#Aviation#  MHW
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

ML so annoying

#Aviation#  MHW
Created by #Aviation# MHW over 1 year ago

AIRLAW PART1 Closed Book

Question 1 of 200


1. For the carriage of weapons and munitions of war:

Select one of the following:

  • Aircraft shall not carry any munition of war unless such a munition of war is carried in an area of the aircraft inaccessible to passengers

  • Aircraft shall not carry any weapons unless such a weapon is carried with the written permission of the Chief Executive and in accordance with any conditions relating therto.

  • Aircraft shall not carry any munition of war unless such a munition of war is carried with the written permission of the Chief Executive and in accordance with any conditions relating therto.


Question 2 of 200


2. “Exit”/”Emergency exit” should be shown in the form of… 2. “Exit”/”Emergency exit” should be shown in the form of…

Select one of the following:

  • Bold italic letters

  • Bold letters

  • Lower case letters

  • Capital letters


Question 3 of 200


3. How many copies of the load sheet are required to be carried?

Select one of the following:

  • Two copies for ground, one copy for aircraft.

  • Two copies for ground, two copies for aircraft.

  • One copy on the ground, one copy for aircraft.


Question 4 of 200


4. Authorized person” means any person authorized by ...

Select one of the following:

  • CE

  • PIC

  • Owner


Question 5 of 200


Certain documents should be carried on board with the exception for flights

Select one of the following:

  • Begins and ends at the same aerodrome, with no passage to the boundary outside HK.

  • Begins and ends at the same aerodrome, with passage to the boundary outside HK.

  • Begins and ends at the different aerodrome, with passage to the boundary outside HK.

  • Begins and ends at the different aerodrome, with no passage to the boundary outside HK.


Question 6 of 200


When flying over the sea what is the closest distance that you can fly to a person, vessel, vehicle or structure?

Select one of the following:

  • 2000ft

  • 1000ft

  • 500ft


Question 7 of 200


Training Manual for giving tests to pilots should be provided by (schedule 26-3a) :

Select one of the following:

  • Chief Executive

  • Trainer

  • Air operator

  • PIlot in Command


Question 8 of 200


For loadsheet purposes, when can you use average passenger weights rather than actual passenger weights?

Select one of the following:

  • A/C weighing more than 2700kgs and carrying 12 passengers or more

  • A/C with 50 passengers or more

  • A/C weighing more than 5700kgs and carrying 12 passengers or more

  • A/C with 27 passengers or more


Question 9 of 200


When being inspected by Authorized Person a flight crew should provide

Select one of the following:

  • Certificate of Registration

  • Weight Schedule


Question 10 of 200


Can an aircraft fly without a Certificate of Maintenance review?

Select one of the following:

  • No.

  • Yes, but not for the purpose of public transport, or aerial work.

  • Yes, but to fly only to a place where such a Certificate can be issued.


Question 11 of 200


To operate a public transport flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles, what crew and / or aids are required?

Select one of the following:

  • Flight navigator or approved navigation equipment.

  • Use only ICAO registered aids on ground.

  • Additional captain.


Question 12 of 200


Two aircraft are converging on a collision course. A/C ‘A’ sees green light of A/C ‘B’. Who has right of way?

Select one of the following:

  • Aircraft ‘A’.

  • Neither, both must change course.

  • Aircraft ‘B’.


Question 13 of 200


1Departure from rules of air to avoid imminent danger in high sea, the pilot should report to:

Select one of the following:

  • Police Commissioner

  • Chief executive

  • Operator

  • Competent Authority


Question 14 of 200


You fly as a crew member in a transport undertaking. The flight is an empty positioning flight, no passengers or freight is carried.
What is the position regarding the application of your company’s approval scheme for the regulation of flight times of its crew members?"

Select one of the following:

  • It does not apply as the flight is not for the purpose of public transport or aerial work.

  • It only applies if it is a scheduled journey.

  • It applies.


Question 15 of 200


“Flight time” refers to …

Select one of the following:

  • Whether or not registered in HK while it is in flight and he is carried as a member of the crew

  • Whether or not registered in HK while it is in motion and he is carried as a member of the crew

  • Registered in HK while it is in motion and he is carried as a member of the crew

  • Registered in HK while it is in flight and he is carried as a member of the crew


Question 16 of 200


What must the Pilot in Command present is requested to do so

Select one of the following:

  • Maintenance Schedule

  • Repair Schedule

  • Company Manual

  • Certificate of Registration


Question 17 of 200


The Certificate of Maintenance Review must be valid:

Select one of the following:

  • For the duration of the flight

  • For twice the duration of the flight.

  • At the beginning of the flight.


Question 18 of 200


Aircraft shall not pass any person/ vessel/ vehicle:

Select one of the following:

  • 1000ft

  • 2000ft

  • 500ft

  • 15000ft


Question 19 of 200


Accident outside of Hong Kong, report to who?

Select one of the following:

  • Commission of Police

  • Chief Inspector

  • Director of HKCAD

  • The Chief Executive


Question 20 of 200


In which of the following cases is certificate of airworthiness not needed?

Select one of the following:

  • Glider for instruction

  • Aircraft for public transport

  • Aircraft for aerial work

  • Glider for public transport


Question 21 of 200


It is a requirement that aircraft registered in Hong Kong carry a Technical Log in respect to its certificate of airworthiness for Transport or aerial work aircraft.
It is the duty of the commander to complete the Technical Log at the end of each flight. An exceptions to this Article permits the commander to make the required entries in the Technical Log at the end of a series of consecutive flights, provided:"

Select one of the following:

  • The flights are within the same day. from the same aerodrome and with the same commander unless he becomes aware of a defect during an earlier flight.

  • The flights are within the same 24 hour period, from the same aerodrome and with the same commander unless he becomes aware of a defect during an earlier flight.

  • The flights are within the same 24 hour period. from the same aerodrome and with the same commander.

  • The flights are within the same 12 hour period, from the same aerodrome and with the same commander.


Question 22 of 200


When will a Certificate of Airworthiness cease to be in force?

Select one of the following:

  • Upon the expiration of the period of validity in elapsed time or flying time, whichever may be the earlier.

  • Until the rectification of any defect which has been entered in the technical log.

  • Until completion of mandatory inspection or modification to ensure aircraft remains airworthy..


Question 23 of 200


At 1500 QFE you are advised that the RVR is below minimum:

Select one of the following:

  • You may continue the approach to 1000ft QFE.

  • You must go around immediately.

  • You may continue the approach as long as you are using a CAT II ILS.


Question 24 of 200


MOR should be reported within…

Select one of the following:

  • 72 hours

  • 96 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 48 hours


Question 25 of 200


The Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft shows the category “Transport Category (Passenger)”. For what purpose may the aircraft fly?

Select one of the following:

  • Any purpose.

  • Any purpose other than public transport of cargo.

  • Any purpose other than aerial work.


Question 26 of 200


What is the definition of cloud ceiling?

Select one of the following:

  • In relation to an aerodrome means the vertical distance from the MSL to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to obscure more than one quarter of the sky so visible.

  • In relation to an aerodrome means the vertical distance from the elevation of the aerodrome to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to obscure more than one quarter of the sky so visible.

