Created by Lawrence Chen
over 1 year ago
Fetus of this mother at risk for?
CNS calcifications and chorioretinitis associated with which TORCH infections?
Hearing loss is associated with which TORCH infections?
MEN 2B Features
MEN 2A Features
MEN 1 Features
With which syndrome are these lesions found?
Prolonged usage of guaifenesin can have which adverse effect?
Bismuth salicylate in varicella infection can result in which reaction?
Recurrent painless hematuria, azotemia, proteinuria, and hypertension in a child is suggestive of which condition?
Complement C3 and C4 levels in:
- SLE nephritis
- Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
- IgA nephritis
Acute hemorrhagic cystitis is most frequently associated with which infection in children?
Early-onset sepsis in fetuses/neonates is most strongly associated with which independent risk factor?
Shwachman-(Bodian-)Diamond syndrome (SBDS) has which features?
Independent risk factors for MRSA infection?
Boy in early puberty active in sports with bilateral knee pain and swelling?
Same pathophysiology as Osgood-Schlatter Disease is associated with which other conditions?
Turner Syndrome is most commonly associated with which cardiac defects?
First line hearing aid for infant of 4 months?
At what age should a patient with Turner Syndrome start screening for primary ovarian failure?
Age ranges for early, middle, late adolescence?
What is unnecessary in cases where RSV bronchiolitis is the primary differential diagnosis
First line evaluation for new onset seizure with no clear trigger (fever, illness, drugs, etc.)
How should strength training be done in prepubescent children?
chubby cheeks, a short nose, and a relatively small chin may be consistent with
Hyperammonemia along with neonatal lethargy, vomiting, coma, strokes, and, if unrecognized, death seen in which class of metabolic disorders?
Nonketotic hypoglycemia, seizures, rhabdomyolysis, cardiomyopathy, liver dysfunction, and sudden infant death seen in which metabolic disorders?
Nonspecific lactic acidosis and concurrent organ-specific findings such as strokes, seizures, cardiac conduction abnormalities, hypotonia, or weakness seen in which class of metabolic disorders?
Early Lyme disease can be treated with which oral antibiotics?
Once a Lyme disease patient has complete heart block and is hospitalized, which antibiotic is appropriate?
Doxycycline can be safely given after which age?
AAP position on infant walkers?
What is a monophonic wheeze?
Differences between Trisomy 13, 18, 21?
What can be added to a regimen of Vancomycin after MRSA infection of a prosthetic valve or joint is identified if it cannot be removed?
Gross motor, fine motor, self-help, problem solving, social, emotional, and language milestones for a 3 year old?
Neonates need to meet which criteria to be discharged prior to 48 hours?
First line treatment for AIHA in teenager without evidence of end organ damage?
Drug of choice for Bartonella henselae?
Which organism is Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome associated with?
Which genetic anomaly is most closely associated with duodenal atresia?
The presence of esophageal atresia and abnormal thumbs should key you in to which syndrome?
What is Lissencephaly?
Which actions are associated with avulsion of a portion of the tibial tubercle in teenager athletes?
For an otherwise immunocompetent infant between 6 months and their first dose of MMR, what should be done in case of a known measles exposure?
What are Koplik spots?
When are Koplik spots seen in the context of the natural history of measles?
When should Measles IgG be used?
Differences in migraines between children and adults?
What is osmophobia?
5 causes of isolated prolonged PT?
What does a prolonged Thrombin Time (TT) suggest?
Which coagulation factors influence prothrombin time (PT)?
Which coagulation factors influence activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)?
Child being treated for tinea capitis returns 2 weeks later with rash
What is a dermatophytid reaction?
How is a dermatophytid reaction treated?
2 week infant presents with excessive tearing and enlarged cornea
Which conditions are associated with infantile glaucoma?
What proportion of nasolacrimal duct occlusion resolves by 1 year of life?
What is Little League elbow?
11-year old boy, pain with throwing
Activity restrictions for Little League Elbow / Medial epicondyle apophysitis?
