Maycc Suarez Mor
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Ingles, created by Maycc Suarez Mor on 20/11/2015.

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Maycc Suarez Mor
Created by Maycc Suarez Mor almost 9 years ago


Question 1 of 115


1. Select the option showing a sentence including a noun clause.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Alicia`s teacher is smart.

  • b. Alicia`s teacher thinks she`s smart.

  • c. Alicia is a smart teacher.


Question 2 of 115


2. The Visual/Spatial intelligence is given through:

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Being gifted in singing, playing instruments, or composing music.

  • b. Being skilled in working with plants and animals.

  • c. Being sensitive to colors and designs.


Question 3 of 115


3. Select the correct question based on the following statement.
You have mechanical aptitude.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Does your teacher think that you have mechanical aptitude?

  • b. Does your teacher thinks that you have mechanical aptitude?

  • c. Your teacher think that you have mechanical aptitude?


Question 4 of 115


4. Select the word that correctly completes the following sentence.
Do you feel _______ you are smart?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. what

  • b. that

  • c. whether


Question 5 of 115


5. Select the option with the "introductory clause" that best completes the sentence.
Is Carlos ́ primary intelligence musical?
___________ . He ́s always reading books and he writes in a journal.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I totally agree with you.

  • b. I ́d say he is linguistic.

  • c. I think he is logical.


Question 6 of 115


6. According to the theory of multiple intelligences explained in our textbook, "People who are good with words and
prefer to learn by reading, listening, and speaking" is a description that corresponds to ____________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Musical/Rythmical

  • b. Intrapersonal

  • c. Verbal/Linguistic


Question 7 of 115


7. Select the type of "intelligence" that corresponds to this definition.
These people like working with plants and animals.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Interpersonal

  • b. Visual/spatial

  • c. Naturalist


Question 8 of 115


8. According to the theory of multiple intelligences explained in our textbook, "These picture people are often good at
drawing or painting. They are sensitive to colors and designs", is a description that corresponds to ____________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Visual/Spatial

  • b. Bodily/Kinesthetic

  • c. Interpersonal


Question 9 of 115


10. Select the correct Passive sentence to transform the following Active sentence.
Does Mr. Gómez give online courses every semester?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Are online courses given every semester by Mr. Gómez?

  • b. Are online courses give every semester by Mr. Gómez?

  • c. Online courses gives Mr. Gómez every semester?


Question 10 of 115


12. Select the correct words for the Passive sentence based on the following Active sentence.
They gave the Millenium School a new science laboratory.
P. The Millenium school ____________ a new science laboratory.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. has given

  • b. was giving

  • c. was given


Question 11 of 115


13. Which of the sentences is written in ACTIVE VOICE?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Did you understand the new regulations given by the SENECYT?

  • b. The educational regulations were published by January.

  • c. The new students are expected to meet all application deadlines.


Question 12 of 115


14. The following definition, something that you accomplish or do well, corresponds to _________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. dream

  • b. lacked

  • c. success


Question 13 of 115


15. From the words in italics , find the one that is incorrect in the following sentence.
Scholarships were provided for the students and were gave by the financial aid office.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. were

  • b. provided

  • c. gave


Question 14 of 115


17. Complete the sentence with the corresponding transition word.
Jorge and his grandparents have different ideas about ways to communicate. He likes to do everything with his
computer. ____________ , he always sends e-mails to his friends because it is cheaper and more convenient.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. However

  • b. On the other hand

  • c. For example


Question 15 of 115


18. Select the question that corresponds to this conversation.
A:__________________________ ?
B:It`s Stevenson.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I`d like to know what the history teacher says about Jean Paul.

  • b. I want to know where Jean Paul is from.

  • c. . Can you tell me what Jean Paul`s last name is?


Question 16 of 115


19. Select the option that best completes the following sentence. - Why can`t Diego ________________ with his

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. communicate

  • b. succeed

  • c. differ


Question 17 of 115


20. Transitions are good for both the writer and the reader because they make the relationships among ___________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. ideas

  • b. sentences

  • c. sentences and ideas


Question 18 of 115


21. Choose the correct indirect question to be used as a more polite way to form the original question:
Did he finish his homework?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I ́d like to know whether he finished his homework.