  • In relation to an aerodrome means the vertical distance from the elevation of the aerodrome to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to obscure more than one half of the sky so visible.

  • In relation to an aerodrome means the vertical distance from the MSL to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to obscure more than one half of the sky so visible.


Question 27 of 200


How Long shall the operator keep the certificate of maintenance review?

Select one of the following:

  • 3 year

  • 5 year

  • 2 year (from the day of use)

  • 1 year


Question 28 of 200


License shall not be valid unless with…

Select one of the following:

  • Name and address of the operator written in ink

  • The ordinary signature of the holder in ink


Question 29 of 200


When being inspected by Authorized Person a flight crew should provide

Select one of the following:

  • Certificate of Registration

  • Weight Schedule


Question 30 of 200


If only have minimum number of cabin crew, and one of the cabin crew would like to go into the cockpit to observe take off and landing. This is:

Select one of the following:

  • Not permissible

  • Permissible if there is no conflict of interest of safety

  • Permissible if Pilot in Command approved


Question 31 of 200


As commander of a public transport flight, when must you nominate an alternate destination aerodrome?

Select one of the following:

  • When operating Trans Oceanic flights

  • All flights.

  • When required to conduct an instrument approach at destination under IFR.


Question 32 of 200


A person should not secrete himself for the purpose of the flight without consent of the operator and: (article 52)

Select one of the following:

  • PIC

  • Local authority

  • CE


Question 33 of 200


"33. A public transport aeroplane is operating from an aerodrome “Alpha"" to aerodrome “Bravo” under the Instrument Flight Rules.
The weather at ""Alpha"" has a cloud ceiling at the minima specified for take-off and “Bravo“ forecast weather indicates that the commander could expect lFR conditions on arrival. Which of the following are permissible options for the commander:"

Select one of the following:

  • "The aeroplane may take-off from “Alpha” but may not descend below the relevant DH at “Bravo""."

  • "The aeroplane may take-off from “Alpha"" but must nominate a suitable alternate aerodrome for “Bravo"" prior to take-off."

  • "The aeroplane may take-off from “Alpha” but may not descend below 1000 ft. unless there are visual references on the approach at “Bravo""."

  • The aeroplane is not permitted to take-off until the cloud ceiling is above the specified take-off minima.


Question 34 of 200


To what forms of aviation do the Investigation of Accidents regulations apply?

Select one of the following:

  • To military and civil operations over or within Hong Kong.

  • All forms of aviation for any aircraft registered in Hong Kong.

  • Only to Civil Aviation.


Question 35 of 200


Definition of ‘day’,In terms of fatigue? a continuous period of 24 hours beginning at midnight:

Select one of the following:

  • Local time

  • ⁄ hour before sunrise and ⁄ hour after sunset

  • UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)


Question 36 of 200


Is there a legal requirement that when you need to carry your professional pilot license?

Select one of the following:

  • Cross country boundary, Departure and arrival not the same airport

  • Departure and arrival at the same airport

  • Flights within Hong Kong


Question 37 of 200


The definition of cloud ceiling in relation to an aerodrome, means the vertical distance from the elevation of the aerodrome to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to obscure:

Select one of the following:

  • More than one half of the sky so visible

  • More than three eighths of the sky so visible.

  • More than five eighths of the sky so visible.


Question 38 of 200


Where can the Certificate of Release to Service be found?

Select one of the following:

  • In the technical log page adjacent to the defect details

  • In a plastic folder on the back of the cockpit door with the C of A.

  • With the C of M.R..


Question 39 of 200


You are doing the ILS Approach and the reported RVR is below the minima, you will:

Select one of the following:

  • Descent to 1000 feet above the height of aerodrome

  • Continue the approach regardless the RVR as ILS approach does not need visual reference

  • Continue down to relevant DH/DA

  • Decent to 1000 feet


Question 40 of 200


2 dates on CMR, 1 is the date the review was carried out, another is…

Select one of the following:

  • Date of last review

  • Date the owner bought the aircraft

  • Date the next review due


Question 41 of 200


How long is a certificate of test valid for a public transport pilot?

Select one of the following:

  • 12 months from the date of test.

  • 12 months from the end of the month.

  • 6 months after the date of test.

  • 6 months from the end of the month.


Question 42 of 200


The Hong Kong Chief Inspector of Accidents is responsible for:

Select one of the following:

  • All civil aircraft in or over Hong Kong.

  • All civil aircraft in or over Hong Kong plus Hong Kong registered A/C worldwide.

  • All aircraft in or over Hong Kong plus Hong Kong registered A/C worldwide.


Question 43 of 200


Technical log must be preserved for:

Select one of the following:

  • 1 year

  • 2 years from the beginning of flight

  • 2 years until the destruction of the aircraft or has been permanently withdrawn from use Probably wrong


Question 44 of 200


Fatigue, how long the operator should keep trace on the flight time until the preceding flight

Select one of the following:

  • 28 Days

  • 14 Days

  • 30 Days

  • 7 Days


Question 45 of 200


You are the commander on a long haul flight with 3 other pilots. Who should be at the controls during the landing?

Select one of the following:

  • The Commander and another pilot.

  • The Commander and anyone else.

  • Any of the pilots.

  • Any of the pilots as long as the commander has briefed them.


Question 46 of 200


You hold a B747 rating and two certificates of test dated 12/11/05 and 12/4/06. Your certificate of test for the instrument rating was dated 13/11/05. What is the latest date you can operate on the A/C?

Select one of the following:

  • 11/12/06.

  • 12/12/06.

  • 11/10/06.


Question 47 of 200


A HK registered aeroplane, engaged in Public transport. is flying in HK controlled airspace passing FL140 on descent. What are the restrictions relating to the use of hand-held microphones in this case:

Select one of the following:

  • May not be used by the pilot or flight engineer for radio communications but may be used for intercommunications

  • May not be used by any crew member

  • May only be used by the flight engineer for intercommunication in the cockpit

  • intercommunications May not be used by a pilot or flight engineer for either radio communications or intercommunications


Question 48 of 200


“Exit/ Emergency” should be presented by

Select one of the following:

  • Capital Letter

  • Bold Letter

  • Small Letter

  • Italic


Question 49 of 200


What is the minimum age of a HKATPL holder?

Select one of the following:

  • 21

  • 20

  • 18

  • 17


Question 50 of 200


A Certificate of Release to Service may be issued by the holder of an ATPL provided that:

Select one of the following:

  • It is in relation to the adjustment. compensation and repair of reading magnetic compass only.

  • It is in relation to the repair of a direct reading magnetic compass only

  • It is in relation to the adjustment. compensation and repair of a direct reading or remote reading magnetic compass only.

  • It is in relation to the correction, adjustment and repair after a compass swing of a direct reading magnetic compass only.


Question 51 of 200


When the holder of a medical certificate suffers an injury involving incapacitation to undertake his functions as a member of the flight crew, or illness involving incapacity for a period of 20 days or more, what is the state of his medical certificate?

Select one of the following:

  • Medical certificate deemed to be suspended.

  • Medical certificate still valid. Medical examination required prior to resumption of duties.

  • Medical certificate invalid.


Question 52 of 200


How many logbook(s) does a 4-engine aircraft has?

