Дарія Харламова
Quiz by , created 4 months ago

10 Anatomy Quiz on Anatomy eng., created by Дарія Харламова on 01/06/2024.

Дарія Харламова
Created by Дарія Харламова 4 months ago

Anatomy eng.

Question 1 of 12


During the operation (cesarean section) the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle was cut. What structures does belong to the anterior wall of the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle?

Select one of the following:

  • Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis.

  • Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis.

  • Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis., m. transversi abdominis

  • Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis.

  • Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis.


Question 2 of 12


A 5 years old child was diagnosed with severe diphtheria and hospitalized in the infectious department. To prevent suffocation the tracheostomy was made. In which triangle of the neck the operation was performed?

Select one of the following:

  • Omotracheale

  • Caroticum

  • Omoclaviculare

  • Submandibulare

  • Omotrapezoideum


Question 3 of 12


A child of 5 years suffers from deformation of the neck. During the clinical inspection inclination of the head to the left and turning of face to the right were found as well as limited passive motion of the head to the right. Which muscle is contracted?

Select one of the following:

  • trapezius

  • longus colli

  • splenius capitis

  • sternocleidomastoideus

  • splenius cervicis


Question 4 of 12


A patient was admitted to the hospital with acute pain in the gluteal area. A muscle dividing the foramen ischiadicum majus into upper and lower parts is:

Select one of the following:

  • quadratus femoris

  • piriformis

  • obturatorius externus

  • obturatorius internus

  • gemelli


Question 5 of 12


A patient underwent leftsided pulmonectomy because of lung cancer. A surgeon should recall the order of the anatomical structures of the right lung root (top-down).

Select one of the following:

  • veins, bronchus, artery

  • artery, bronchus, veins

  • artery, vein, bronchus

  • vein, artery, bronchus

  • bronchus, artery, vein


Question 6 of 12


18-year-old man came to a sexologist. After examination of the young man, the doctor diagnosed
abnormal ejaculation in the output phase (accumulation of secretions in the prostate of the male urethra). What is a name of the duct through which the sperm and seminal fluid go to the male urethra?

Select one of the following:

  • Ductus ejaculatorius

  • Ductus excretorius

  • Ductus deferens

  • Ductus epididymidis

  • Ductuli prostatici


Question 7 of 12


A man aged 54 with an eyeball injury went to the hospital. Besides the damage of the eyeball, the doctor found a fracture in the orbital surface, orbital process and one of the parts of the sphenoid bone. Which part of the sphenoid bone was injured?

Select one of the following:

  • Pterygoid process

  • Ala minor

  • Ala major

  • Body

  • Sella turcica


Question 8 of 12


A resident physician is demonstrating the correct technique for inserting a subclavian central venous line. He has a medical student palpate the clavicle, then the chest wall below it. The first bony structure that can be palpated below the inferior margin of the medial portion of the clavicle is the

Select one of the following:

  • Acromion

  • Atlas

  • First rib

  • Manubrium

  • Second rib


Question 9 of 12


A patient came to the doctor with complaints of tremor of the fingers and the whole body, muscle weakness, palpitations, sleep disorders, weight loss with increased appetite. Symptoms of which gland's disorder are observed in the patient?

Select one of the following:

  • Pituitary

  • Pancreatic

  • Thyroid

  • Adrenal

  • Epiphysis


Question 10 of 12


During the examination of patient doctor found the hypertrophy and inflammation of lymphoid tissue, swelling of the mucous membrane between arches of the soft palate (acute tonsillitis). Which tonsils normally contained in this place?

Select one of the following:

  • Tonsilla tubaria

  • Tonsilla pharyngealis

  • Tonsilla palatine

  • Tonsilla lingualis

  • Tonsilla adenoidea


Question 11 of 12


While palpating mammary gland of a patient a doctor revealed an induration in form of a node in the inferior medial quadrant. Metastases may extend to the following lymph nodes

Select one of the following:

  • Parasternal

  • Posterior mediastinal

  • Profound lateral cervical

  • Bronchopulmonary

  • Superior diaphragmal


Question 12 of 12


A patient has pain, edema and reddening of his skin in the anterosuperior area of his thigh and his foot’s thumb. What lymph nodes of his lower extremity responded to the inflammatory process?

Select one of the following:

  • Superficial inguinal

  • Deep inguinal

  • Internal longitudinal

  • Superficial longitudinal

  • General longitudinal
