Viktor Gustafsson
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Sjuuuper, created by Viktor Gustafsson on 01/03/2023.

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Viktor Gustafsson
Created by Viktor Gustafsson over 1 year ago


Question 1 of 79


Which of the constellations below forms the most completed venture team description?

Select one of the following:

  • Management team, Board of Directors, Founders, Board of Accountants, Financial Officers

  • Management team, Board of Accountants, Lenders and Investors, Other Professionals (consultants), Lawyer, Accountant, Founders

  • Management team, Board of Directors, Lenders and Investors, Other Professionals (consultants), Board of Advisors, Key Employees, Founders

  • Management team, Board of Directors, Accountants Investors, Other Professionals (consultants), Key Employees, Founders


Question 2 of 79


The most common reason for choosing to become an entrepreneur is according the course

Select one of the following:

  • To be my own boss

  • To be independant

  • To become rich(er)

  • Develope own ideas


Question 3 of 79


What is correct regarding GEM and TEA

Select one of the following:

  • GEM, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor updates yearly the TEA, Total entrepreneurial activity in different countries

  • GEM and TEA are two different indexes, Global Entrepreneurial Monitor Index and Total Early stage Entrepreneurial Activity

  • GEM, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor updates yearly the TEA, Total Early stage Entrepreneurial Activity in different countries

  • TEA, Transnational Entrepreneurial Activity monitors the GEM, Global Entrepreneurial Monitoring Index


Question 4 of 79


In which order would you ideally handle the development of proposed business venture?

Select one of the following:

  • Idea => Feasability analysis => Opportunity

  • Idea => Opportunity => Feasability analysis

  • Opportunity => Idea => Feasability analysis

  • Feasability analysis => Idea => Opportunity


Question 5 of 79


Which of the following statements is true regarding Swedish legal foundations

Select one of the following:

  • A sole proprietorship requires a capital of minimum 25 000 kr

  • A public corporation requires a minimum capital of 25 000 kr

  • A sole proprietorship doesn't require any minimum capital

  • A private corporation requires a minimum capital of 500 000 SEK


Question 6 of 79


What does incubation mean in an entrepreneurial context?

Select one of the following:

  • Flash of recognition when the solution to a problem is seen

  • The stage of the creative process during which an entrepreneur considers the idea or thinks about a problem

  • Bringing the background, experience and knowledge to recognize an opportunity

  • The planning stage of the implementation of a business after that an idea has been processed


Question 7 of 79


What does preparation mean in a context about entrepreneurial creativity?

Select one of the following:

  • The stage of the creative process when an idea is analyzed for its viability

  • The stage of the creative process during which an entrepreneur considers the idea or thinks about a

  • Flash of recognition when the solution to a problem is seen

  • Bringing the background, experience and knowledge to recognize an opportunity


Question 8 of 79


Intrapreneurship is

Select one of the following:

  • Entrepreneurial initiatives within a larger exits the company and is continued independently

  • When units of a larger corporation encourages, allows and applies entrepreneurial conditions for the employees

  • When two or more entrepreneurial firms interact

  • An entrepreneurial firm is adopted by and integrated in to a larger corporation


Question 9 of 79


What is correct about business model?

Select one of the following:

  • Business models explains how an entrepreneurial initiative will be financed

  • Business models contains information about the founders and owners of company

  • A business model is consisting of a marketing plan and a business plan

  • Business models are used to explain how an entrepreneurial initiative is adding value to customers and to the company


Question 10 of 79


What is correct about disruptive business models

Select one of the following:

  • Disruptive business models are characterized by that they have impact on the way business is conducted over a whole industry

  • Disruptive business models are more common than the standard business models

  • Disruptive business models require usually product innovations

  • Disruptive business models are characterized by that they erase the possibilities to continue with business as usual for existing suppliers to a market


Question 11 of 79


the difference between B2B and B2C is that

Select one of the following:

  • A company is either a B2C or a B2B company, not both at the same time

  • B2B regards business between companies and B2C regards business between a company and a private consumer

  • A manufacturer of cars intended for final sale to private consumers (for example Volvo Cars) is primarily a B2C company

  • B2C regards private consumer intended products and services while B2B regards products and services for professional use


Question 12 of 79


Which of the following statements regarding the five forces model is wrong?