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6


Question 53 of 200


An A/C has just passed DH and you are advised that RVR is below landing minima. You may continue the approach provided:

Select one of the following:

  • The approach being made is a CAT II ILS.

  • Visual reference was established at DH and can be maintained and the approach was conducted using a PAR.

  • The approach was made using an ILS and visual reference established at the DH can be maintained.


Question 54 of 200


When may ""notional weights"" be used?"

Select one of the following:

  • The maximum authorised aircraft weight exceeds 5700kg or has a total seating capacity of 12 or more persons

  • If the max total weight of the aircraft does not exceed 2730kg

  • If the max total weight of the aircraft does not exceed 1150kg


Question 55 of 200


Nationality and Aircraft Registration marking shall be shown on:

Select one of the following:

  • Lower part of the fuselage along the centreline

  • Upper part of the fuselage along the centreline

  • Upper part of the wing

  • Lower part of the wing


Question 56 of 200


The privileges of the Flight Radiotelephony Operations Restricted Licence are that the holder of the licence shall be entitled to operate radiotelephony apparatus of any aircraft provided:

Select one of the following:

  • The stability of the frequency radiated by the transmitter is maintained automatically but shall not be entitled to operate the transmitter or to adjust the frequency except by the use of external switching devices.

  • The stability of the frequency radiated by the transmitter is maintained automatically and the licence holder may operate the transmitter or adjust the frequency by external switching devices only.+)

  • The stability of the frequency interrogated by the receiver is maintained automatically but shall not be entitled to adjust the frequency. except by the use of external switching devices.

  • He/she is under the supervision of a person who is the holder of a flight radiotelephony operators licence


Question 57 of 200


Must a person in an aircraft obey a command given to them by the aircraft commander?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, if it is a lawful command and given for the purpose of securing the safety of the aircraft or navigation.

  • Only the crew need obey. There is no legal requirement for passengers to obey any command made by the commander of an aircraft.

  • Yes if the command is deemed or held to be reasonable by him.


Question 58 of 200


What is the minimum age for ATPL holder (schedule 9)?

Select one of the following:

  • 18

  • 25

  • 21

  • 17


Question 59 of 200


Whose responsibility is it to ensure pre-flight checks are carried out?

Select one of the following:

  • The operator.

  • Civil Aviation Department.

  • The commander.


Question 60 of 200


In what publication would you find a list of reportable incidents?

Select one of the following:

  • AIP.

  • AIC

  • AN(HK)O


Question 61 of 200


What does a red flashing light from control tower mean when you are on the manoeuvring area?

Select one of the following:

  • Give way to other aircraft.

  • Move clear of landing area.

  • Return to starting point of aerodrome.


Question 62 of 200


Today's date is the 31/11/06. You have calculated your flying hours for the period 01/12/05 to the current date as 887 hours, During December 2005 you were on leave. How many hours may you operate during December 2006?

Select one of the following:

  • You cannot operate

  • No limit, as long as you do not exceed 100 hours in any 28 day period

  • 13 hours only


Question 63 of 200


If the flight will be of danger and the order will be contravening, is it allowed to carry out the flight?

Select one of the following:

  • Not permissible

  • Permissible with specific person


Question 64 of 200


On a flight from HKG to BAH with 325 seats, what is the minimum number of cabin attendants required?

Select one of the following:

  • 9

  • 8

  • 7

  • 6


Question 65 of 200


You are operating a HKG – YVR public transport flight with an additional captain designated “commander”. When must the commander be at the controls?

Select one of the following:

  • At all times while the aircraft is in flight.

  • Take-off, climb and half cruise duration. Other captain remainder of flight.

  • Take-off and landing.


Question 66 of 200


You are on an ILS approach and descending through 1500 feet on QFE, when you are advised that the cloud ceiling has dropped down to 200 feet and the RVR is just on minima, You should:

Select one of the following:

  • Continue the approach down to 1000 feet and then carry out a missed approach if there are no visual references

  • Continue the approach down to 1000 feet and then carry out a missed approach

  • Continue the approach to MDA/DA.

  • Anticipate the RVR and commence a missed approach by 1000 feet.


Question 67 of 200


Which items are not classified as a dangerous good?

Select one of the following:

  • Loaded firearm

  • Aircraft spare Lithium-Ion Battery

  • Unloaded firearm

  • Aircraft spare Nickel-Cadmium Battery


Question 68 of 200


An unloaded weapon is allowed to be carried on board an aircraft if:

Select one of the following:

  • A permit is obtained from chief executive

  • Its is carried as passenger personal belongings

  • It is carried in a part of aircraft that is inaccessible to passengers

  • Not permitted


Question 69 of 200


What is the definition of congested area?

Select one of the following:

  • In relation to a city, town or settlement, means any area which is substantially used for residential purposes

  • In relation to a city, town or settlement, means any area which is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes.

  • In relation to a city, town or settlement, means any area which is populated by 1000 or more people


Question 70 of 200


A cabin crew member advises the commander that a passenger is smoking in the aircraft toilet. "The “No Smoking"" signs are illuminated. Is the passenger committing an offence under AN(HK)O's:"

Select one of the following:

  • No, because AN(HK)O’s are not applicable to passengers

  • Yes, it is an offence to smoke in any aircraft compartment at a time when smoking is prohibited in that compartment by a notice to that effect exhibited by or on behalf of the commander

  • Only if the aircraft is taking off or landing or being refuelled

  • Only if there has been a verbal briefing by cabin crew on the requirement to refrain from smoking at certain times.


Question 71 of 200


The Chief Executive of Hong Kong may make regulations prohibiting, restricting, or imposing conditions on flight of: (Article 69 (1)(aa)(bb))

Select one of the following:

  • Only Aircraft registered in Hong Kong

  • Any Aircraft in any Airspace

  • Any Aircraft in any airspace over Hong Kong

  • Only Aircraft registered in other countries


Question 72 of 200


After an accident or incident, when can the items in the aircraft can be moved for safety reasons?

Select one of the following:

  • Black Rain

  • when aircraft wreck in the water

  • Any time

  • No.8 Typhoon Signal


Question 73 of 200


The use of a flight recording system shall always be in use:

Select one of the following:

  • From the beginning of the takeoff run to the end of the landing run

  • From chocks off to chocks on.

  • From the moment the aircraft is first moving under its own power to the moment it first comes to rest after landing)


Question 74 of 200


FO is pilot flying ILS approach, RVR is below minimum, what should be his action?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand over to the commander

  • Continue approach, as DH is not mandatory

  • Carry out a missed approach

  • Recalculate the DH


Question 75 of 200


The cloud ceiling is below take-off minima but RVR is above take-off minima. You are:

Select one of the following:

  • Not permitted to take-off.

  • Permitted to take-off.

  • Permitted to take-off provided monitored by PAR.


Question 76 of 200


You have an ATPL without instructors rating. What training can you give a pilot who is also rated?

Select one of the following:

  • Flying test

  • When giving type conversion, but only in a simulator

  • None


Question 77 of 200


During the loading of passengers, it appears to the loading officer that a passenger exceeds the standard weight. After weighing the passenger, what weight is entered in the load sheet?

Select one of the following:

  • If actual is less than standard, use standard.

  • The standard weight is used.

  • Whichever weight shall be greater.