  • b. I need to know if did he finish his homework.

  • c. Pardon me, did he finish his homework?


Question 19 of 115


22. Select the choice that completes the indirect question correctly.
I want to know ____________ .
They talked and went window-shopping.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. what they visited yesterday.

  • b. what they did at the mall.

  • c. who they saw yesterday.


Question 20 of 115


23. Complete the sentence with the corresponding transition word. It was raining. _____________________, we went
to a picnic.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. As a result

  • b. Consequently

  • c. In spite of that


Question 21 of 115


24. Which of the following words is a noun?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. creation

  • b. create

  • c. creative


Question 22 of 115


25. Complete the sentence with the correct words. The owners should ___________________ enough food for

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. have supplied

  • b. have supply

  • c. had supplied


Question 23 of 115


26. What is being expressed in the following sentence? She shouldn`t get stressed out.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Advice

  • b. Necessity

  • c. Lack of necessity


Question 24 of 115


29. Complete the sentence with the correct words. He shouldn ́t ________________ the newspaper before work.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. has read

  • b. have read

  • c. had read


Question 25 of 115


30. Which of the following sentences expresses advice?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Amy feels stressed because she has to work very quickly.

  • b. There are many things that Amy and Tom have to do before their wedding.

  • c. Bill realizes that they shouldn`t get married so soon.


Question 26 of 115


31. Which of the options corresponds to Regreat in the Past ?
I hate my new apartment. It`s too sma

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. You shouldn`t have left my old apartment.

  • b. You should keep my old apartment.

  • c. You shouldn`t have a small apartment.


Question 27 of 115


32. Select the option that completes the following sentence appropriately. It is said that to prevent stress, you should
_________________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. eat right and get a better job

  • b. exercise regularly and get a better job.

  • c. eat right and exercise regularly.


Question 28 of 115


33. What are the speakers talking about in the following conversation?
How many times did your son visit his grandfather this week?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. regret in the past

  • b. repeated actions in the past

  • c. advice in the past


Question 29 of 115


34. Complete the following conversation with the correct expressions.
Will you let us know your response _________ you decide?
- Oh, yes. I won`t tell you anything _________ I am totally sure.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. as soon as/until

  • b. until/so that

  • c. as soon as/so that


Question 30 of 115


35. Which of the following options best complete the conversation?
Ann: Have you spent so much time at the day-care?
Brenda: Oh, no. Last year, I ___________ at the day-care just once a that

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. work

  • b. worked

  • c. have worked


Question 31 of 115


36. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. Justin lost his vision due to a _________ illness.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. tenacity

  • b. grave

  • c. impaired


Question 32 of 115


37. We use _______________ in the dependent clause to mean “right after.”

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. until

  • b. so that

  • c. as soon as


Question 33 of 115


38. Which of the options shows the grammar rule:
"We need to use a comma after a time clause at the beginning of a sentence."

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. As soon as the patient finished his lunch, the nurse left.

  • b. The patient finished his lunch, so that the nurse left.

  • c. The patient finished his lunch, soon the nurse left.


Question 34 of 115


39. We use __________ to say how long an action continues.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. until

  • b. as soon as

  • c. so that


Question 35 of 115


40. What expression is appropriate to complete the sentence. She called elderly people on the phone ___________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. so far

  • b. until now

  • c. once a week


Question 36 of 115


2. Select the option that completes the statement appropriately.
Salma is very ___________ . She thinks about problems very carefully until she finds the answer

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. logical

  • b. interpersonal

  • c. linguistic


Question 37 of 115


5. Select the statement that best answers the following question.
Is your friend working in an office or at home?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I think that she works in an office.

  • b. I`d say she works at home.

  • c. Both a and


Question 38 of 115


6. Select the choice that matches the "primary intelligence" with the required person in the job advertisement.
Do you enjoy helping people? Do you understand people`s feelings? Central Community College needs a counselor to
work with new students. You must have excellent communication skills.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Naturalist

  • b. Interpersonal

  • c. Intrapersonal


Question 39 of 115


Which of the following sentences contains an adjective?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Do you think that Gerry plays the guitar very well?