Select one of the following:

  • The five forces model is used for understanding industry structure

  • The five forces in the model determine industry profitability

  • The five forces model was developed by professor E Silverstein in the 1950's

  • The five forces are a) Rivalry among existing firms b) Threats of new entrants c) Bargaining power of buyers d) Bargaining power of suppliers e) Threats of substitutes


Question 13 of 79


Which of the following competitive situations is the most obvious threat of substitute?

Select one of the following:

  • Bicycle sales vs free public transportation

  • McDonald's vs fine dining

  • Volvo cars vs Mercedes cars

  • I-phones vs android phones


Question 14 of 79


What is the difference between public and private corporations?

Select one of the following:

  • Both types of corporations are owned by shareholders, but only shares of a public corporation are traded at public stock markets

  • Public corporations are owned by the state while private corporations are privately owned

  • Public corporations are subject to double taxation but private corporations are only single taxed (only profit but not the share dividends are taxed)

  • Public corporations are subject to supervision by the state while private corporations have no external reporting duties


Question 15 of 79


What is correct regarding the forces bargaining power of suppliers or bargaining power of buyers?

Select one of the following:

  • The strongest bargaining power relates only to which of the parties is the most powerful and have the largest resources

  • The strongest bargaining power relates to the combination of which of the parties is the largest and the number of alternative parties, i.e. the number of alternative buyers and sellers

  • Bargaining power of suppliers decreases when there are fewer and bigger suppliers and many small buyers

  • The strongest bargaining power relates only to the number of alternative parties there are, i.e. the number of alternative buyers and sellers


Question 16 of 79


Which of the following statements regarding Swedish legal forms of business organizations is NOT correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Private corporations must have a minimum share capital of 50000 kr

  • In sole proprietorships, all legal and financial responsibility is personal to the owner

  • In private corporations, the firm and the owners (shareholders) are separated legal entities

  • For public corporations, there is double taxatation of both the company profit and the shareholders' dividends


Question 17 of 79


Which of the following are NOT listed as one of the four most suitable competencies for a founder of a start-up?

Select one of the following:

  • Network capability

  • Relevant industry experience

  • Level of education

  • Finance know-how


Question 18 of 79


The five forces model is primarily used for:

Select one of the following:

  • understanding an industry's structure and to determine industry profitablity

  • forecasting a company's business results

  • making business plans

  • developing business models


Question 19 of 79


The four forms of intellectual property are

Select one of the following:

  • Patent, Logotype, Drawings, Documentation

  • Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade secret

  • Patent, Trademark, Franchise, Trade secret

  • Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Documents


Question 20 of 79


Which are the main reasons for needing financing of a start-up?

Select one of the following:

  • Cash flow, Investments, Development

  • Cash flow, Investments, Salaries

  • Cash flow, Supplier invoices, Salaries

  • Salaries, cost of materials, Investments


Question 21 of 79


Which are the major advantages for becoming a franchisor?

Select one of the following:

  • Low cost, Profit sharing, Less legal expenses

  • Low cost, Income growth, Access to ideas

  • Low cost, Higher profits, Less legal expenses

  • Low cost, Less skills required, Less legal expenses


Question 22 of 79


What is meant by a unicorn in the venture capital world?

Select one of the following:

  • A venture capital tech company making a profit of a billion dollars or more

  • A venture capital tech company valued at a billion US dollars or more

  • A venture capital tech company having attracted a billion dollars or more in investment capital

  • A venture capital backed tech company valued at a billion Swedish kronor or more


Question 23 of 79


Which is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • A board of advisors in a company is sometimes a legal requirement

  • Declaring dividends to the company's shareholders is the responsibility of the managing director

  • It is more common with single founders than multi-founders in new start-ups

  • A board of directors is always a legal requirement in a shareholders' company


Question 24 of 79


Which are according the course the four most common day-to day challenges of a growing firm?