Question 78 of 200


Cabin Crew composition

Select one of the following:

  • Every 50, or fraction of 50 passengers in the aircraft

  • Every 50, or fraction of 50 passenger seats installed in the aircraft

  • Not specified

  • Every 70, or fraction of 70 passenger seats installed in the aircraft


Question 79 of 200


When are the flight recorder and CVR required to start?

Select one of the following:

  • Start of take-off to the end of landing run.

  • Start of ATC contact to last ATC contact.

  • From power up to power down.

  • Start of taxi to engine shutdown.


Question 80 of 200


Hong Kong Aircrafts shall not operate in MNPS unless:

Select one of the following:

  • Flight equipment fulfill MNPS requirements and should be type approved by Chief Executive equipment must be able to maintain separation

  • Flight equipment fulfill MNPS requirements and should be type approved by the manufacturer equipment must be able to maintain separation


Question 81 of 200


“Authorized person” means any person authorized by

Select one of the following:

  • Pilot in Command

  • Chief Executive

  • Air Operator


Question 82 of 200


What times must be entered in the technical log book?

Select one of the following:

  • Off chocks to on chocks.

  • Movement under own power on departure to on chocks.

  • Take-off to landing.


Question 83 of 200


An Engine should have

Select one of the following:

  • Common Logbook

  • Log within aircraft Technical Log

  • Separate Logbook


Question 84 of 200


On any flight on which a flight data recorder or a cockpit voice recorder or a combined cockpit voice recorder/flight data recorder is required. it shall always be in use from:

Select one of the following:

  • Commencement of the take-off run until the end of the landing run

  • Engine start prior to take-off until engine shutdown after landing

  • The moment at which the aircraft is airborne under its own power until the moment the aircraft ceases the landing run

  • Commencement of taxiing for the purpose of taking off until cessation of taxiing after landing


Question 85 of 200


What extra documentation is required for an international flight?

Select one of the following:

  • One copy of the Certificate of Maintenance Review.

  • Certificate of Airworthiness.

  • Certificate of Registration.


Question 86 of 200


Every holder of a medical certificate issued suffering from illness or injury should report to CE...

Select one of the following:

  • Immediately in case of injury, after the elapsed period of illness of 20 days or more.

  • Immediately in case of illness, after the elapsed period of injury of 20 days or more.


Question 87 of 200


The holder of an ATPL passes a certificate of test on 2 January 2003. She then passes another certificate of test on 3 May 2003. To what date is the certificate of test valid: [ ] 01/07/2003

Select one of the following:

  • 02/11/2003

  • 01/01/2004

  • 01/02/2004


Question 88 of 200


Who input data in tech log when departure & after landing

Select one of the following:

  • Maintenance Engineer

  • Pilot


Question 89 of 200


What certificate is required to be completed after a defect has been rectified on the aircraft?

Select one of the following:

  • A certificate of Maintenance review

  • None of the above

  • A certificate of release to service

  • A certificate of Airworthiness


Question 90 of 200


What must be required to record in Personal Flying Log Book

Select one of the following:

  • DOB of Holder

  • Name and Address of Holder

  • Fuel usage in the flight

  • Name of Operator


Question 91 of 200


What is a “reportable accident”?

Select one of the following:

  • Any incident in which passenger is injured.

  • Any incident which involves the aircraft coming in contact with another object/person.

  • Death or serious injury to a passenger, major damage to aircraft, or the aircraft is missing.


Question 92 of 200


As a Hong Kong licensed crew member, when must you carry your flight crew licences?

Select one of the following:

  • At all times when flying.

  • On the flight for the purposes of public transport.

  • On a flight for the purposes of international public transport.


Question 93 of 200


For Hong Kong public transport aircraft the position of equipment for emergency use :

Select one of the following:

  • If the chief Executive so permits in writing, may be exhibited in a prominent position in every passenger compartment

  • It is not necessary to display such information in aircraft registered in Hong Kong

  • Must be provided individually for each passenger


Question 94 of 200


Accidents Regulation is applicable to:

Select one of the following:

  • Civil aviation only

  • Not specified

  • Both civil and military

  • Military aviation only


Question 95 of 200


What is the valid period for the initial Certificate of Test?

Select one of the following:

  • 12 Months by the end of the month

  • 6 Months

  • 12 Months

  • 6 Months by the end of the month


Question 96 of 200


What is the minimum altitude for an aircraft flying over a populated area?

Select one of the following:

  • 1,500 ft.

  • 1,000 ft.

  • 2,000 ft.

  • 2,500 ft.


Question 97 of 200


In public transport operations in an Airbus A330, the duties of the commander include that helshe take all reasonable steps to ensure that:

Select one of the following:

  • During take-off and landing or in turbulence that all passengers are warned to take their seats.

  • In turbulence conditions, all passengers are warned to take their seats and cabin crew are required to visually confirm the lap straps are secured.

  • All baggage in the passenger cabin is stowed under the passengers seat at all times.

  • During take-off and landing that all cabin crew members are secured in their seats in the passenger compartment in such a manner as to permit ready assistance to passengers.


Question 98 of 200


Smoking Sign have to be visible to

Select one of the following:

  • most parts of cabin with passengers are carried

  • Not specified

  • all parts of cabin where passengers are carried


Question 99 of 200


Engine/Propellers logbooks are to be kept for a period of

Select one of the following:

  • 2 years after a new logbook is started

  • 6 months after a new logbook is started

  • 6 months after an engine / propellor is withdrawn from service or destroyed

  • 2 years after an engine / propellor is withdrawn from service or destroyed


Question 100 of 200


An aircraft with 34 seats is operating a regional flight with 19 passengers on board. Is a cabin attendant required?

Select one of the following:

  • Only if passengers are not seated in the same zone

  • Yes

  • No


Question 101 of 200


Your annual total flying permitted is:

Select one of the following:

  • 1,000 hours at the end of the previous month.

  • 900 hours to the end of the previous month.

  • 900 hours up to the end of the day of the flight.


Question 102 of 200


If a pilot has to deviate from flight rules due to emergency, who does he need to report to

Select one of the following:

  • Chief Executive

  • Local Authority


Question 103 of 200


Smoking Sign has to be visible to pax:

Select one of the following:

  • All areas accessible to pax

  • Anywhere in cabin

  • Every pax seat

  • Prominent Position


Question 104 of 200


You have total radio failure before the runway holding point. What light signal do you expect to get from the tower to signal your return to the starting point?

Select one of the following:

  • Flashing White.

  • Steady Red.

  • Steady White.

  • Steady Green.


Question 105 of 200


in Hong Kong, an aircraft shall not fly over, or within 3000 feet of any assembly in the open air of more than 1000 persons assembled for the purpose of witnessing or participating in the event. What expectations exist to this rule?

Select one of the following:

  • If the aircraft is passing over the event in the course of normal point to point navigation.

  • If the aircraft is operating within the written permission of the CAD.

  • If the aircraft is operating within the written permission of the Chief Executive.

  • If the aircraft is photographing the event for which, persons are assembled to witness, or participate.


Question 106 of 200


For accident happened, who should report to

Select one of the following:

  • Chief Inspector

  • Chief Executive


Question 107 of 200


What are the privileges associated with a Restricted Radio Telephony Operators Licence?

