Created by Reeth G
9 months ago
what is pharmacology?
what are drug effects?
what are the two types of drug effects
whata re the different types of sites of action?
what is the most !! & complex site of action?
how do drugs bind to the receptors?
what is another name for direct binding & indirect?
what is reuptake & how is it achieved
what is aplacebo
what are placebo & nocebo effects?
what are the two types of effects of NT?
where are NT secreted from?
which is the most released NT from the efferent motor neurons? in the CNS
(learn that one table ot the NT's actions & receptors)
what is acetylcholine involved in
what are the two types of cholinergic synapses?
what are nicotinic receptors like?
what are muscarinic receptors like?
how do the botox toxin & black widow spider venom affect the cholinergic synpases?
what are the 4 monoamine NTs?
the rest are... from the notes I guess, they're all messy & I'm tired