Select one of the following:

  • Cash flow management, Price stability, Finding customers, Supplier negotiations

  • Cash flow management, Price stability, Capital constraints, Quality control

  • Making profit, Price stability, Finding customers, Supplier negotiations

  • Quality control, Price stability, Finding customers, Supplier negotiations


Question 25 of 79


Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Economy of scope is achieved by lowering the variable product cost

  • Economy of scope is achieved by adding more product variation while economy of scale is achieved by producing more of the same product

  • Economy of scale is achieved by adding more product variation while economy of scope is achieved by producing more of the same

  • Economy of scale can only be achieved by increasing the production volume, so that the fixed cost per unit goes down


Question 26 of 79


Which is correct the following growth strategies (according the course literature)?

Select one of the following:

  • An "aquisition" is when firms makes an agreement on equal terms to become one firm all together

  • A "joint venture" means that two firms agree to share resources without forming a new legal unit

  • A "merger" is when firms makes an agreement on equal terms to become one firm all together

  • A "strategic alliance" is when firms limit their cooperation to technical and financial developments of products


Question 27 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • Differences in input factors (raw materials, labor, capital, knowledge) between countries are a driving force behind international trade

  • Geographical, social, and cultural factors are important drivers of world trade

  • International trade policy protection has contributed to a decrease in world trade during the Second World War

  • The drive for to reach resource efficiency through specialisation is mostly important for large countries free trade


Question 28 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • It is not wise to invest in full-scale globalization

  • The ANSOFF matrix demonstrate different development options and its connected level of risk

  • Export and Licensing are strategies with low level of investment and risk compared to a Joint Venture

  • Trade blocs and free trade areas increase trade restrictions


Question 29 of 79


Which of the following statments is not true ?

Select one of the following:

  • Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (IBRD) are related to GATT

  • GATT is an acronym for General Acceptance of Trade and Tolls

  • Red tape barriers are a type of a protective trade policy

  • GATT regulates cross-border trade in goods through reduced customs duties, trade quotas and other trade barriers


Question 30 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • Opponents to free trade advocate more restrictive trade between countries through, among other things, decreased import duties. This is because larger trade barriers, for example, (i) have the potential of increasing government revenue (e.g., through import duties); (ii) protect local employment; and (iii) increase a country's self-sufficiency in terms of industrial production.

  • Advocates of free trade advocate, among other things, that free trade (i) gives domestic companies a larger market abroad; (ii) increases business efficiency, quality (product, processes, services) and reduces prices; (iii) provides consumers with a richer range of products; and (iv) contributes to world peace.

  • A positive effect of restricted trade between countries is the higher protection of domestic start-up businesses from powerful foreign competition.

  • A negative effect of free trade is that the amount of research and development decreases, due to the increased competition between firms and organizations.


Question 31 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • The Gender Social Norm Index shows a very large percent of women and men worldwide have a gender social norm bias

  • The Human Development Index measures sustainability from four dimensions: Political, Educational, Economic, Physical integrity

  • The Gender Social Norm Index is measured from three dimensions: A decent standard of living, Knowledge, Long and healthy life

  • The Global Peace Index is measured from the number of deaths in combating countries


Question 32 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • The standard “ISO 26000” helps businesses and organizations translate principles into effective actions and shares best practices relating to social responsibility, at a global level.

  • When you choose the “Fairtrade” product label, you contribute to worsened working and living conditions for growers and employees in developing countries.

  • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) discourages environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically viable use of the world's forests.

  • Circular economy is a concept, primarily, to enhance social responsibility into the business model


Question 33 of 79


What is true regarding TEA (total early stage entrepreneurial activity)?

Select one of the following:

  • It is the percentage of people 18-64 years old acting as early entrepreneurs

  • It is a percentage to compare entrepreneurial activity between companies

  • It is an index that compares the rate of success of entrepreneurs in different countries

  • It is a way to measure and compare the quality of early entrepreneurial activity in different countries


Question 34 of 79


What did you learn from the course regarding salary-substitute firm (SSF) and Entrepreneurial firm (EF)?