What is associated with a fixed flexion contracture of the elbow with tenderness directly over the olecranon?
How are isolated suppurative lymph nodes treated in Cat-scratch disease (B. henselae)?
How is systemic bartonellosis treated?
With what are conjunctival granulomas are associated?
Which rare but ocular involvement of toxoplasmosis may occur?
Conjunctivitis with dendritic corneal ulceration is associated with which causative agent?
If stridor is heard on expiration, what that does that tell us about where the obstruction is with relation to the thorax
Infant with expiratory stridor after recent URI
Hormonal derangements in RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sport) / female athlete triad?
First-line treatment for pediatric GAD (general anxiety disorder)?
Above what dose steroid should live immunizations (i.e. MMR) be avoided?
Treatment for aspiration pneumonia in a 2 year old with spinal muscular atrophy
What does squatting do to venous return?
What does the Valsalva maneuver do to venous return?
Teenager with AIDS presents with 2 weeks of rapidly evolving itchy rash
What is contraindicated for the treatment of scabies in infants?
For which conditions are antibiotics indicated for the prevention of subacute bacterial endocarditis?
What is the dose for subacute bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis?
How soon does TGA (transposition of the great arteries) present?
How soon does ToF present?
What is the appropriate treatment for unimmunized patients who are exposed to varicella?
What is the use case for Varicella zoster IgG?
What would a finding of erosive symmetrical polyarthritis be suggestive of in a teenager?
What is bilateral fragmentation, loss of height, and angular deformity of the medial portion of the proximal tibia on a radiograph of the knee suggestive of?
Which antibodies are associated with congenital heart block?
For a mother with SLE, what is the risk of the infant developing congenital heart block?
How soon can a child with Strep A return to school after antibiotics?
When should a breastfed infant start iron supplementation?
What is the dose of iron supplementation for breastfed and formula-fed infants?
Which syndrome is associated with gliomas, ependymomas, and choroid plexus carcinomas?
What is deficient in pellagra?
By which age can a child follow rules in a game?
Most common substance abused in high school?
A defect in FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) results in which condition?
What are the features of achondroplasia?
What are the features of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome Type 2?
HLA-DR3 and DR4 are associated with which autoimmune condition?
Recommended screen time for child 2-5 years
A teenager with a knee XR showing traction apophysitis at the patellar tendon insertion in the tibial tubercle is consistent with which diagnosis?
Which virus poses the risk of congenital heart failure?
What are the risks to a fetus in maternal contraction of Parvovirus B19?
Teenager with bony mass that shows "stalks and broad-based projections" on XR is what?
Risk of vertical transmission of HIV in untreated mother?
Treatment of HIV in pregnant mother?
46 XY with ambiguous genitalia and total deficiency of testicular function who starts to develop renal failure around 3 years likely has which syndrome?
46, XY child with ambiguous genitalia, Mullerian ducts, and a Wilms tumor likely has what?
What are the cutoffs for a screening fasting lipid panel for 9-11 and 17-21 year olds?
What is the prototypical patient with infantile acne?
While mostly asymptomatic, what can a spina bifida occulta be associated with?
How long does the rooting and sucking reflexes last?
How long does the stepping reflex last?
How long does the crossed adductor reflex last?
How long does the toe grasp reflex last?
How long does the Moro reflex last?
How long does the palmar grasp reflex last?
How long does the Babinski reflex last?
How much more likely are patients with Trisomy 21 to have Celiac disease?
Patients with TDM and DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes are susceptible to what?
What is the general population incidence for Celiac Disease?
Amphotericin B causes the loss of which two electrolytes renally?
At which age do infants coo and have a social smile?
At what age does an infant smile in a mirror?
At what age do children have a vocabulary of 50 words and use 2 word sentences?
At what age do children use pronouns?
At what age do children use prepositions and articles in speech?
At what age do children start to scribble?
At what age do children copy a circle?
At what age can children take off loose-fitting clothing?
At what age can children unbutton buttons?
At what age can children keep their heads upright and lift their chests from the ground?