  • b. People believe you will be a famous musician someday.

  • c. I don ́t type very fast. I can ́t move my fingers very quickly.


Question 40 of 115


9. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Our English class __________ in the science building.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. helds

  • b. is holding

  • c. is held


Question 41 of 115


10. Select the choice with the answer that best corresponds to the following question.
Is Helen doing a one-month internship in a restaurant?
No. ___________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. There ́s no pay for her work.

  • b. She ́s working to earn money and buy a car.

  • c. She ́s motivated to get a better job.


Question 42 of 115


11. Select the correct words for the Passive sentence based on the following Active sentence
They offer summer courses every academic year.
P. Summer courses________________ every academic year.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. they offer

  • b. are offered

  • c. are offering


Question 43 of 115


12. Which of the sentences is written in PRESENT PASSIVE?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. My computer class is held in the science building.

  • b. When was "Introduction to Linguistics" offered?

  • c. The UTPL has been offering financial aid.


Question 44 of 115


13. Choose the words that best complete the sentence.
Where ____ the financial aid office__________ ?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. is/locate

  • b. is/located

  • c. did/locate


Question 45 of 115


14. Select the appropriate question for the following answer.
__________________________________________ .
No, but they are required to work eight to ten hours a week.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Are our students expected to work full-time in a restaurant?

  • b. Are our students told to fill out a new application this week?

  • c. Are our students expected to be on time for every meeting?


Question 46 of 115


21. Choose the correct indirect question to be used as a more polite way to form the original question: Where did your
friend go?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Please tell me where your friend went.

  • b. Please tell me where did your friend go.

  • c. Please tell me where your friend did go.


Question 47 of 115


22. Select the option that best completes the following sentence.
- You need two things to be __________________ in life: motivation and luck.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. educate

  • b. successful

  • c. communicative


Question 48 of 115


23. Select the option that best completes the sentence.
Lan is angry because she ́s not ___________ to go to the mall alone.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. raised

  • b. permitted

  • c. grounded


Question 49 of 115


24. Select the word that correctly completes this sentence:
My family decided to ______________ to the United states because there was a war in my country.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. immigrate

  • b. educate

  • c. differ


Question 50 of 115


27. Read the following list and select the option that completes the sentence appropriately.
Stay calm, take a few deep breaths, roll your shoulders to loosen any tight muscles, take time to think before you
speak. These are ____________________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. signs of stress

  • b. suggestions to prevent stress

  • c. suggestions to manage stress


Question 51 of 115


29. Which of the following statements, expressing Regreat in the past , corresponds to this situation?My phone bill is so high this month

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I should be more attentive with phone calls.

  • b. I shouldn`t have made all those calls to Galàpagos.

  • c. I should avoid doing long phone calls.


Question 52 of 115


31. Which suffix can change the word depress correctly?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. -ion

  • b. -ness

  • c. -full


Question 53 of 115


33. Complete this sentence with the appropriate expression. Helen delivers meals and talk to seniors on the

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. several times last year.

  • b. several times in her life.

  • c. several times each month.


Question 54 of 115


34. Which of the following statements talk about repeated actions in the PRESENT.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Hushan plays basket ball with his son in the backyard each Saturday.

  • b. Hushan visited his son every Sunday last year.

  • c. Hushan helped his son with the assignments after school last month.


Question 55 of 115


35. Select the word with a positive meaning.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. freedom

  • b. insecure

  • c. impaired


Question 56 of 115


39. Which of the following expressions best completes the statement?
My children will start a painting class ____________ their teacher arrives.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. until

  • b. as soon as

  • c. before


Question 57 of 115


1. Select the choice that completes the statement correctly.
Rommy speaks four languages, but his _____________ language is English.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. multiple

  • b. logical

  • c. primary


Question 58 of 115


2. Select the choice that completes the following sentence correctly.
Many children learn best when they have pictures and other _______ information to look at.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. kinesthetic

  • b. visual

  • c. primary


Question 59 of 115


3. Which of the following sentences expresses neccesity?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. If you feel nervous, you should practice deep breathing.

