1. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I
A. Were eating
B. Eat
C. Eating
D. Was eating
2. She dancing last night at 10 o’clock?
A. Was
B. Dance
C. Working
D. Were
3. No Tim was while Susan was watching TV.
A. Cook
B. Not Cooking
C. Were
D. While
4. Barbara was painting, and José
A. Paint
B. Sleep
C. Was sleeping
5. I was not cleaning the house while you
A. Were resting
B. Was
C. Clean
D. Rest
6. Were we while the other team was running?
A. We
C. Swimming
D. Other
7. Jim was always late to work
A. Always
B. Coming
C. Work
8. Dorothy was not always in the room
A. Room
B. Working
C. Smoking
D. Was
9. Were Jack and Bob always fighting ?
B. Bob
C. About something
D. always
10. these two were constantly
A. Two
B. Chatting
C. These