At what fasting glucose can a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus be made?
At what random glucose can a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus be made?
What is the most likely affected artery in a cerebral infarction of a neonate?
What is deposited in anti-glomerular basement membrane disease?
What is seen on biopsy of anti-glomerular basement membrane disease?
What are the features of colic?
How is the anion gap calculated?
What are the features of congenital aortic stenosis?
What is the appropriate nonsurgical management of congenital aortic stenosis?
After HoCM, what is the most likely cardiac cause of sudden death in a teenager athlete?
Isolated breast development in a 1 year old with no other signs of adrenarche or possibility of exogenous estrogen is likely:
Patient has pain worse at night and felt better taking their friend's prednisone
Recent trauma to right shoulder with a new swelling mass
Insidious pain developing over months
Localized pain that is tender to touch developing over months
At what age does an infant:
- bang 2 things together
- lift their arms to be picked up
- smiles socially and laughs
- enjoys peek-a-boo
At what age does a child understand "no"?
At what age should a child be able to pull to stand?
At what age should a child be able to stack 2 objects?
At what age will a child try and say 1-2 words other than mama or dada?
At what age does a child:
- use a cup well
- finger-feed themselves
- copy other doing chores
- follow one-step directions?
In which circumstances would a perforation of the tympanic membrane merit surgical intervention?
When are antibiotics for a TM perf appropriate?
Indications for temporal bone CT following trauma?
Can a child with a history of anaphylaxis to egg still get an inactivated influenza immunization?
In what circumstances might a child merit administration of tetanus IgG?
Exaggerating contact between the patella and the distal femoral groove worsens pain in which syndrome?
What is the initial treatment of patellofemoral syndrome?
What are the distinctions between LCPD (Legg-Calve-Perthes disease) and SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis)?
What proportion of patients with infectious mononucleosis develop a morbilliform rash WITHOUT antibiotics?
What happens when a patient with infectious mononucleosis (EBV) is mistakenly treated with antibiotics for strep pharyngitis?
Teenager comes with petechiae at the juncture of hard and soft palates along with periorbital edema and fatigue
What is the preferred test for the diagnosis of EBV?
What is the appropriate anticipatory guidance that should be given for patients diagnosed with EBV/infectious mononucleosis?
What is the only indication for corticosteroids in those diagnosed with EBV/IM?
What is the most common causative agent for hand-foot-mouth disease?
What is another name for exanthema subitum?
What is the distinction between Koplik, Nagayama, and Forchheimer spots?
Child with low grade fever, not eating, lymphadenopathy, rash are fine pink spots that start from head and travelled down
Child with high fever for 5 days that breaks suddenly and breaks out in rash with these spots
What is needed to prove presumptive immunity against varicella?
What are the three objective ways to measure TLC?
What is the Flow-Volume Loop for an obstructive patient? A restrictive one?
What is TLC - FC?
What does a scooped expiratory flow-volume suggest?
How long should asthma medications be withheld prior to a bronchodilator test?
How much of a response in FEV1 is needed for a positive bronchodilator test?
What is the first test done for the diagnosis of asthma?
What are 3 ways to perform a bronchoprovocation challenge?
What is the PC20 in pulmonary testing?
5 causes of hypoxemia:
What are 3 things that can shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?
What happens to the oxygen binding affinity when there is more carbon monoxide in the blood?
What are symptoms at 25% methemoglobinemia? 40%? 60%?
What is the mechanism of action of methylene blue?
How does pulse oximetry work when there significant levels of CO or methemoglobin?
For a patient with uncomplicated diarrheal Salmonella infection, the treatment is?
What is the incidence of webbed neck in Turner syndrome?
What is the incidence of coarctation of the aorta in Turner syndrome?
What is the incidence of bicuspid aortic valve in Turner syndrome?
MSK features of Turner syndrome?
Endocrine features of Turner syndrome?
How do constitutional delay and growth hormone deficiency differentiate?
What are the features of Laron Syndrome?
Which burns will scar?
How long does it take for a superficial (1st degree) burn to heal?