A client has four site options that he is considering for his new low rise, office building project and he wants to pick the site that fits best to his main project goal which is creating a sustainable building. All four sites are in temperate climate and targeting to use limited mechanical heating and cooling systems during the day while still providing maximum thermal comfort to its users. Which of the following site options sounds best choice for this client?
Available Sites:
Site-A: Is elongated in East / West axis and has existing deciduous trees on Southeast side of the lot. The lot is located at the top of a hill, that looks toward a valley that is located on south where city view is also available.
Site-B: Is elongated in North/ South axis and has existing evergreen trees on south east and north sides of the lot and low-rise neighboring buildings on north side. The lot is located at the bottom of a valley and has a natural pond on its South edge.
Site-C: Is elongated in East / West axis and has existing mid-rise neighboring buildings on both East and West sides. It also has deciduous trees on south east side of the lot. The lot is located mid-way through a hill.
Site-D: Is elongated in East / West axis and has existing evergreen trees on East, South and Northwest sides of the lot. The lot is located located mid-way through a hill and has a natural pond on its West edge.
Select one of the following: