Keer's 2013 study found:
I think my attitudes are based (meta-base) on affect - I judge ❌ more positively. However, positive message judgement is no guarantee for actual persuasion.
I think my attitudes are based (meta-base) on cognition - I judge ❌ messages more positively. However, positive message judgement is no guarantee for actual persuasion.
Tests show my attitudes are based (structural base) on affect - more likely to change attitude if receiving message based on ❌.
Tests show my attitudes are based (structural base) on cognition - more likely to change attitude if receiving message based ❌ Individuals with a cognitive structural base are equally accepting of arguments that challenge their beliefs as they are of those that provide a new type of information.
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affective messages
affective messages
cognitive messages
cognitive messages
on cognition.
on cognition.