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Created by Natashia Reyes
over 9 years ago
Who does Spinal Cord Injuries Occur Most With
How soon do Hemorrhagic Areas of the Spinal Cord Appear
WHen is the Extent of Injury and Prognosis most Accurately Determined
What is Spinal Shock
What is Neurogenic Shock
What Level of Injury is it Usually Associated With
How Are SCIs Classified
What is the worst Mechanism of Injury in SCI
What Are the Mechanisms of SCI Injury
What Are the Mechanisms of SCI Injury
Levels: What Happens if the Cervical SC is Injured vs. Thoracic, Lumbar, or Sacral
Degree: What is Complete Vs. Incomplete (partial) Injury
What is a Good Scale for Classifying the SCI
What is the Physiological Response in a Patient with a C4 Injury
What is the Physiological Response in SCI below C4
What is the Effect on Pt with Cervical and Thoracic SCI
If the Pt has an Artificial Airway, is Older Adult, or Reduced Vital Capacity & Loss of Abd & Intercostal Muscle Function what are Extremely Important Measures
What Happens to the Cardiovascular System with Injuries Above T6
What Kind of Monitoring is Necessary
What Rate Requires Intervention & What Kind
What are the Effects of SCI @: C4
What is the ASAI Scale Classification of Injury
What is the Response Acute Response of the Urinary and Post-Acute
GI: What is the Effect on Pt if Injury is @ T5 or Above & What are Interventions for This
GI: How can Intraabdominal Bleeding be Identified if patient has SCI and May Not Experience Pain or Tenderness
GI: What Happens W/To the Bowels During SCI How are These Conditions Manageable
What Happens to Thermoregulation with SCI
What May Occur w/ NG Suctioning
What Needs to be Monitored
What is Normal Loss with SCI and what Diet is Needed
What may Decreased Tissue Perfusion Cause
What is a Primary Problem with SCI MOst Highly Occurring in the First Three Months
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
C7- C8
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
Cord Injury and Rehabilitation Potential:
What are Diagnostics Used With SCI
Which is the Preferred Method
What if Preferred is Unavail
What if Changing Neurologic Stats
What if Changing Mental Stats
What Diagnostics can be used for DVT
What SCI is considered Blunt Trauma
What is Considered Penetrating Trauma
What is Characteristic of Neurogenic Shock
What are Inital Interventions that Should Be Instituted
What Ongoing Monitoring Should the Nurse Be Performing
What are Diagnostics that May Be Done During Cervical Cord Injury
What is the Focus of Acute Nursing Care with Cervical Cord Injury
What is the Recommended Immobilization with SCI
Is it the Same if Pt has Penetrating SCI
How Should You as a Nurse Assess A Pt w/SCI:
Muscles, Hands, Sensations
What is Relative to Musculoskeletal Injuries and Trauma
When is Early Surgery Typically Indicated
When is a Fusion Procedure Typically Done
When is Methylprednisolone (MP) used in SCI
When is Low-Molecular Heparin Utilized
What Should Mean Arterial Pressure be Maintained @ & What Happens if it Falls Below
Neurologic Alterations Above C8 vs Below C8 Complete S&S
What Kind of Traction is Utilized in Cervical Injuries
How Would You As a Nurse Describe This
When Should You as a Nurse Remove This
What if Your Pins are Dislodged
How Should You as a Nurse Care for the Tong Sites
What is Kinetic Therapy
What is Typical after Cervical Fusion or other Stabilization Surgery
What is Typical for Stable Injury with No Surgery
How are Patients with Thoracic or Lumbar Spine Injuries Immobilized and What Purpose Does it Serve
In First 48 Hours Spinal Cord Edema May Increase What Situations Require Nursing Intervention and What Kind of Intervention
What is an Acceptable PaO2 (Identify) & what is an Acceptable PaCO2 (Identify) Value for a Patient with Uncomplicated Tetraplegia
What if your Pt Cannot Count to 10 Aloud W/O taking a Breath
How can You as a Nurse Perform Assisted (Augmented) Cough Tecnique
What Should you do if Crackles or Rhonchi
How Should a Nurse Apply and Care for SCDs
During First 48-72 hours after SCI How does GI Tract React what are Interventions
How often is Intermittent Catheterization Done
What if pt Urine Odor or Appearance Suspicious
When Should a Bowel Program be Started and How
Automic Dysreflexia S/S
What are Nursing Interventions for Autonomic Dysreflexia
What if Stool Impaction is Causing the Autonomic Dysreflexia What are your Nursing Interventions Now
What Other Nursing Interventions are Indicated for Autonomic Dysreflexia
What Would You Tache as S/S to Family & Pt
How Much Should a Pt with Neurogenic Bladder Take In
How Much if Indwelling Cath
When May Cath Drainage Time Be Extended vs Shortened
What Should You Teach a Pt and Family About Bowel Management After Spinal Cord Injury
What Should You Teach a Pt and Family About Bowel Management After Spinal Cord Injury Part Two
How to Care for Halo Vest
Psychogenic Erections/Vaginal Lubricants vs Reflexive Responses
What Happens With Menstruation