Select one of the following:

  • An SSF is a firm is in practice much like a conventional employment, e.g. one-person companies providing services in the construction industry

  • An EF is a company that operates commercially as opposed to an SSF that is often a non-profit organisation

  • An SSF is a firm where the employees are remunerated by other means than a regularely paid salary, for example by sharing the company's profit

  • An SSF is also called "lifestyle firm", i.e. a firm where you make living and earn money through activities around your personal lifestyle, for example being a golf-pro


Question 35 of 79


In which four parts was the course material and the course book divided into?
(Which is also the logic thinking process to start and develop a new company)

Select one of the following:

  • 1)Entrepreneur 2)Business planning 3)Financing 4)Manage and grow

  • 1)Entrepreneur 2)Business idea and business plan 3)Start a company 4)Manage and grow

  • 1)Business ideas 2)Business planning 3)Financing 4)Manage and grow

  • 1)Business ideas 2)Start a company 3)Business idea and Business plan 3)Financing 4)Manage andgrow


Question 36 of 79


What is true regarding opportunity and/or opportunity window?

Select one of the following:

  • An opportunity is a favorable set of circumstances that creates need for a new type of product or business

  • An opportunity is always based on solving a problem of potential customers

  • The window of opportunity is the gap between existing actors on a market where there could be a business opportunity

  • Identifying opportunity is the step prior to develop an entrepreneurial idea


Question 37 of 79


The three ways to identify opportunities are according the course book....

Select one of the following:

  • 1)Observing trends 2)Solving problems 3)Develop a better offer than from existing firms

  • 1)Observing trends 2)Solving problems 3)Finding gaps in the market place

  • 1)Find economy of scale or scope possibilities 2)Find suitable disrupted business models 3)Find suitable standard business models

  • 1)Mapping the market 2)Solving problems 3)Finding windows of opportunity


Question 38 of 79


What is NOT correct about business models?

Select one of the following:

  • Business models contain information about the founders or owners of the company

  • Business models describes the relation with customers

  • Business models are used to explain how an entrepreneurial initiative is adding value to customers and to the company

  • Business models describe key resources of a company


Question 39 of 79


Which is true regarding business models?

Select one of the following:

  • Low-end market business model is an example of a disruptive business model

  • Disruptive business models replaces most often existing standard business models

  • Google Adwords and Uber are examples of standard business models

  • "Razor and blades" and Bricks and clicks" are examples of disrupted business models


Question 40 of 79


What is correct regarding "Industry" and "Market"

Select one of the following:

  • Taxi is a market and city passenger transport is an industry

  • Airlines is a market and long distance passenger transportation is an industry

  • Truck operators is an industry and goods transport is a market

  • City buses is a market and city passenger transportation is an industry


Question 41 of 79


What is meant by or characterizes the force "threat of rivalry among existing firms" as being one of the forces
in the five forces model?

Select one of the following:

  • Companies form cartels to hinder new entries to the market

  • Companies take extreme actions, e.g. they sell below cost, to hinder a new entrant to establish itself on the market

  • Existing firms go together to form common plans against a new entrant to the market

  • The force is more liklely to be strong when there are few companies selling to a market


Question 42 of 79


Which of the following could be regarded as most clearly as a threat of substitute?

Select one of the following:

  • Electric kick bike service vs own walking

  • Quick electric kick bike service vs. JLT city bus service services

  • Quick vs. TIER electric kick-bike services

  • A new start-up company vs an established company


Question 43 of 79


Which of the following statements regarding Swedish legal forms of business organizations is NOT correct?

Select one of the following:

  • For public corporations, there is double taxatation of both the company profit and the shareholders' dividends

  • Private corporations must have a minimum share capital of 50000 kr

  • In sole proprietorships, all legal and financial responsibility is personal to the owner

  • In private corporations, the firm and the owners (shareholders) are separated legal entities


Question 44 of 79


Which is correct regarding New venture teams according the course book?

