Created by Reeth G
8 months ago
what is sleep
what is it vital for
when do we make up for lost sleep?
where is sleep research conducted?
what are the type of monitors used for sleep measurement?
what do each of these measure?
what are the two patterns of brain activity?
describe the features of these two
what is the Hertz range for each of these waves activities?
what are psychologically descriptie words for alpha & beta waves on EEGs?
what defines stage 1 sleep?
what is the theta activity and duration of sleep stage 1?
what characterises sleep stage 2?
what are the extra waves we see? specific to stage 2?
define these
what are sleep spindles & k-complexes associated with?
what are sleep stages 3 & 4 known as?
what wave activity do we see and what are the Hz?
how do we distinguish between the two stages?
what stats are the slow wave oscillations in sometimes & what do they mean?
what is REM sleep & its features?
in which stage of sleep do we see penile erection & vaginal secretion?
what are the 5 neurotransmitters involved in arousal (wakefulness & alertness)
what do acetylcholine agonists & antagonists do?
what neurotransmitters are found in the hippocampus?
where does acetylcholine need to be to cause wakefulness?
when is norepinephrine highest?
noradrenergic neurons found where is suggested to do with vigilance?
what does serotonin cause & where does it need to be stimulated to do so?
where is orexin found?
what effect does orexin have & in what regions?
what 3 factors is sleep controlled by?
what is necessary for sleep?
what neurons, found where helps suppress the activity of the arousal system?
What does the sleep wake flip flop say?
what is mutual inhibition
what helps balance this flip flop?
what factors control the activity of these neurons?
which neurons fire at a high rate for REM sleep?
does REM have a flip flop system?
is orexin is high & activated, what does that mean for REM sleep?
where are the neurons for the off & on vers. of the REM flip flop?
which neurons help control the muscular paralysis in REM sleep?
what does deprivation of SWS affect?
what happens to the cerebral cortex in SWS?
what is the rebound phenomenon
what are the two types of large memories involved in sleep?
which sleep works best for whihc memories?
who suggested the sleep-dependent memory triage?