Created by Prarthana Nica
over 1 year ago
research method
& design
levels of the IV: condition 1
levels of the IV: condition 2
levels of the IV: condition 3
how was the DV measured?
response measures of learners' imitation
partially imitative aggression
non-imitative aggression
other behaviour units/categories
sample and sampling technique
rating of children before the study
inter-rater reliability for ratings of children
scales used for rating pre-existing levels of aggression
qualitative data
hypothesis 1 & 2
hypothesis 3 & 4
procedure for aggressive model
items in the experimental room
(secondary location)
verbal remarks made by aggressive model
why was it necessary for participants to be mildly annoyed?
results: imitative aggression
highest mean aggression scores
sex-typed comments for female models
sex-typed comments for male models