Select one of the following:

  • The board of advisors is legally responsible for the company's actions

  • The board of directors are key employees appointed to manage the company

  • The management team is a group of employees responsible for the daily operation of a company

  • Lenders and investors are the shareholders of a company


Question 45 of 79


To shape new venture teams the course book proposes using a skills profile. It is primarily used to for.....

Select one of the following:

  • Appointing a well balanced board of directors

  • Simplifying the work of the HR responsible within the company

  • Appointing a well balanced board of advisors

  • Forming a suitable balance of competencies among the management team and key employees


Question 46 of 79


What is "burn rate" regarding a new company's financial performance

Select one of the following:

  • It is the same as the dilution rate when more capital is invested by investors

  • It is the difference between post-money and pre-money

  • It is the amount of money investors risk to loose

  • it is the rate at which it needs to spend capital until it becomes profitable


Question 47 of 79


What is correct regarding external financing

Select one of the following:

  • External investors always request to be elected by the original owners to the board of directors

  • Crowd funding means that customers are requested to add financing of the company with their purchases

  • Bank loans is the least expensive type of financing, but also the most difficult to get for start-ups

  • Boot strapping is a form of crowd funding


Question 48 of 79


What is a patent?

Select one of the following:

  • A grant from one or more national independent patent organizations to get legal support if a patent is infringed

  • A grant from one or more federal governments giving the right to exclude others to use an invention

  • None of the alternatives is correct

  • A registration of an innovation at an independent patent organization


Question 49 of 79


What is correct regarding franchisor and franchisee

Select one of the following:

  • Advantages to be a franchisor are low cost and increased buying power

  • Typical disadvantages of being a franchisee are lost control and requiring business skills

  • The franchisee licences its trademark to franchisors

  • Advantages to be a franchisee are low cost and increased buying power


Question 50 of 79


Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Utility patents is the least common type of patents

  • Utility patents are granted for 20 years

  • Design patent is the most common type patents

  • Plant patents are the most common type of patents


Question 51 of 79


What is the critical volume?

Select one of the following:

  • The volume which is needed to make the company to make a gross margin in the income statement

  • The volume that is needed to make the company break even

  • The volume which is needed to cover the direct cost

  • The volume needed to cover the sales cost


Question 52 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Differences in input factors (raw materials, labor, capital, knowledge) between countries are a driving force behind international trade

  • Geographical, social, and cultural factors are negligible drivers of world trade

  • International trade policy protection has contributed to a boost in world trade after the Second World War

  • The drive for to reach resource efficiency through specialisation is mostly important for large countries free trade


Question 53 of 79


Which of the following statments is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Every country has its own unique trade policy today

  • GATT was created to handle the WTO regulatory system

  • World war 1 and 2 increased the world trade due to stronger cooperation between the allies

  • Red tape barriers are a type of a protective trade policy


Question 54 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • In 2020 the Swedish service export was larger than the Swedish export in goods

  • The most expansive industries are commodity-intensive

  • International trade is growing twice as fast as commodity production

  • Raw materials have the largest share of the world trade


Question 55 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • Agenda 2030 was adopted in September 2015 of the heads of state and government of the world, through the UN General Assembly

  • Agenda 2030 was developed by the Brundtland Commission

  • The 17th goal in Agenda 2030 is about strengthens the global partnership for sustainable development

  • The United Nation’s (UN) Agenda 2030 aim to eradicate poverty, stop climate change, and create peaceful and secure societies


Question 56 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • The Global Peace Index is measured from the number of deaths in combating countries

  • The Human Development Index measures sustainability from three dimensions: A decent standard of living, Knowledge, Long and healthy life.

