A target audience is the and those to marketing communication.
Two of the most common types of segmentation are and .
Psychographics refer to about a particular person or group of people.
The remaining four types of segmentation are: - - - -
The type of person you could be in regards to purchase power is a decision or a decision .
The three degrees of product usage are users, users, and .
A is a description of the target audience that the potential customer of a particular brand.
B2B segmentation can be categorized by: , , location, and value.
Global/worldwide, national, regional, DMA, metro area and retail area are all examples of .
Some brands strategize , while others strategize -by-.
The first three steps of the media plan are: - and TA -State -Outline
When stating media objectives, you want those that are both and .
Aspects of media strategy include and , the , , and .
When identifying the TA, the idea is to select media vehicles that are compatible with and whose best those of the brand's TA.
The is the percentage of different people exposed to the .
The is the of message exposure.
Two types of reach are reach and reach.
The types of frequency are frequency, frequency, and frequency.
Objectives must be measurable within a specific .
You can seldom reach of your target audience.
At times, is more important than .
Regardless of the budget, the goal is to reach the right at the right with the right .
A schedule is advised in DMAs where the product is available or projected sales are higher.
CDI stands for which is used to determine rates of for a product .
BDI stands for which is used to determine the strength of the in areas.
ARF stands for .
The ARF response model is: - --- ----- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- ---------------
Effective reach refers to the of the that is exposed to the ad during a specific .
is the number of times an audience member is exposed to the message (before incurring waste).
Effective reach requires the media planner to know the effective frequency, then in order to expose the target audience the desired number of times.
Effective frequency = minimum of exposures and no more than total exposures.
The "mommy theory" refers to .
theory focuses on those consumers who are for a , instead of thinking that advertising moves consumers through the purchase cycle.
Recency maximizes during critical to serve as reminders.
Recency theory uses schedules.
is a scheduling process based on always advertising at consistent levels.
A schedule consists of periods of ads followed by absences of ads.
A schedule consists of always advertising with periods of more intensity.
Purchase Funnel:
The purchase funnel theory is considered by many to be in the digital era.
Most consumers nowadays use to research products before buying.
Engagement is turning on a to a brand enhanced by surrounding .
Engagement is a indicating the degree to which a consumer is likely to or has a communication.
- and - data are key when measuring engagement.
engagement is when media inspire and connect emotionally with consumers.
engagement is when media are trusted and do not sensationalize.
engagement is when media give consumers fodder for conversations with family and friends.
engagement is when consumers learn new things from the medium, which helps them make better decisions.
engagement is when consumers say the time they spend with the medium is just for them and generally improves their mood.
engagement is when ads that run in the medium are of interest and the consumer is more likely to purchase products advertised within.
scored highest across all six dimensions of media engagement.
TV scored highest in engagement, but lower in and engagement.
ranked highest in trustworthiness, but low in inspiration.
Perhaps media should be more concerned with and loss of audience.
-of- is your brand's percentage of total advertising or communications messages in your primary business category and geographic marketing are and time frame.
-of- refers to top of mind awareness in a particular category.
Saturation means that incremental in advertising produce progressively effects on increases.
The Model was responsible for asserting that media comparisons must be made on the basis of apples to apples.
is a measure of a media vehicle's delivery, and it is different for each medium.
is actual contact between vehicle and target consumer.
means actual exposure to the ad, not just the vehicle that carries it.
is a measure of how many persons exposed to the ad actually paid attention to it.
measures how well someone can retell the gist of the advertising message.
is a measure of how advertising influences those who see and remember it.
refers to action prompted by advertising.
is a measure of actual product or service purchase by an audience member because of an ad.
Ebbinghaus is responsible for the idea of in relation to effective frequency, which states that initial learning increases quickly and then decays exponentially and rapidly in a short period.
Zielske is responsible for the v. idea relating to effective frequency. As soon as stop, recall plummets.
Awareness v. recall has to do with the schedule.
- describes the prolonged or lagged effect of advertising on consumer purchase behavior.
According to adstock advocates, advertising tries to expand consumption by and .
refers to the idea that increasing the amount of advertising increases the percentage of the audience reached by the advertising. This increases demand.
In the recency model, is the most important parameter.
Measuring SOV is done through calculating your in relation to competitive media .
Familiarity is a lot like share of .