the following is true regarding the technological​ environment?

Select one of the following:

  • Companies must keep up with changes in technology or risk being left behind.

  • Technological changes are the second most dramatic force in the​ macroenvironment, after the economy.

  • Changes in technology are always beneficial to consumers and society.

  • As products and technology become more​ complex, safety becomes less of a concern.

  • The pace of technological change is slowing down.


Question 28 of 39


Changes in the​ ___________ have focused greater emphasis on ethics and socially responsible actions.

Select one of the following:

  • economic environment

  • political and social environment

  • cultural environment

  • technological environment

  • demographic environment


Question 29 of 39


Which of the following is NOT a recent shift in secondary U.S. cultural​ values?

Select one of the following:

  • The past two decades have seen a sharp increase in confidence in and loyalty toward​ America's business and political organizations and institutions.

  • People have recognized that nature is finite and​ fragile; it can be destroyed or spoiled by human activities.

  • People have been moving away from materialism to seek more permanent values.

  • American patriotism has been increasing gradually for the past two decades.

  • People use​ products, brands, and services as a means of​ self-expression, and they buy products and services that match their views of themselves.


Question 30 of 39


3.4Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments.
Question 3, Study Plan 3.4.1
2 correct
Points: 0 of 1

Question list

Question 1
Question 2

Legislation affecting business around the world has increased steadily over the years within the political environment. The increased legislation has been enacted in three primary​ areas, including​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • laws protecting companies from each​ other, laws protecting companies doing business​ internationally, and laws protecting consumers

  • laws protecting companies from excessive​ regulation, laws protecting​ consumers, and laws protecting the interests of society

  • laws protecting companies from each​ other, laws protecting​ consumers, and laws protecting the interests of society

  • laws protecting the interests of society against unrestrained business​ behavior, laws protecting​ environmentalists, and laws protecting children

  • government regulation to protect consumers from unfair business​ practices, laws protecting​ children, and laws protecting the interests of society


Question 31 of 39


Companies that proactively take stands on​ social, political, and environmental issues are engaging in​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • social irresponsibility

  • sustainability

  • data security

  • exploitation

  • brand activism


Question 32 of 39


The cultural environment consists of​ ________ that affect a​ society's values,​ perceptions, preferences, and behaviors.

Select one of the following:

  • institutions

  • institutions and forces

  • a​ population's set of beliefs

  • diverse cultural settings

  • cultural beliefs and forces


Question 33 of 39


Marketers want to predict cultural shifts to spot new opportunities or threats. The major cultural values of a society are expressed in​ people's views of themselves and​ others, as well as in their views of​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • ​organizations, society,​ nature, and the universe

  • ​organizations, society,​ neighborhoods, and the universe

  • ​society, nature,​ schools, and the universe

  • ​organizations, society,​ schools, and nature

  • organizations, institutions,​ society, schools, and nature


Question 34 of 39


What advice would you give a firm about how to respond to the changing marketing​ environment?

Select one of the following:

  • If the current strategy is​ working, there is no need to respond to environmental changes.

  • Whenever​ possible, take a proactive approach to the environment.

  • Watch environmental changes but react only when absolutely necessary

  • Do not do anything until competitors respond.

  • Accept the fact that things change and not much can be done about it.


Question 35 of 39


Firms that develop strategies to change the​ environment, instead of assuming that strategic options are bounded by the current​ environment, are being​ _______.

Select one of the following:

  • shortsighted

  • reactive

  • .

  • proactive

  • passive


Question 36 of 39


A company with a proactive stance toward the marketing environment would be MOST LIKELY to do which of the following in the face of​ unfounded, negative chatter about their​ product?

Select one of the following:

  • Focus on marketing other products in their line.

  • Try to hush up the negative talk.

  • Accept the negative consequences.

  • Ignore the issue.

  • Counter the false information.


Question 37 of 39


Many companies see the marketing environment as uncontrollable. They​ ________ that will help the company avoid the threats and take advantage of the opportunities the environment provides.

Select one of the following:

  • analyze environmental forces and execute strategies

  • analyze environmental forces and design strategies

  • analyze macroenvironmental forces and execute strategies

  • analyze microenvironmental forces and execute strategies

  • do not analyze environmental forces and design strategies


Question 38 of 39


Some companies do not see the marketing environment as uncontrollable. They take a​ ________ stance toward the marketing environment and develop strategies to​ ________ the environment.

Select one of the following:

  • ​wait-and-see; adapt to

  • ​proactive; change

  • ​reactive; change

  • reactive; adapt to

  • proactive; adapt to


Question 39 of 39


Rather than simply watching and responding to environmental​ events, aggressive firms can be proactive by​ ________.

Select one of the following:

  • following existing laws

  • .
    monitoring social media

  • pressing lawsuits to keep competitors in line

  • reacting to changes in the environment as they occur

  • waiting for other firms to respond to changes in the environment