Select one of the following:

  • Internal Tuning only for all radios.

  • External Tuning only for all radios.

  • Internal and External HF, External VHF only.


Question 108 of 200


Aircraft registration, after nationality code “B-”, should be presented by 117. Aircraft registration, after nationality code “B-”, should be presented by

Select one of the following:

  • Roman Number

  • Three capital letters

  • Country’s code

  • Small Letter


Question 109 of 200


A transport category (cargo) aircraft may be flown

Select one of the following:

  • For any type of operation

  • For any type of operation other than aerial work

  • For any type of operation other than aerial work and public transport of passengers

  • For any purpose other than the public transport of passengers


Question 110 of 200


You have just completed a flight during which there were no technical defects. In completing the technical log you:

Select one of the following:

  • Log take-off and landing times, leave defects block blank and sign log.

  • Log take-off and landing times, enter nil defects in defects block and sign log.

  • Log off blocks and on blocks times, leave defects block blank and sign log.


Question 111 of 200


How is an unserviceable door marked after it has been locked and secured?

Select one of the following:

  • "A red disc 23cm in diameter with a horizontal white bar with the words ""NON EXIT"" in red."

  • A red rectangle with the words “NO EXIT” in white.

  • A red cross with 23cm arms.


Question 112 of 200


What is the requirement regarding flight times within a 28 day period?

Select one of the following:

  • 100 hours at the end of the day on which the flight begins.

  • 100 hours at the beginning of the day on which the flight begins.

  • 90 hours expiring at the end of the day on which the flight begins.


Question 113 of 200


You are taxying on the manoeuvring area when the control tower directs a flashing white light towards you. What does this mean?

Select one of the following:

  • Return to the starting point of the aerodrome.

  • Move clear of the landing area.

  • Give way to other aircraft.


Question 114 of 200


An aircraft flying under VFR conditions outside controlled airspace, must comply with which one of the following conditions?

Select one of the following:

  • If flying below 3000 FT AMSL, the minimum visibility is not less than 1500 m.

  • While flying at and below 10000 FT, an aircraft must remain at least 1500 m horizontally and 1000 FT vertically from cloud with a minimum visibility if not less than 5000 m.

  • If flying at or below 3000 FT AMSL at a speed which according to its air speed indicator is 140 kts or less and remains clear of cloud and in a flight visibility of at least 1500 m

  • If flying below 3000 FT AMSL at a speed which according to its air speed indicator is 140 kts or less and remains clear of cloud and in a flight visibility of at least 1500 m


Question 115 of 200


What is the lead time for the submission of the ops manual

Select one of the following:

  • 30 days

  • 20 days

  • 90 days

  • 60 days


Question 116 of 200


Pilot with new type rating, what required in pilot licence in order to give instruction

Select one of the following:

  • Instructor Rating

  • Operator Approval


Question 117 of 200


Accident inside Hong Kong, apart from reporting to Chief Inspector, who else?

Select one of the following:

  • CAD

  • Chief Executive

  • Commission of Police


Question 118 of 200


'Night' is defined as:

Select one of the following:

  • The time between when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon after sunset. until when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon before sunrise. sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level

  • The time between 20 minutes after sunset and 20 minutes before sunrise. sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level.

  • The time between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise, sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level

  • The time between when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon after sunset until when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon before sunrise, sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level


Question 119 of 200


Flight time is:

Select one of the following:

  • all time spent by that person in an aircraft registered in Hong Kong while it is in flight and he is carried therein as a member of the crew

  • all time spent by that person in an aircraft registered in Hong Kong while it is in motion and he is carried therein as a member of the crew

  • all time spent by that person in an aircraft whether or not registered in Hong Kong while it is in motion and he is carried therein as a member of the crew

  • all time spent by that person in an aircraft whether or not registered in Hong Kong while it is in flight and he is carried therein as a member of the crew


Question 120 of 200


In a public transport operation in an aircraft with a maximum take-off weight in excess of 5700 KG, the total wight if passengers and crew over 12 years of age, may be calculated at an average of

Select one of the following:

  • 83 KG for male and 70 KG for a female

  • 75 KG for male and 65 KG for a female

  • 78 KG for male and 60 KG for a female

  • 85 KG for male and 65 KG for a female


Question 121 of 200


What action is required in the event of a pilot Incapacitation?

Select one of the following:

  • Inform the Chief Executive for cancellation of medical certificate.

  • Make a technical log entry with details of the incapacitation.

  • An MOR must be submitted to the Chief Executive.


Question 122 of 200


Is a passenger smoking on an aircraft, contrary to a displayed sign, committing an offense in accordance with the ANO’s?

Select one of the following:

  • AN(HK)O

  • Summary offences ordinance.

  • Operations manual


Question 123 of 200


As a PIC, he has to be satisfied before takeoff that…

Select one of the following:

  • Departure time

  • Cargo loading is appropriate by a physical check.

  • The post-start system faults have been cancelled.

  • Ensuring a safe flight can be conducted


Question 124 of 200


What is the legal requirement concerning the consumption of alcohol by crews prior to flying?

Select one of the following:

  • 8 hours prior to flying.

  • 10 hours prior to flying.

  • Must not be under the influence of alcohol or a drug so as to impair the capacity to fly.


Question 125 of 200


At what age can you no longer fly an aircraft of >20,000 kgs?

Select one of the following:

  • 60

  • 55

  • 70

  • 65


Question 126 of 200


If Flight Crew food poisoning, it will

Select one of the following:

  • Have no effect

  • Deem pilot impaired until physically fit to fly

  • Cause the loss of medical certificate


Question 127 of 200


Aircraft in transport (cargo) category may be used for

Select one of the following:

  • Never passenger flights on regular public transport

  • Passenger flights with special permission

  • Aerial work, passenger flights and cargo

  • Cargo only


Question 128 of 200


The Certificate of Airworthiness of an aircraft shows the category as “Transport Category” (Passenger) for what purpose may the aircraft fly?

Select one of the following:

  • Any purpose other than aerial work

  • Any purpose other than public transport of cargo

  • Any purpose


Question 129 of 200


A person shall not act as a member of the flight crew of an aircraft registered in Hong Kong if the beginning of the flight, the aggregate of all his previous flight times: (Article 56, Para B)

Select one of the following:

  • During the period of 12 months expiring at the end of the previous month exceed 900 hours

  • During the period of 28 consecutive days expiring at the end of the day immediately before the day on which the flight begins exceeds 100 hours

  • During the period of a calendar year expiring at the end of the previous month exceed 900 hours


Question 130 of 200


Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Flight crew shall not consume more than 2 units of alcohol within 24 hours before flight and no alcohol within 8 hours before flight

  • Pilot license for fixed wing aircraft operating in Hong Kong FIR shall include a valid language endorsement

  • “Day” refers to the period from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset, observed on surface level


Question 131 of 200


Your company has a system for conducting pre-flight checks and inspections. Who is responsible for ensuring that the checks have been carried out?

Select one of the following:

  • The aircraft commander.

  • The Operator.

  • The CAD.


Question 132 of 200


After reportable occurrence, operator shall keep the data of flight data recorder for

Select one of the following:

  • 7 days

  • 60 days

  • 30 days

  • 14 days


Question 133 of 200


When can a hand held microphone be used?

