Neesha St.
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Psych Final exam , created by Neesha St. on 15/11/2015.

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Neesha St.
Created by Neesha St. almost 9 years ago

Psych Final exam

Question 1 of 66


Those who emphasize _____ over stability would suggest that the first two years of life provide a poor basis for predicting a person's eventual traits.

Select one of the following:

  • Change

  • nothing


Question 2 of 66


The most immediate and direct function of the _____ reflex is the facilitation of food consumption.

Select one of the following:

  • rooting

  • blank


Question 3 of 66


Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of:

Select one of the following:

  • continuity or stage development.

  • blank


Question 4 of 66


You just found out that your sister conceived about seven days ago. You rush to find a book on pregnancy so that you can learn more about it. What will the book say is happening around the seventh day of pregnancy?

Select one of the following:

  • The cells of the zygote are beginning to differentiate.

  • blank


Question 5 of 66


Biological maturation is best reflected in which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • stages

  • blank


Question 6 of 66


A school psychologist works with a teenage student who has lower intelligence, is hyperactive, and has behavior problems. The psychologist suspects the student also has a problem with _____.

Select one of the following:

  • alcholo

  • Blank


Question 7 of 66


Those who emphasize continuity over stages would choose which of the following as an example?

Select one of the following:

  • Students learn new facts about history from taking a school course.

  • blank


Question 8 of 66


Juan's son was just arrested for setting the school's outdoor shed on fire. Juan and his wife admitted to the police that their son has always had an aggressive streak. This example represents

Select one of the following:

  • the stability side of the "stability and change" developmental issue.

  • Blank


Question 9 of 66


Concerning the stability and change developmental issue, our _____ is more predictable than our social attitudes.

Select one of the following:

  • temperament

  • blank


Question 10 of 66


You read about a woman who is seven months pregnant and has been reciting poems and singing to her fetus. Is she wasting her time?

Select one of the following:

  • No, she is not wasting her time. Her baby can hear her and will likely recognize her voice immediately after birth.

  • blank


Question 11 of 66


Due to complications from diabetes, Molly's pregnancy had to be terminated during the third month in order to save her life. She had the termination during the _____ stage of prenatal development.

Select one of the following:

  • Fetus

  • blank


Question 12 of 66


Research on _____'s theory indicates that development does not seem to progress exactly through the series of fixed steps as he indicated. In other words, there is doubt that we develop in neatly defined stages.

Select one of the following:

  • Erikson

  • Blank


Question 13 of 66


All of the following represent biological maturation EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • vocabulary development.

  • blank


Question 14 of 66


Delayed _____ is a trait that is associated with becoming more socially responsible and productive.

Select one of the following:

  • gratification

  • Blank


Question 15 of 66


The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by:

Select one of the following:

  • Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory.

  • Blank


Question 16 of 66


_____ is to a girl's sexual development as _____ is to a boy's sexual development.

Select one of the following:

  • Menarche; spermarche

  • Blank


Question 17 of 66


Jeb believes that choosing to violate government laws is morally justifiable if it is done to protect the lives of innocent people. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates ______ morality.

Select one of the following:

  • postconventional

  • Blank


Question 18 of 66


According to Erik Erikson, one positive outcome of the struggle for identity is a comfortable sense of who one is and a developing capacity for:

Select one of the following:

  • intimacy with others.

  • blank


Question 19 of 66


Kevin is a tall and popular 16-year old. He is also starting to use alcohol. It is likely that Kevin matured at a(n) _____ age.

Select one of the following:

  • early

  • blank


Question 20 of 66


Marcus has decided to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity this summer. He has come to realize that he is very lucky. He wants to give back to people who are not as fortunate. Marcus has probably reached the _____ stage of moral development.

Select one of the following:

  • postconventional

  • blannk


Question 21 of 66


John is a star basketball player on the high school team. He is very tall. He is also very popular with both boys and girls. John is more likely to be:

Select one of the following:

  • sexual active

  • blank


Question 22 of 66


Malcolm was contemplating dropping out of high school when he was asked to enroll in a volunteer program. Every week he worked in a local daycare center, helping the children with their projects. The children appreciated his help. After a few months, it is likely that Malcolm will:

Select one of the following:

  • feel better about himself and not drop out.

