Why was Archduke Francis Ferdinand assassinated ?
Spain and France wanted control of Austria-Hungary's territory.
Austria-Hungary put a block on Italy items to be sold
Serbians wanted control of Bosnia and Herzogovira , but it was controlled by Austria-Hungary
What are the 5 main reasons for the start of World War 1 ?
Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism ,Assassination
Militarism, Weapons, Nationalism , Unfair Treatment
Alliances, Empire,Industrialization, Scramble for Africa
True of False:: The Allied Powers are Russia,France, United States, United Kingdom, and their colonies?
What countries make up th Central Powers?
Russia,France, Ottman Empie, and Turkey
Austria-Hungary, Ottman Empire, Turkey, colonies, Bulgaria,and Germany
What Country had been blamed for World War 1 and had to pay money in the Treaty of Versailles?
United Kingdom
United States
What country joined the Allied Powers in 1915?
The Scramblie for Africa was when Europe countries claimed territory in Africa .
What Day and Year did World War 1 end ?
Decemeber 11, 1918
Novemeber 11,1918
none of the above
What did Otto Von Bismark do to try to try and help Germany?
He helped unify the German states
He made new laws on rations
Czar( king) Nicholas was seen as a ?
A weak leader
A increasingly remote ruler
A rude leader
All of the above