Select one of the following:

  • Above FL150 in controlled airspace.

  • Any flight level but not during take-off or landing.

  • Below FL150 in controlled airspace.


Question 134 of 200


Crew is not allowed to access the area not designed for accommodation, except:

Select one of the following:

  • During the public transport flight

  • During the test flight

  • For the interest of Safety

  • For the check of Navigation and Radio equipment


Question 135 of 200


Cloud ceiling definition

Select one of the following:

  • The horizontal distance above aerodrome elevation to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome and obscures more than half the sky

  • The vertical distance above aerodrome elevation to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome and obscures more than half the sky


Question 136 of 200


An aeroplane is towing a glider in flight. In this case:

Select one of the following:

  • The length of tow rope shall not exceed 150 meters

  • The length of the combination of the towing aircraft. the tow rope and the glider shall not exceed 150 meters

  • There is no restriction on the length of tow rope provided that the aeroplane has a certificate of airworthiness valid for towing aircraft.

  • The length of the combination of the tow rope and the glider shall not exceed 150 meters


Question 137 of 200


Definition of cloud ceiling

Select one of the following:

  • The vertical distance above aerodrome elevation to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrom and obscures less than half the sky

  • The vertical distance above mean sea level to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome and obscures more than half the sky

  • The vertical distance above aerodrome elevation to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome and obscures more than half the sky

  • The vertical distance above aerodrome elevation to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome


Question 138 of 200


When must seat belts be used by pilots?

Select one of the following:

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, during take-off and landing in aircraft above 2,730kg.

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, when below FL150 in controlled airspace.

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, during take-off and landing on regular public transport flights.


Question 139 of 200


A Boeing 747 and an Airbus 340 are on the same array to the american destination, and both at FL350. Initially, the B747 took off half an hour after the Airbus. After a few hours in the air, the sun has gone down, the B747 pilot observes a red flashing light and a steady green light. This is an indication that

Select one of the following:

  • The 747 is not considered to be overtaking, and may continue on its heading

  • The 747 will be overtaking, and must alter heading to the right

  • The 747 will be overtaking, and must alter heading to the left

  • The 747 will be overtaking, and must either climb, descend or alter heading to stay clear of the other aircraft


Question 140 of 200


A HK registered B747 has landed at Burdikistan due to pressurization problems. A qualified LAME employed by Suspect Airways has replaced the Cabin Pressure Controller and states that the aircraft is now fully serviceable. The LAME is not an approved signatory under Article 8 (7) b of AN(HK)O's. What action should the commander now take?

Select one of the following:

  • Continue the flight but only to the nearest place where a Certificate of Release to Service can be issued, considering flight safety and any hazards to the liberty or health of persons on board and submit a written report within 10 days.

  • Continue the flight to the next scheduled destination and arrange for a Certificate of Release to Service can be issued, considering flight safety and any hazards to the liberty or health of persons on board and submit a written report within 10 days.

  • If the pilot in command is satisfied with the work, he may sign the Maintenance Log and continue the flight to the destination and submit a written report to the Chief Executive within 10 days.

  • Remain on the ground at Burdikistan and await the arrival of a LAME who has approval. under Article 8, to sign the Certificate of Release to Service and submit a report within 10 days.


Question 141 of 200


Which of the following is not considered to be DG?

Select one of the following:

  • Aircraft spare lithium battery

  • Aircraft spare nickel-cadmium battery

  • Unloaded firearm

  • Loaded firearm


Question 142 of 200


The anti-collision light has failed on the aircraft of which you are the commander. Under what conditions (if any) may you continue the flight if it is impracticable for the light to be repaired at your location?

Select one of the following:

  • By day, only if the appropriate ATC unit gives permission for the flight to continue.

  • By night. if the appropriate ATC unit gives permission for the flight to continue

  • By night. if in the opinion of the aircraft commander, it is safe to do so.

  • By night. the aircraft must land at the nearest authorised aerodrome and get the light repaired before continuing the flight.


Question 143 of 200


Your company holds a permit that allows the carriage of dangerous goods in their aircraft. Would the holding of such permission allow the carriage of munitions of war?

Select one of the following:

  • No. An exemption would be required.

  • Yes, provided that they are carried in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

  • Yes, provided that the Governor’s written permission is obtained.


Question 144 of 200


What aircraft require an anti-collision light?

Select one of the following:

  • All A/C registered in HK

  • A/C below 5,700 kg

  • A/C above 5,700 kg.


Question 145 of 200


The holder of a Commercial Pilots Licence (HK) suffers illness which renders him temporarily unfit to perform the functions of his flight crew licence. Notification to the Chief Executive. in writing, must be made:

Select one of the following:

  • On the 20th day that the illness renders him unfit.

  • Immediately, regardless of the seriousness of the illness.

  • Immediately. if he is aware that the illness will last more than 20 days.

  • On the 21st day that the illness renders him unfit.


Question 146 of 200


What is necessary to for crew to act as a member of the flight crew of an aircraft registered in Hong Kong (article 19-1)?

Select one of the following:

  • Relevant Certificate Holder

  • Hong Kong Resident

  • Relevant Licence Holder


Question 147 of 200


Instructions for position of emergency equipment should be

Select one of the following:

  • Explicitly shown in a place which is visible for all passengers

  • Available for each individual passenger

  • Available for each individual passenger, or Explicitly shown in a prominent position in every passenger compartment if permitted by Chief Executive in writing


Question 148 of 200


It is a requirement that Flight Crew Licence holders enter flight times in their personal log books. In this case, “Flight Time” is defined, for aeroplanes, as:

Select one of the following:

  • The moment when it first moves under its own power until the moment when it next comes to rest after landing

  • The moment when. after the embarkation of its crew for the purpose of taking off, the aeroplane commences the take-off roll under its own power. until the time it first touches down for the purpose of landing

  • The moment when, after the embarkation of its crew for the purpose of taking off. it first moves under its own power until the moment when it next, comes to rest after landing

  • The moment when all external doors close for the purpose of embarkation until the moment when all external doors open for the purpose of disembarkation


Question 149 of 200


A signal of “Raise arm with fist clenched horizontally in front of face then extend fingers” made by a marshaller on the ground has the following meaning:

Select one of the following:

  • Brakes engaged.

  • Remove chocks.

  • Brakes released.


Question 150 of 200


A Public Transport aeroplane registered in HK and certified for two pilot operations is operating from Sydney. Both control seats are fitted with 5 point crew harnesses.
The flight crew consists of the commander, the first officer and the second officer. For the take-off from Sydney it is a requirement that:"

Select one of the following:

  • Either the commander or the first officer is at the left hand controls with the second officer at the right hand controls and that both pilots are wearing the full safety harness.

  • The commander and the first/second officer are at the controls and the commander is wearing full safety harness but the first/second officer need only wear a lap type safety belt.

  • The commander and the first/second officer may sit at either set of controls. The commander is required to wear the 5 point safety harness and the first/second officer may wear either the full safety harness or a lap type safety belt with a diagonal strap.

  • The commander and the first/second officer are at the controls and both are wearing the full safety harness.


Question 151 of 200


What are flying machines to give way to?

