Each question in this quiz is timed.
Which of the following occurs in leprosy:
A) Localized hyper pigmentation
B ) Localized hypo pigmentation
C) Generalized hyper pigmentation
D) Generalized hypo pigmentation
Monckeberg's sclerosis is an example of:
A) Dystrophic calcification in dead tissue
B) Dystrophic calcification in degenerated tissue
C)Metastatic calcification
D) non of the above
Heart failure cells can be seen in :
A) chronic pulmonary venous congestion
B) Myocarditis
C) Meningioma
D) Haematomas
Vincent's angina is an example of:
A) Necrotizing inflammation
B) Serous inflammation
C) Fibrinous inflammation
D) pseudomembranous inflammation
Inflammatory exudate is formed due to :
A) increased vascular permeability
B) increased interstitial osmotic pressure
C) Arteriolar vasodilatation
D) All of the above