Roman Jordan
Quiz by , created 5 months ago

Ch 19-24

Roman Jordan
Created by Roman Jordan 5 months ago

ASTR 107 Exam 3 Study Guide

Question 1 of 19


What does it mean that the universe is homogenous?

Select one of the following:

  • The universe looks the same from every perspective

  • Galaxies are generally distributed evenly throughout the universe

  • All stars in all galaxies have planetary systems just like ours

  • The universe has looked the same at all times in its history


Question 2 of 19


What do astronomers mean when they say that the universe is isotropic?

Select one of the following:

  • More distant parts of the universe look just like nearby parts

  • Intergalactic gas has the same density everywhere in the universe

  • The laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe

  • The universe is the same in every direction


Question 3 of 19


Cosmological redshifts are calculated from observations of spectral lines from

Select one of the following:

  • individual stars in different galaxies

  • clouds of dust and gas in different galaxies

  • spectra of entire galaxies

  • rotations of the disks of distant galaxies


Question 4 of 19


Astronomers observe that all galaxies are moving away from the Milky Way. According to the cosmological principle, this observation suggests that

Select one of the following:

  • the Milky Way is at the center of the universe

  • the Milky Way must be at the center of the expansion

  • the Big Bang occurred at the current location of the Milky Way

  • an observer in a distant galaxy would make the same observation


Question 5 of 19


Some galaxies have redshifts (z) that if equated to Vr/c correspond to velocities greater than the speed of light. Special relativity is not violated

Select one of the following:

  • because of relativistic beaming

  • because it's a trick of the measurement angle

  • because redshifts carry no information

  • because those velocities do not measure motion through space


Question 6 of 19


The Big Bang theory predicted

Select one or more of the following:

  • the Hubble law

  • the cosmic microwave background radiation

  • the cosmological principle

  • the abundance of helium

  • the period-luminosity relationship of Cepheid variables


Question 7 of 19


The simplest way to estimate the age of the universe is from

Select one of the following:

  • using the slope of Hubble's Law

  • the age of Moon rocks

  • models of stellar evolution

  • measurements of the abundances of elements


Question 8 of 19


The CMB includes information about

Select one or more of the following:

  • the age of the universe

  • the temperature of the early universe

  • the density of the early universe

  • density fluctuations in the early universe

  • the motion of Earth around the center of the Milky Way


Question 9 of 19


Repeated measurements showing that the current helium abundance is much less than the value predicted by the Big Bang would imply that

Select one of the following:

  • some part of the Big Bang theory is incorrect or incomplete

  • the current helium abundance is wrong

  • scientists don't know how to measure helium abundances


Question 10 of 19


If the density of the universe is higher than the critical density, the universe will

Select one of the following:

  • expand forever

  • expand, but gradually slow down

  • eventually collapse

  • neither expand nor contract


Question 11 of 19


Dark energy has been hypothesized to solve which problem?

Select one of the following:

  • the universe is expanding

  • the cosmic microwave background radiation is too smooth

  • the expansion of the universe is accelerating

  • stars orbit the centers of galaxies too fast


Question 12 of 19


What problems of cosmology does inflation solve?

Select one or more of the following:

  • flatness

  • horizon

  • fluctuation

  • sphere


Question 13 of 19


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

The first stars formed in the universe had ( fewer, more ) heavy elements and ( higher, lower ) mass than the stars formed today.


Question 14 of 19


We expect the kinds of galaxies that we see at a redshift of z = 4 to be:

Select one of the following:

  • much like we see today

  • smaller and much more irregular looking than today

  • far more numerous but with more spiral galaxies

  • larger versions of what we see today


Question 15 of 19


Place the following in order of size, from smallest to largest.

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    a star
    star clusters
    a galaxy
    the Local Group
    Virgo Cluster
    a wall


Question 16 of 19


The dominant force in the formation of galaxies is

Select one of the following:

  • gravity

  • angular momentum

  • the electromagnetic force

  • the strong nuclear force


Question 17 of 19


Larger galaxies form from the merging of small protogalaxies. That process is similar to the formation of:

Select one of the following:

  • stars

  • planets

  • molecular clouds

  • asteroids


Question 18 of 19


Which of the following is a characteristic difference between cold and hot dark matter?

Select one or more of the following:

  • temperature

  • ability to emit radiation

  • the way they clump under the influence of gravity

  • mass density


Question 19 of 19


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

The dominant factor in the formation of galaxies is the distribution of in the early universe.
