Each question in this quiz is timed.
What is a Historian?
a person who predicts things about the future
a person who takes up their time to teach students about books
a person who studies about the past
A timeline is a line that explains the events or special things that happened in the past in order
The meaning of Acropolis is..............
a building built by slaves in Ancient Greece
a high grounded building in an ancient Greek city-state
By 2500 BCE the Mycenaean civilisation has flourished.
Spartan women could not become ❌, vote or hold public offices. Women were only allowed their own ❌ and represent themselves in ❌. Women wore ❌ clothing, cut their ❌ short and ❌ wear any make-up or jewellery.
Shi Huang Die died due to illnesses and overwork.
The First Emperor was at the age of
What were the two main city states of Ancient Greece?
Roma and Alexandria
Corinth and Olympia
Sparta and Athens
The biggest Greek island is Crete
When was the first Olympics games held?
776 BCE
543 BCE