Created by Tyler Lowe
almost 2 years ago
Levee en masse
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Marquis de Lafayette
Olympe de Gouges
Count artois
General Dumouriez
Lazare Carnot
France's pre-revolution problems
The Estates- General composition
The Tennis Court Oath
The storming of the Bastille
The Great Fear
The Abolition of Feudalism
Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen
The Women's March on Paris
Civil Constitution of the church
Changes while France was a constitutional monarchy
Jacobins vs. Girondins
The September Massacres of 1792
The National Convention
The battle of Valmy
The Reign of Terror
The Committee of Public Safety
How the Jacobins used the san-culottes
The new calendar
The Themidorians
The Directory