  • b. You shouldn ́t feel anxious before an interview.

  • c. Ann and Tom have to decide where the wedding will be.


Question 60 of 115


4. Match the "primary intelligence" with the corresponding definition.
These people easily understand other people

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. visual/spatial

  • b. naturalist

  • c. interpersonal


Question 61 of 115


5. Complete the question with the correct option.
_____________ all students should take music classes?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Do you feel

  • b. I totally agree

  • c. He believes


Question 62 of 115


10. Select the word that best completes this sentence.
Kate and her family faced many __________ when they came to this country.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. dreams

  • b. classes

  • c. obstacles


Question 63 of 115


11. Select the option with the word that completes the sentence correctly.
What is Sammy Sosa _____________ for?
For his generous donations to education and health.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. admired

  • b. contracted

  • c. payed


Question 64 of 115


14. The following definition, an event or situation that makes it harder to succeed, corresponds to __________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. lacked

  • b. unstable

  • c. obstacle


Question 65 of 115


15. Select the word that correctly completes this sentence. It was _____________ to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. excited

  • b. exciting

  • c. excite


Question 66 of 115


21. Select the correct Indirect Question that matches the answer.
Can you please tell me ________ ?
Mr. Brown`s 7th period English class.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. what class she missed

  • b. what class did she miss

  • c. did she miss a class


Question 67 of 115


26. Select the option with the situation that matches the following statement expressing advice .You should try to calm down and concentrate in your task

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I always make mistakes when I take a written test.

  • b. I am worried because I have to go to a lecture this afternoon.

  • c. My friend hasn`t said a word to me all day.


Question 68 of 115


27. Select the statement that best answer the question.
Would you like to go to a restaurant tonight?
That`s great! ______________________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. We don`t have to cook dinner tonight.

  • b. We shouldn`t cook dinner tonight.

  • c. We have to cook dinner tonight.


Question 69 of 115


29. Select the choice that completes the statement to express Necessity.
If you get married, you _______ to find a new place to live.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. don`t have to

  • b. have to

  • c. should


Question 70 of 115


30. In the following conversation, What does Brenda is expressing?
Ann: I was thinking about my problems at work and I couldn`t sleep last night.
Brenda: You should have drunk some relaxing tea and read for some minutes.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Necessity.

  • b. Regreat in the past.

  • c. Advice in the past.


Question 71 of 115


31. Select the choice that completes the statement to express Regret in the past.
You _______________ to the lecture this afternoon.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. should have gone

  • b. had to go

  • c. should go


Question 72 of 115


32. Select the word that completes the sentence correctly.
Driving in all the towns of Ecuador is very _________ for almost everybody.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. stressed

  • b. stressful

  • c. stress


Question 73 of 115


33. Select the correct answer. What are the speakers talking about in the following conversation? How many times
have you babysat your nephew so far? About six times so far this year.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. repeated actions

  • b. advice in the past

  • c. regret in the past


Question 74 of 115


34. Which of the options complete the following sentence correctly.
_______________ his visitors leave, he`ll take his medicine and go to sleep

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. As soon as

  • b. until

  • c. that


Question 75 of 115


35. Which expression best expresses Repeated actions in the past?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Nancy has volunteered in the hospital three times so far.

  • b. Nancy volunteered thirty times two years ago.

  • c. Nancy wanted to volunteer for many years.


Question 76 of 115


37. Select the word that best completes the sentence:
Tania is very patient with her children. She`s always ________.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. calm

  • b. angry

  • compassionate


Question 77 of 115


11. Complete the statement with the correct answers.
_____ the lectures ______ in the same salon?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Are/given

  • b. Are/give

  • c. Are/giving


Question 78 of 115


12. Select the correct Passive sentence to transform the following Active Sentence.
Schools give sports classes to help children to develop their kinesthetic ability.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Children are given sports classes to develop their kinesthetic ability.

  • b. Children are gave sports classes to develop their kinesthetic ability.

  • c. Are given children sports classes to develop their kinesthetic ability.


Question 79 of 115


13. Select the sentence showing an infinitive after a passive.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. We expected all the students to have an internship.