Select one of the following:

  • Airships and balloons

  • Airships, gliders and balloons

  • Gliders and balloons

  • Private aircraft to give way to commercial aircraft


Question 152 of 200


As the holder of an instrument rating, the privileges of this enable you to:

Select one of the following:

  • Operate as PIC or CP on a regular public transport service under IFR.

  • Operate at night as PIC or CP of an aircraft in controlled airspace.

  • Operate as PIC or CP of an A/C in controlled airspace under IFR.


Question 153 of 200


When must seat belts be used by pilots?

Select one of the following:

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, at all times.

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, when below FL150 in controlled airspace.

  • At all times when at the controls and shoulder harness in addition, during take-off and landing.


Question 154 of 200


Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations applies to…

Select one of the following:

  • Civil aircraft only

  • Civil and military aircraft

  • Aircraft registered in HK


Question 155 of 200


How many days does training record keep

Select one of the following:

  • 14 Days

  • 7 Days

  • 28 Days

  • 30 Days


Question 156 of 200


Under the ANO HK, when can a pilot without an instruction‘s rating, give flying instructions?

Select one of the following:

  • When giving type conversion but only in a simulator

  • An ATPL holder may give any type of flying instruction to anyone

  • The minimum requirement is an “Assistant flying instructors” rating

  • When giving type conversion on a multi engine aircraft to a qualified pilot


Question 157 of 200


What privilege is granted to the holder of Flight Radiotelephony Operator (article 19)?

Select one of the following:

  • "transmitted messages only on a frequency exceeding 60 MHz assigned by the Chief Executive, in which the stability of the frequency radiated is not maintained
    automatically by the transmitter and not operate the transmitter except use of external switches"

  • "transmitted messages only on a frequency not exceeding 60 MHz, in which the stability of the frequency radiated is maintained automatically
    by the transmitter but not operate the transmitter except use of external switches"

  • "transmitted messages only on a frequency exceeding 60 MHz assigned by the Chief Executive, in which the stability of the frequency radiated is
    maintained automatically by the transmitter but not operate the transmitter except use of external switches"

  • "transmitted messages only on a frequency exceeding 60 MHz assigned by the Chief Executive, in which the stability of the frequency radiated is
    maintained automatically by the transmitter and operate the transmitter in any circumstance"


Question 158 of 200


An aircraft shall not fly over or within:

Select one of the following:

  • 3000ft of any assembly in the open air of more than 1000 persons assembled for the purpose of witnessing or participating in any organised event.

  • 1500ft of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure

  • 3000ft of any assembly in the open air of more than 1000 persons assembled for the purpose of witnessing or participating in any organised event except with the permission in writing of the Chief executive

  • 1000ft of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure


Question 159 of 200


Certificate of Maintenance release certify?

Select one of the following:

  • aircraft or any part thereof or its equipment has been overhauled, repaired, replaced, modified or maintained

  • perts require to be repaired

  • maintenance date is due


Question 160 of 200


When operating a “Combi” A/C it is permissible to:

Select one of the following:

  • Block an exit with freight that can be removed without obstructing passengers.

  • Block an exit not required for use by passengers.

  • Block an exit with items that will be consumed by the crew during the flight.


Question 161 of 200


The reporting requirement for the above MOR is that the report shall be submitted to the Chief Executive in writing:

Select one of the following:

  • Within 96 hours of the completion of the flight

  • Within 96 hours of the information coming into the possession of the person reporting

  • Within 96 hours of the completion of the flight on which the incident occurred

  • Within 96 hours of the incident which the person is reporting


Question 162 of 200


Which of the following is an accident to be reported? (Regulation 2)

Select one of the following:

  • Landing Gear damage

  • Engine Failure in flight

  • Finger broken


Question 163 of 200


Who is required to supply information to the Chief Inspector in the event of an accident?

Select one of the following:

  • The owner, operator, commander or hirer of the aircraft.

  • Only the aviation authority of the country in which the aircraft is registered.

  • The aircraft manufacturer.


Question 164 of 200


A pilot is incapacitated during the flight. What actions are to be taken?

Select one of the following:

  • The illness must be reported after 20 days.

  • A report must be raised to the catering office at CAD.

  • Issue of a new medical certificate.

  • A Mandatory Occurrence Report must be submitted.


Question 165 of 200


Departure from rules of air to avoid imminent danger, the pilot should report to:

Select one of the following:

  • police commissioner

  • Chief executive

  • competent Authority

  • operator


Question 166 of 200


Weight Schedule includes

Select one of the following:

  • Total Weight

  • Empty Weight

  • Basic Weight

  • Full Weight


Question 167 of 200


With 2 weeks to go to your rating you fail your test. Are you:

Select one of the following:

  • Still rated provided 13 months has not elapsed since first rating tests.

  • Unrated until you have passed a retake.

  • Rated until your original expiry date.


Question 168 of 200


Are you allowed to be drunk in any aircraft?

Select one of the following:

  • Only if you stop drinking when directed by the commander or crew

  • Only if it is as a result of the alcohol served on the aircraft

  • Only if you enter the aircraft when you are not drunk

  • No


Question 169 of 200


Your flight have 3 pilots, the number of crew have to be in the cockpit for at all times

Select one of the following:

  • at least 2 pilots at cockpit and PIC at control during take off and landing

  • at least 2 pilots at cockpit at all times

  • at least 2 pilots at cockpit below FL150 and IFR


Question 170 of 200


For accident happened, who should report to

Select one of the following:

  • Commissioner of Police

  • Chief Executive


Question 171 of 200


It is allowed to not include all information of crew duties and information in the Operation Manual, where can we also include it?

Select one of the following:

  • Maintenance Manual

  • Flight Crew Training Manual

  • Flight Manual


Question 172 of 200


If breach an(hk) o what level offense is that?

Select one of the following:

  • Level 3

  • Level 2

  • Level 1

  • Level 4


Question 173 of 200


A pilot becomes ill during a flight which impedes his capacity to act in the functions to which his license relates. What action should be taken on landing?

Select one of the following:

  • Report in writing to the Chief Executive as soon as possible

  • Submit a mandatory report as soon as possible

  • Submit a mandatory report within 96 hours

  • Report in writing to the Chief Executive after 20 days has elapsed


Question 174 of 200


Position of emergency equipment, and instruction of emergency procedure should be…

Select one of the following:

  • Provided for most passengers

  • Provided individually for each passenger; if the Chief Executive so permits in writing, exhibited in a prominent position in every passenger compartment


Question 175 of 200


Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Pilot license for fixed wing aircraft operating in Hong Kong FIR shall include a valid language endorsement

  • “Day” refers to the period from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset, observed on surface level

  • Flight crew shall not consume more than 2 units of alcohol within 24 hours before flight and no alcohol within 8 hours before flight


Question 176 of 200


FO pilot is flying an ILS approach when the RVR goes below minimums of final approach. What should his actions be?

Select one of the following:

  • Hand over to the commander.

  • Continue the approach to 1,000' AGL.

  • Conduct a Go Around

  • Continue the approach as DH.


Question 177 of 200


An aircraft whose certificate of Airworthiness is in the transport category is required to carry

Select one of the following:

  • The certificate of the Maintenance Schedule, indicating that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the same maintenance schedule.

