Created by Ellie Shuter
over 9 years ago
Statistical Deviation
Deviation from Social norms
Failure to function adequately
Deviation from ideal mental health
Behavioural characteristics of phobias
Emotional characteristics of phobias
Cognitive characteristics of phobias
The two-process model
Maintaining a phobia
Evaluation of the Behavioural explanation for phobias.
Systematic Desensitisation
Evaluation of Systematic Desensitisation as a treatment for phobias
Evaluation of Flooding
Behavioural Characteristics of Depression
Emotional Characteristics
Cognitive Characteristics
The cognitive approach to explaining depression:
Beck's Theory
Faulty information processing
Negative self-schemas
The Negative Triad
Evaluation of Becks cognitive theory of depression
Ellis' ABC model
Evaluation of Ellis's ABC model
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Evaluation of CBT
Behavioural characteristics of OCD
Emotional characteristics of OCD
Cognitive characteristics of OCD
The Biological approach to explaining OCD:
Genetic explanation
The Biological approach to explaining OCD:
Neural explanation
Evaluation of the genetic explanation
Evaluation of the neural explanation
Drug therapy
Evaluation of Drug therapy