  • b. They allowed many students to get credits for their jobs.

  • c. Our students were required to take six courses for the certificate.


Question 80 of 115


14. Select the word that is incorrect in the following conversation.
Are bilingual skills expected by many employers in this country?
Yes, they are need for many jobs in this country

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Are

  • b. expected

  • c. need


Question 81 of 115


18. Choose the correct indirect question to be used as a more polite way to form the original question:
How often does he arrive late for work?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Do you happen to know how often does he arrive late for work?

  • b. I was wondering how often does he arrive late for work.

  • c. I was wondering how often he arrives late for work.


Question 82 of 115


36. Which of the options completes the following sentence correctly?
Our friend Jack _____________ our neighbors several times last year.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. has been helping

  • b. was helped

  • c. helped


Question 83 of 115


37. Select the word with a negative meaning

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. tenacity

  • b. rewarding

  • c. impaired


Question 84 of 115


4. Which of the following sentences shows the use of an irregular adverb?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Susan speaks French and Italian very well.

  • Susan learned to speak French and Italian very quickly.

  • c. That writing test was really hard.


Question 85 of 115


6. Select the pair of words that correctly completes the sentence. Carol speaks very ____________. She`s a
__________ girl.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. intelligently /bright

  • b. intelligent / bright

  • c. intelligent/ good


Question 86 of 115


12. Select the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.
In this college, everyone is encouraged ______________ regularly.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. attend

  • b. attending

  • c. to attend


Question 87 of 115


14. Select the word that best completes this sentence.
They are proud now because they have ____________ their dreams.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. lacked

  • b. fulfilled

  • c. determined


Question 88 of 115


20. Select the word that correctly completes this sentence:
Debra`s son isn ́t very ______________ . It`s hard to know what he`s thinking.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. successful

  • b. educate

  • c. communicative


Question 89 of 115


24. What is the correct word order to form a sentence?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Consequently we have to leave, it is late.

  • b. It is consequently late, we have to leave.

  • c. It is late. Consequently, we have to leave.


Question 90 of 115


26. Select the option with the statement that completes this conversation correctly.
Ann: I couldn`t concentrate my attention during the test yesterday.
Tom: __________________________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. You should have gone to bed on time

  • b. You should gone to bed on time

  • c. You have gone to bed on time


Question 91 of 115


30. Complete the sentence with the correct words. Brenda should ___________________ her family.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. has called

  • b. have call

  • c. have called


Question 92 of 115


32. What is the advice required for Nikolai, who arrived late to a work meeting?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. He shouldn`t have overslept.

  • b. He shouldn ́t have left the meeting.

  • c. He should have eaten breakfast.


Question 93 of 115


36. Complete the following sentence with the correct expression. She will read to the children ____________ they fall

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. as soon as

  • b. until

  • c. that


Question 94 of 115


38. Select the option that best completes the statement.
My friend Teresa will take care of the children _________ Susan gets home from work.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. until

  • b. as soon as

  • c. so that


Question 95 of 115


39. Select the choice showing the “future time clause”.
As soon as Julio arrived at the hospital, he put on his uniform. He is very disciplined.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. As soon as Julio arrived at the hospital,

  • he put on his uniform.

  • c. He is very disciplined.


Question 96 of 115


2. English adverbs are regular and irregular. Which of the following examples has an irregular adverb?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Jackeline speaks French fluently.

  • b. Jackeline speaks French well.

  • c. Jackeline speaks intelligently.


Question 97 of 115


12. What is the question that corresponds to this answer?
__________________________________________ .
No, but they are encouraged to get experience in a restaurant.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Are all students required to have an internship?

  • b. Are all students allowed to earn a credit?

  • c. Are all students advised to make a big dinner?


Question 98 of 115


13. Select the word that is incorrect in the following sentence.
Internships is required to graduate from this program. And these are arranged by the school.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. is

  • b. required

  • c. arranged


Question 99 of 115


17. Select the option showing the correct word order of an indirect question.
Why isn ́t Debra`s daughter very communicative?
I would like to know ____________________________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. why isn`t Debra`s daughter very communicative.

