What is a stimulus
Neurones description
Common features of neurons
Common features pt2- schwann cells/myelin sheath
Common features pt 3- nodes of ranvier
synaptic knob function
Axon ending/terminal function/ other parts
Sensory neurone
Relay neurone
Sensory receptor
Sensory receptor-more
The nervous system has 2 parts
- part 1- CNS
CNS- spinal cord description
Basic pattern of spinal nerves- dorsal and ventral root
PNS pt2
Stimulus= visible light
Stimulus: sound
stimulus: pressure
Stimulus: heavy pressure
Stimulus: chemical pt1
Stimulus: chemical pt2
Stimulus: temperature
Stimulus: gravity
Reflex Action
Reflex Arc
Elements of reflex arc
Reflex arc- temp
Reflex arc- example pupil reflex
nervous impulse- resting potential
nervous impulse- potential difference
reason for resting potential 1
What are sodium- potassium exchange pumps
Action Potential
Difference between action potential and nervous impulse
Oscilloscope function
conclusions drawn using oscilloscope
conclusions drawn using oscilloscope pt 2
Depolarisation definition
Absolute Refractory period
How action potential travels along axon
Relative refractory period
Properties of nerves/impulses- 'All or nothing'
Factors affecting speed of conduction of nerve impulse- temp
Factors affecting speed of conduction of nerve impulse-Diameter of axon
Factors affecting speed of conduction of nerve impulse-Diameter of axon pt 2
Factors affecting speed of conduction of nerve impulse- myelination
What you see on oscilloscope
What you see on an oscilloscope pt 2
Role of synapse
Synaptic transmission pt 1
hSynaptic transmission pt2
Impact of drugs pt1
Impact of drugs pt2
Nicotine how you become addicted
Organophosphates- effects
Nerve nets-evolution
Nerve net-description
nerve net- cell types
Hydra-nerve net
hydra- nerve net- ectoderm
Compare hydra to human
If sheath= unmylejated what happens to O2 consumption
Symptoms of you myelination gets damaged
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