  • The Gender Social Norm Index shows a very large percent of women and men worldwide have a gender social norm bias

  • The Gender Social Norm Index is measured from four dimensions: Political, Educational, Economic, Physical integrity


Question 57 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • The Swan label is the Nordic region's official eco-label and is commissioned by the government

  • A modern successful business acts in accordance with the principles People, Planet and Profit

  • UNs Global Compact is an initiative to support companies to align their strategies with universal sustainable principles

  • The Triple Bottom Line (3 BL) principle The Planet is addressing the business need of social responsibility connecting to health, safety, human rights, business ethics and community involvement


Question 58 of 79


Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • The global reporting initiative (GRI) is a voluntary accounting framework for sustainability in all types of Organizations

  • In principle, there can be a trade-off or a win-win between a company’s sustainability performance and financial performance

  • Circular economy is a concept, primarily, to enhance social responsibility into the business model

  • A good corporate sustainability report should have several quality attributes connected to Clarity, Business benefit connected to the sustainability work, Social benefits achievements, Long-term sustainability goals and have enhanced Credibility


Question 59 of 79


What characterizes an opportunity as in contrast to an entrepreneurial idea

Select one of the following:

  • Opportunities always include some sort of innovation

  • An oppurtunity is characterized by that it is attractive, timely, durable and based on the supply of a product, service or business that adds value for a user or buyer

  • An opportunity is equal to a gap in the market and the idea is always a product solution

  • An opportunity is equal to a demand in the market


Question 60 of 79


What is NOT true regarding a business plan?

Select one of the following:

  • The business model is one of the more important parts of a business plan

  • A business model is a firm's plan or recipe on how it creates value for its stakeholders

  • The Barringer/Ireland business model template is a format for displaying business plan parameters

  • A business model is a legal requirement in public and private corporations


Question 61 of 79


What is correct about business models?

Select one of the following:

  • Business models explains how an entrepreneurial initiative will be financed

  • Business models are used to explain how an entrepreneurial initiative is adding value to customers and to the company

  • Business models contain information about the founders or owners of the company

  • A business model is consisting of a marketing plan and a business plan


Question 62 of 79


Which two types of disruptive business models are mentioned in the course book?

Select one of the following:

  • "New market disruption" and "Low-end market disruption"

  • "New market" and "Standard"

  • "Low cost" and "High price"

  • "Low-end market disruption" and "High end disruption"


Question 63 of 79


What is correct regarding B2B and B2C

Select one of the following:

  • B2C stands for "Business to Commercials"

  • IKEA and ICA stores are practicing both B2B and B2C

  • B2B and B2C relates to whether the company's products or services are aimed for use by consumers or by businesses

  • Selling clothes is almost only and primarily B2C


Question 64 of 79


What is correct regarding "Industry" and "Market"

Select one of the following:

  • A market is a group of companies and consumers buying the same type of products or services

  • A market is a group of companies with similar products or services

  • An industry is a group of companies with similar products and/or services

  • An industry is a group of manufacturing companies with similar products


Question 65 of 79


Which of the following could be regarded as most clearly as a threat of substitute?

Select one of the following:

  • A new start-up company vs an established company

  • Volkswagen cars vs Audi cars

  • Fast food vs fine dining

  • Leasing car vs buy a car


Question 66 of 79


What is meant by double taxation of a company's profits ?

Select one of the following:

  • Taxation is on both the sales amount and on the amount on profit

  • Tax is doubled compared to sole proprietorships

  • Both profit and share dividend payments to share holders are subject to taxation

  • Share holders pay tax both on the purchase value of shares and on the profit when selling shares of the company


Question 67 of 79


Which are the five forces in the five forces model?

Select one of the following:

  • 1)Threat of competitors 2)Threat of new products 3)Rivalry among existing firms 4) Bargaining power from suppliers and buyers 5) Legal forces

  • 1)Threat of substitutes 2)Threat of new entrants 3)Rivalry among existing firms 4) Bargaining power from suppliers 5)Bargaining power from buyers

  • 1)Threat of substitutes 2) Threat of new entrants 3)Rivalry among existing firms 4)Bargaining power 5) Legal and political forces

  • 1)Threat of politics 2)Environmental threats 3)Rivalry among existing firms 4) Bargaining power from suppliers 5)Bargaining power from buyers


Question 68 of 79


What is indirect competition?

Select one of the following:

  • Indirect competition is when companies offer different solutions to satisfy the same customer need

  • Indirect competition is when companies are trying to sell to the same type of product to a customer through a different type of marketing channel, for example via internet vs via a city store

  • Indirect competition is when a competition is expected in the future from another company

  • Indirect competition is when companies are offering different business conditions, for example in different price ranges like high end and low end market.