  • The Clearance for Flight certificate by the maintenance authority that the aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness is still valid

  • The certificate of Release to Service in accordance with the maintenance schedule

  • The certificate of the Maintenance Review, indicating that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the same maintenance schedule.


Question 178 of 200


A person shall not, when acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft or being carried in any aircraft for the purpose of so acting:

Select one of the following:

  • Have consumed any psychoactive substances within the previous 8 hours

  • Have consumed any alcohol or drug within the previous 12 hours

  • Be under the influence of psychoactive substances to such an extent as to impair his/her capacity to act

  • Have consumed any psychoactive substances within the previous 10 hours


Question 179 of 200


In accordance with rules for avoiding aerial collisions, an aircraft which has right of way shall:

Select one of the following:

  • Pass over or under the other aircraft.

  • Maintain its course and speed.

  • Alter its course to the right.


Question 180 of 200


What simulator details must be entered in your personal flying log book?

Select one of the following:

  • Simulator flight tests must be recorded.

  • All simulator details that were flown must be recorded.

  • No simulator details required.


Question 181 of 200


What should be included to make a pilot's licence valid

Select one of the following:

  • Ordinary signature in ink

  • Name and Address in ink

  • Company chop/stamp


Question 182 of 200


Destination and alternate are forecast to be below RVR minima at your arrival time:

Select one of the following:

  • You may not depart.

  • You may depart with ATC permission.

  • You may depart with additional holding fuel.


Question 183 of 200


Do pilot need to carry flight crew license all the time for international flight? (article 57)

Select one of the following:

  • yes, he needed as long as international passenger flight

  • no, as long as he can present it within 5days to authority


Question 184 of 200


A certificate of validation, granted under the law of any country other than Hong Kong, may be issued for

Select one of the following:

  • 2 year

  • 3 year

  • 1 year

  • such periods as the Chief Executive thinks fit


Question 185 of 200


As a PIC, he has to be satisfied before takeoff that…

Select one of the following:

  • Departure time

  • Cargo loading is appropriate by a physical check.

  • The post-start system faults have been cancelled.

  • Ensuring a safe flight can be conducted (should be answer, not sure)


Question 186 of 200


What must the Pilot in Command present is requested to do so

Select one of the following:

  • Weight Schedule

  • Licence of its flight crew

  • Repair Schedule

  • Maintenance schedule


Question 187 of 200


210. How Long shall the operator keep the certificate of maintenance review?

Select one of the following:

  • 2 years (from the day of use)

  • 3 years

  • 1 year

  • 5 years


Question 188 of 200


A night rated pilot holds a valid commercial licence which does not include an instrument rating. This licence entitles the pilot to fly as pilot in command of an aircraft of a type specified
in part 1 of the aircraft rating included in the licence when the aeroplane is engaged on which of the following flights?"

Select one of the following:

  • A flight made for the purpose of public transport provided the aeroplane is certified for single pilot operations.

  • A schedule flight carrying cargo only. day or night. provided the pilot has in the preceding 13 months carried out as pilot in command not less than 5 take-offs and 5 landings at a time when the depression of the centre of the sun was not less than 12 degrees below the horizon.

  • At night. provided the pilot has in the preceding 13 months carried out as pilot in command not less than 5 take-offs and 5 landings at a time when the depression of the centre of the sun was not less than 12 degrees belowthe horizon.

  • Any scheduled journey, provided he/she has carried out at least 5 take-offs and landings at night


Question 189 of 200


The holder of an HK ATPL has the following aggregate flight times for the previous27 days : A330 (Public transport) 87 hours TB10 (Private) 6 hoursThe pilot may. on day 28, undertake which of the following flights:

Select one of the following:

  • A private flight in a TB10 not exceeding 7 hours

  • An aerial work flight not exceeding 7 hours

  • A public transport flight not exceeding 7 hours

  • A public transport. or an aerial work flight not exceeding 13 hours


Question 190 of 200


What is the horizontal distance that must be taken into consideration when calculating the highest fixed object to be avoided, in a populated area?

Select one of the following:

  • 2,000 ft.

  • 2,500 ft.

  • 1,500 ft.

  • 1,000 ft.


Question 191 of 200


You have a certificate of test on 2/1/06 and another on 3/5/06, when is your certificate valid until?

Select one of the following:

  • 01/02/2007

  • 02/11/2006

  • 01/07/2006

  • If renew between the 4th - 6th month, it will be valid for 30 months since the first renewal date


Question 192 of 200


For an F/E to operate while he/she is under supervised training they:

Select one of the following:

  • Have no requirement for a radio operator's license

  • must be holder of a radio operator's license

  • Can not perform two way communication in the TMA


Question 193 of 200


What certificate is required to be completed for a component change?

Select one of the following:

  • Certificate of Maintenance Review.

  • Certificate of Release to Service.

  • Certificate of Compliance.


Question 194 of 200


Combi configuration is allowed:

Select one of the following:

  • If the cargo is not blocking passengers exit

  • After the passengers embarks and before passenger disembarks

  • Not permitted

  • When the exit is not required for use by passengers


Question 195 of 200


Minimum number of crew when aircraft weight over 5700 kg

Select one of the following:

  • 5

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Question 196 of 200


You are taxying on the manoeuvring area when the control tower directs a flashing green light towards you. What does this mean?

Select one of the following:

  • Return to starting point on the aerodrome.

  • You may move on the manoeuvring area and apron.

  • You may take-off (not applicable to a vehicle).


Question 197 of 200


When a flight crew suffer from food poisoning, what is the first action?

Select one of the following:

  • Deem as license suspended until a medical examiner review and approve fit for flying

  • Mandatory Report to CE


Question 198 of 200


A HK registered Boeing 777 suffers damage to an exit door at an aerodrome where it is not practicable for the door to be repaired or replaced. The number of passengers and seating arrangements permit the aircraft to depart with this exit unserviceable. What other measures should the commander ensure are taken:

Select one of the following:

  • "The exit should be locked and marked by a red disc at least 23 cm in diameter with a horizontal white bar across it bearing the words “No exit"" in red lettering and the EXIT sign should be covered."

  • "The exit should be marked “No exit"" in white lettering on a red bar 23 cm across, the door should be locked and the EXIT sign should be covered."

  • "The exit should be marked by a red disc at least 23 cm in diameter with a white bar across it bearing the words ""No exit"" in red lettering and the EXIT sign should be covered."

  • "The exit should be locked and marked by a white disc at least 23 cm in diameter with a horizontal red bar across it bearing the words “No exit"" in white lettering and the EXIT sign should be covered."


Question 199 of 200


An incident, relating to the operation of an aircraft. which would require a Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR) would be an incident involving:

Select one of the following:

  • The incapacitation of the second officer with food poisoning

  • The refusal of the flight crew to comply with an ATC clearance

  • The loading of cargo (excluding mail)


Question 200 of 200


Which of following is correct?
1. Engineer has to enter flight log for defects
2. PIC has to enter flight log for defects
3. Engineer has to enter flight log for TO and LDG time
4. PIC has to enter flight log for TO and LDG time"

Select one of the following:

  • 1&2

  • 2&3

  • 2&4

  • 1&3