  • blank


Question 23 of 66


Maura just celebrated her 25th anniversary at the company. She felt that her gold watch was just a meaningless trinket and was glad that she balanced her work with family life. According to the psychologist _____, Maura is in the stage of development called generativity vs. stagnation.

Select one of the following:

  • Erikson

  • blank


Question 24 of 66


Peter just retired from his job. He feels that his gold watch is just a meaningless trinket. He is sad that he spent so much time at work and missed important family events. Most likely Peter is struggling with issues of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • despair

  • blank


Question 25 of 66


Arthur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Arthur is in the stage of development called integrity vs. _____.

Select one of the following:

  • despair

  • blank


Question 26 of 66


Shannon is 15 years old. She has stopped going to church with her family. She does not agree with everything the church preaches. She doesn't understand how her parents still go every weekend, when they don't always practice their religion during the week. Shannon has become able to see the _____ in her parents' lives

Select one of the following:

  • hypocrisy

  • blank


Question 27 of 66


From ages _____ to _____, the brain's neural network is sprouting most rapidly in the _____ lobes.

Select one of the following:

  • 3 to 6

  • blank


Question 28 of 66


In Jean Piaget's account of the sensorimotor stage, children acquire a:

Select one of the following:

  • sense of object permanence.

  • blank


Question 29 of 66


In the United States, about _____ percent of all babies are walking by age 11 months, 50 percent are walking within a week after their first birthday, and about 90 percent are walking by age 15 months.

Select one of the following:

  • 25

  • Blank


Question 30 of 66


Two sealed, pyramid-shaped beakers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child suddenly judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after one beaker is inverted. The child apparently lacks a:

Select one of the following:

  • concept of conservation.

  • blank


Question 31 of 66


Beginning at around _____ months, children may greet strangers by crying and reaching for their familiar caregivers.

Select one of the following:

  • 8 month

  • Blank


Question 32 of 66


The local hospital has publicized for years that new parents should have their babies sleep on their backs and not their stomachs in order to reduce incidences of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • sids

  • blank


Question 33 of 66


10-year old Marie is sad. She is crying. Her older brother Paul looks at her and then continues watching TV. Paul may be showing signs of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • Autism spectrum disorder

  • hbhh


Question 34 of 66


"I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes; you will do so because I said so!" This statement is most representative of a(n) _____ parenting style.

Select one of the following:

  • blank

  • authoritarian


Question 35 of 66


Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. This is called infantile _____.

Select one of the following:

  • amnesia

  • blank


Question 36 of 66


Tommy was at the park with his father and excitedly pointed to the squirrel and exclaimed, "Kitty, kitty." His father pointed out that this was a squirrel, not a kitty. This best illustrates the process of:

Select one of the following:

  • assimilation

  • blank


Question 37 of 66


3-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves and then returns, he will periodically go to her side for brief moments. Adam most clearly displays signs of:

Select one of the following:

  • secure attachment.

  • yes


Question 38 of 66


Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter. She frequently ignores her daughter's cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display signs of _____ attachment.

Select one of the following:

  • insecure

  • no


Question 39 of 66


Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. What is the most likely cause for this infantile amnesia?

Select one of the following:

  • His hippocampus was not developed enough.

  • bob


Question 40 of 66


After Nadia learned that penguins cannot fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. This best illustrates the process of:

Select one of the following:

  • accommodation.

  • you


Question 41 of 66


Tommy was at the park with his father and excitedly pointed to the squirrel and exclaimed, "Kitty, kitty." His father pointed out that this was a squirrel, not a kitty. This best illustrates the process of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • assimilation

  • no


Question 42 of 66


3-year old Sam is talking to his grandmother on the phone. He says, "Look what I got today." Sam's mom explains that his grandmother can't see him. Is Sam's mom wasting her time explaining?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, Sam has not developed a theory of mind yet.

  • block


Question 43 of 66


Two sealed, pyramid-shaped beakers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child suddenly judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after one beaker is inverted. The child apparently lacks a:

Select one of the following:

  • concept of conservation.

  • np


Question 44 of 66


A young child who sees a cow for the first time calls it a "doggie." This illustrates the process of:

Select one of the following:

  • assimilation.

