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Contract law

Created by sherhui94 over 9 years ago
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Contract LawEssentials of a contractOfferNot = Invitation to TreatDisplay of goodsAdvertisementsTendersTerminationRevocation (Withdrawal)Lapse of Time (Reasonable)Subject to condition (satisfied)Offeree rejects offerAcceptanceConsiderationIntention to create legal relationsVariations of ContractFresh considerationSeal or DeedWilliams v Roffey ExceptionIndirect benefit/detrimentPromissory EstoppelUnfairness of going back on promiseTerms of ContractExpress Terms(Agreed)Valid made before or at time of contractImplied TermsObviousNecessaryException of validityAgainst Statutory ProvisionEg: Restraint of Trade clauses (Pg. 83)Against Public PolicySubjected to judiciary controlValidity depends on:Legitimate Interest to protectPull over customers or employeesParol EvidenceMisrepresentation of terms in contract, oral evidence may be admittedCustomCourt (common)Facts (both test must be satisfied)LawStatuteBreach of Implied and ExpressCan sue for damagesCan Terminate if:Stated in contractCondition Breached (Fundamental)Serious breached, deprived whole benefitExclusion/ Limitation ClauseValidity depends onReasonable noticeVisibilityPlace it is foundLanguageValidity under UCTAS2(1): Injury or deathS2(2): negligence in relation to losesReasonablenessBargaining strength of partiesCustomer knows or ought to know clauseInsuranceVitiating contractIllegalStatutesExpressedImpliedCaseCrime, Fraud, Illegal actGive false evidence on courtNo actions for damagesException: One innocent partyAccess to trade secretsToo wideTimeAreaScopeMisrepresentation (not a term)Opinion is notSales talk is notSilence is notException:Fiduciary DutyHalf TruthInduce formation of contractTypes of misrepresentationFraudulentNegligentInnocentRemediesRescind contract depends on:Lapse of reasonable timeImpossible to rescindDuressActual ViolenceEconomic duressDepends on:No ChoiceAgreed under protestReceived independent legal adviceExploiting SituationUndue InfluenceDepending on:Needs a relationshipUnderstood natureSuffer disadvantageObtain unfair advantageReceive independent legal adviceMistakeShared by both partiesRelate to fundamentalSigned documentsFundamentally differentNot negligentTermination of contractPerformanceAgreementStated in contractExpressedImpliedVariation of contractBoth parties benefitRepudiatory or Fundamental BreachActualAnticipatoryRepudiatoryFundamentalBreach of conditionFrustrationIllegalityImpossibilityDestroyed before completionDeath or personal incapacityUnable to fulfill in a particular mannerFail without the fault of both partiesRadically different from envisagedFor a particular purpose which is not attainableSelf-InducedForce Majeure ClauseValidityPaymentRemedies fro breach of contractDamagedLiquidatedUnliquidatedLoss must be provenPunitive damagesDamages for injured feelingsCannot be too remotePre-agreementValiditySpecific PerformanceAdequate DamagesPersonal ServiceInjunctionsEnforce ROTLaw of Sale of GoodsImplied TermsS13: Goods will correspond with descriptionS14(2): Satisfactory QualityBreach, buyer can reject goods and sue for damagesFunctionalityAppearanceDefectsSafetyDurabilityS14(3): Express or Imply goods must be for a particular reasonS15: Bulk will correspond with sampleLoss of right to rejectAccepted goodsKeep good for more than a reasonable timenon-consumer saleDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node