Question 69 of 79


Which are the correct abbreviations of Chief Officers in a company?

Select one of the following:

  • CFO = Chief Financial Officer, CTO = Chief Technology Officer

  • CEO = Chief Excutive Officer, CTO = Chief Transmission Officer

  • CEO = Chief Export Officer, CTO = Chief Technology Officer

  • CEO = Chief Excutive Officer, CTO = Chief Transportation Officer


Question 70 of 79


What is correct regarding internal or external growth strategies?

Select one of the following:

  • Typical internal growth strategies are licensing, joint venture and new product developments

  • Typical external growth strategies are mergers and aquisitions, licensing, strategic alliances and franchising

  • Typical external growth strategies are international expansion, franchising and other product related strategies

  • Typical internal growth strategies are new product developments, licensing and joint ventures


Question 71 of 79


EPO, USPTO and PRV are

Select one of the following:

  • Abbreviations of three types of intellectual properties

  • Abbreviations of three different authorities for patent registrations

  • Abbreviations for different types of patents

  • Abbreviations of different legal levels of trademark protections


Question 72 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (IBRD) are related to GATT

  • The IMF and World Bank are United Nations (UN) agencies with the main aim of supporting AGENDA 2030 in the world

  • GATT is an acronym for General Acceptance of Trade and Tolls

  • GATT regulates cross-border trade in services through reduced customs duties, trade quotas and other trade barriers


Question 73 of 79


Which of the following statments is true ?

Select one of the following:

  • TRIPS is a multilateral agreement on intellectual property, which provides protection for patents, copyrights and trademarks

  • WTO is a multilateral agreement aimed at trade in goods and is based on the same principles as GATT intended for the service area

  • Because the WTO is intergovernmental, its power is in the hands of its members. Therefore, the WTO has large power to interfere in its members' policies

  • The WTO was not established to handle the various regulatory systems GATT, GATS & TRIPS


Question 74 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Licensing allows firms to increase revenues and reduce investment costs risk in comparison to direct export as well as enhance learning and diffuse technologies

  • Exporting requires relatively low investments and involves a relatively small risk for a company.

  • Franchising is a contractual arrangement in which a company receives a royalty or fee in exchange for the right to use its trademark, patent, trade secret, or other valuable intellectual property

  • Strategic alliances and joint ventures are a contractual arrangement in which a company receives a royalty or fee in exchange for the right to use its intellectual property


Question 75 of 79


Corporate Social Responsibility

Select one of the following:

  • While companies should be a good corporate citizen, philanthropic responsibilities are of no importance.

  • Secondary responsibilities of companies are to obey the law and be profitable.

  • Philanthropic and ethical responsibilities are the primary responsibilities of companies.

  • Companies have an obligation to do what is right, just, and fair, and to avoid harm.


Question 76 of 79


Which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • In principle, there can not be a trade-off or a win-win between a company´s sustainability performance and financial performance

  • A good corporate sustainability report should have several quality attributes connected to Clarity, Business benefit connected to the sustainability work, Social benefits achievements, Long-term sustainability goals and have enhanced Credibility

  • The global reporting initiative (GRI) is a mandatory accounting framework for sustainability in all types of Organizations

  • Regulation can not help companies to detect resource inefficiencies in their operations


Question 77 of 79


Which parameter is NOT included in the Business Model CANVAS template

Select one of the following:

  • Distribution channels

  • Revenue structure

  • Competitors

  • Cost structure


Question 78 of 79


Which parameter is NOT included in the Business Model CANVAS template

Select one of the following:

  • Balance sheet

  • Key resources

  • Cost structure

  • Distribution channels


Question 79 of 79


What is the Pre-money value in year 1 in the following case?
-Post-money value in year 1 is 6MSEK
-Total valuation in year is 24 MSEK
-Exit value in year 5 is 6 MSEK

Select one of the following:

  • 2 MSEK

  • 3.5 MSEK

  • 1.5 MSEK

  • 4.5 MSEK
