Created by Reeth G
10 months ago
what is the strong element associated with depth perceptoin?
what are the 4 depth cues
what are occulomotor cues
what are pictorial cues
what are motion produced cues
what is binocular disparity
with occulomotor cues, what is corelated with the distance of the observed object?
what are we likely to experience?
the closer the object..
how are pictorial cues better to be viewed?
what are the 8 different cues to pictorial cues?
what does the atmospheric perspective cue say?
what does linear perspective say
what does familiar size say
what does relative height say
what does relative size say
how does the retinal image size change in relative size cues with distance
what is size constancy
what is emmert's law?
what are the two parts to the shading & shadow cue?
how do we tell the different with these cues?
what is the texture gradient cue
what does occlusion say
what are the motion-produced cues?
what does motion parallax say
what kind of cue is motion parallax & who is it often used by & why?
what does the deletion & accretion cue say
what is binocular disparity also known as?