Created by Ani Av
about 9 years ago
What is abnormal psychology?
If a person is suspected to have a psychiatric disorder, how do we approach the situation?
Abnormal is an abstract noun, yet there is a whole scientific discipline that is founded upon it.
How do we know if someone has abnormal behaviour, or has a mental disorder? Describe using examples and show how not one is a single determinant for abnormality.
Throughout history there have been models to approach mental illness through a particular framework.
Name and describe the first four that precede the current model.
The current model is integrative and is referred to as the bio-psycho-socio model. It is also largely clinically based.
What are some of the criticisms and limitations of this model?
As reflective of the history of psychology and changing values, there are different types of psychological models.
Describe the psyhoanalytic model.
Describe the humanistic model.
Describe the behavioural model.
Describe the cognitive-behavioural model.
Why is it important to classify and diagnose psychiatric disorders?
What is normal anxiety?
When is it helpful and when is it not?
Describe anxiety on a physical, cognitive and behavioural level.
What types of anxiety disorders are there?
What is a panic attack?
What is panic disorder?
What is specific phobia?
What are the causes of specific phobia?
How can we treat the disorder?
How does a person with SAD approach a social or performance situation?
What is GAD characterised by?