What law does delict fall under and why?
What is a Delict?
Whatbdoes Delict arise from?
What are the three principle Delictual actions?
What are the elements of the Aquillian action?
Define conduct and it's requirements?
What is the purpose of the wrongfullness element and how do the courts use it?
Discuss the elements of omission in terms of the categories used to determine the wrongfulnes element?
Discuss the element of fault.
Discuss the two forms of fault.
Discuss the element of causation. What are stages to the causation enquiry?
Discuss the element of damage and the forms it may take.
Discuss patrimonial loss and it's forms.
Discussnon non patrimonial damage
Discuss the rule used for non patrimonial damages.
Name the forms of damage.
What are the elects of actio iniuriarm?
Discuss defamation.
Discuss the elements of defamation.
Discuss publication and wrongfulness
What is vicarious liability ?
Discuss vicarious liability between employer and employee.
Discuss the 3 requirements of vicarious liability between employer and employee in detail.
List and discuss guidelines for determining vicarious liability in terms of course and scope.
Briefly discuss vicarious liability between principal and agent
Briefly discuss vicarious liability between motor car owner and driver.
List the defences times at the wrongness element
Discus private defence.
Discuss the requirements for attack and defense in private defense.
Discuss necessity .
Discuss provocation .
Discuss consent.
Discuss statutory authority
Discuss official capacity
List and briefly explain the defences which seek to exclude fault.
Discuss the defences for defamation