  • blank


Question 45 of 66


A child's mental framework for interpreting reality becomes increasingly complex through the process of:

Select one of the following:

  • accommodation.

  • blank


Question 46 of 66


A young child is shown two identical balls of clay. When one is rolled into a long rope, the child perceives it to contain more clay. This child is unable to understand:

Select one of the following:

  • conservation

  • blanking


Question 47 of 66


Lisa's incorrect responses to the checkers problem indicate that she is still in the ________ stage of cognitive development.

Select one of the following:

  • preoperational

  • Blank


Question 48 of 66


Both Mike and Leah respond correctly to the waterjar problem. This illustrates that they have developed what Piaget calls:

Select one of the following:

  • reversible thinking.

  • blanking


Question 49 of 66


This clip suggests that, in contrast to 7-year olds, 5-year-olds may believe that the volume of a liquid changes as its __________ changes.

Select one of the following:

  • appearance

  • blank


Question 50 of 66


For both children, the experimenter refers to the liquid in the containers as:

Select one of the following:

  • apple juices

  • blank


Question 51 of 66


This clip suggests that children master the principle of conservation of liquid between ages ____ and ____.

Select one of the following:

  • 5,7

  • jij


Question 52 of 66


The psychologist who popularized the notion that identity formation was the chief challenge of adolescence was:

Select one of the following:

  • Erik Erikson.

  • blank


Question 53 of 66


James Marcia built on Erikson's work by proposing that identity formation consists of exploration and:

Select one of the following:

  • commitment.

  • blank


Question 54 of 66


Eighteen-year-old Mae can't understand how her older brother could be so sure of his religious beliefs and the direction he wants his life to take. She has been reading about different faiths, but she certainly hasn't made up her mind about what she believes or what she would like to do with her life. Marcia would say that she is in the ________ category of identity formation.

Select one of the following:

  • moratorium

  • Blank


Question 55 of 66


Adolescents who automatically adopt a view opposite to their parents without carefully considering their own opinions can be said to have formed a _______ identity.

Select one of the following:

  • negative

  • blank


Question 56 of 66


Researchers have found that diffusion and ________ are common in early adolescence.

Select one of the following:

  • foreclosure

  • blank


Question 57 of 66


___________________ are the body structures that make sexual reproduction possible.

Select one of the following:

  • Primary sex characteristics

  • blank


Question 58 of 66


Early maturation in boys tends to produce boys who are:

Select one of the following:

  • more self-assured, popular, and independent.

  • blank


Question 59 of 66


Female breasts are to ___________ as male testes are to ___________.

Select one of the following:

  • secondary sex characteristics; primary sex characteristics

  • blank


Question 60 of 66


According to Kohlberg, those who develop an abstract level of reasoning, wherein they perceive basic ethical principles and the moral good as more important than their own self, have developed what is known as __________________.

Select one of the following:

  • ostconventional morality

  • blank


Question 61 of 66


Mark believes that choosing to violate government laws is morally justifiable if it is done to protect the lives of innocent people. Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates _____________ morality.

Select one of the following:

  • postconventional

  • blank


Question 62 of 66


Jarrud thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud demonstrates a(n) ________ morality.

Select one of the following:

  • preconventional

  • blank


Question 63 of 66


According to Erikson, one positive outcome of the struggle for identity is a comfortable sense of who one is and a developing capacity for:

Select one of the following:

  • intimacy with others.

  • blank


Question 64 of 66


Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of life we face a psychosocial task that needs resolution. The first task that infants wrestle with is:

Select one of the following:

  • trust vs. mistrust.

  • blank


Question 65 of 66


The period of adolescence is lengthening in industrialized cultures such as in Europe, the U.S., and Australia. Adolescents are taking more time to finish their education and establish careers. The average age at first marriage in the U.S. has increased more than four years since 1960, to _______ for men and _______ for

Select one of the following:

  • 28,26

  • klol


Question 66 of 66


Javier is 20 years old and still very much dependent on his parents. They are paying for his college tuition as well as his living expenses. He spends his school holidays at home with them. He is in the phase of life known as:

Select one of the following:

  • emerging adulthood.

  • loh