  • b. why Debra`s daughter isn`t very communicative.

  • c. why isn`t very communicative Debra`s daughter .


Question 100 of 115


18. From the following, select the question expressed in a more polite way.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Can you please tell me what the population of Ecuador is?

  • b. Tell me what the population of Ecuador is.

  • c. You may know what the population of Ecuador is.


Question 101 of 115


19. Complete the sentence with the corresponding transition word.
I Enjoy eating "American Style." ___________________ , I like to eat salads and sandwiches instead of meat and rice.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. On the other hand

  • b. For example

  • c. Actually


Question 102 of 115


23. Select the option that completes the conversation with an indirect question correctly.
How can I get a better job? Can you tell me __________________ .
First. You can continue to improve your Englis

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. how can I get a better job?

  • b. how I can get a better job

  • c. if can I get a better job


Question 103 of 115


25. In the sentence, You shouldn`t have eaten so much. The speaker`s intention is __________________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. to express sorry about things he/she did in the past.

  • b. to express advice (to others) about something in the past.

  • c. to express sorry about things he/she didn`t do in the past.


Question 104 of 115


26. Which of the following sentences expresses necessity?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. If she feels alone she ought to try to meet new people.

  • b. Brenda shouldn`t try to do everything perfectly.

  • c. You have to practice deep breathing to get relaxed.


Question 105 of 115


29. Select the option with the advice that matches with the following situation.My roommate is often late for class

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. She shouldn ́t lose her temper.

  • b. She ought to take an earlier bus.

  • c. She doesn`t have to go to sleep early.


Question 106 of 115


32. Select the option that best completes the statement.
When I don`t sleep enough, __________________________ .

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. I forget about my problems at work.

  • b. I forget to take my meditation class after work.

  • c. I feel tired the next day at work and make more mistakes.


Question 107 of 115


35. Select the choice with the Future time clause.
Julio is very helpful. As soon as he gets his assignment, he starts working.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Julio is very helpful.

  • b. As soon as he gets his assignment

  • c. he will start working.


Question 108 of 115


5. Which of the following sentences shows the correct use of adjectives and adverbs in both parts?

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. He is a badly communicator. He doesn ́t listen good.

  • b. She used to be a fast driver. Now she drives careful.

  • c. Chemistry isn ́t difficult for him. He has learned it easily.


Question 109 of 115


12. Select the sentence showing an infinitive after a passive.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Applicants are required to meet the deadline.

  • b. The UTPL encouraged the students of TEFL to meet with a counselor.

  • c. They told the students to take one class online.


Question 110 of 115


22. Select the transition word that completes the following sentence correctly. We asked for another cup of coffee.
___________ , there was no more.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. Consequently

  • b. In contrast

  • c. However


Question 111 of 115


Select he pair of word the correctly complete he following sentece. Emily has no _______ for ___________________.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. giffted/mechanical

  • b. brain/fixing up

  • c. aptitude/ cooking


Question 112 of 115


Select the option showing the correct word order of a indirect question
- How many friends do you have in Ecuador?
- I wonder _______________________________________

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. How many friends have in Ecuador?

  • b. How many friends you have in Ecuador

  • c. How many friends do you have in Ecuador


Question 113 of 115


69) Select the choice with the best TOPIC SENTENCE for the following paragraph. My parents say that I started running before I was two years old. When I was a child, I played soccer every day after school. l don't like to sit down - I always want to move around and be active. I like swimming in summer and playing football in winter. My friends think that I have a real aptitude for sports. I learned to play tennis in just a few weeks

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. My primary intelligence is Intrapersonal

  • b. My primary intelligence is visual/spatial

  • c. My primary intelligence is kinesthetic.


Question 114 of 115


Select the word that is incorrect in the following sentence. Internships is required to gradúate from this program. And these are arranged by the school.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. is

  • b. required

  • c. arranged


Question 115 of 115


Select the option expressing advice in the past that matches wlth the following situation. The crystal vase that Tom and Lisa received from their parents was broken.

Select one or more of the following:

  • a. They should have talked their parents about that

  • b. They should find the store and ask them to replace it.

  • . They should find a solution to solve this.
