Created by Sparkle Shine
almost 9 years ago
Medicine through Time
What did the Greeks believed caused diesease?
How did the Greeks deal with disease?
What were Asclepious' daughters called?
What did Hipporates come up with?
What were the stages of Clinical diagnosis
Why did the Romans invent Public health?
Name 6 different features of Roman Public Health
What was Britain like before the Romans
When was the Roman invasion?
Did Galen deserve his reputation?
Who was more important in the history of Medicine: Galen or Hippocrates?
When was the Medieval period?
What three tribes invaded Roman Britain?
What was the Medieval public health like?
What were the beliefs of the cause of disease in Medieval London?
What were the main treatments of disease in the Medieval period?
How was the public health like in the Medieval period?
Why were people still reading Galen in 1350?
How did the Church have such a big impact on the development of medicine?
Why was there medical stagnation in the medieval period?
How did the Church help the development of medicine?
In what ways did the Church hinder the development of medicine, during the Medieval period?
When was the Black Death?
What can we learn about Medieval beliefs about the causes of disease from the Black Death?
What can we learn about the cures of disease believed in the medieval period?
Name 3 old ideas about the cause of the Black Death
Name two new ideas about the cause of the Black Death
Where did the Black death originate from?
Name 5 different types of Doctors in the Medieval period.
How did medieval surgery progress?
Give an example of a type of surgical proceedure that may have been carried out in the medieval period.
How dirty was Britain, in the middle ages?
Describe the knowledge of the time of 500AD-1500
How did people see the doctors of the Medieval period?
What did doctors usually carry around with them?
What does "Renaissance" mean?
What was there a re-birth in?
Who was Andreas Vesalius?
What were some of Vesalius' achievements?
In what ways did Vesalius prove Galen wrong?
How and why did Vesalius develop opposition?
Who was William Harvey?
What achievements did Harvey make?
In what ways did Harvey prove Galen wrong?
How and why did people oppose his ideas?
When was the Great Plauge?
How many people died (approx.) in the Great plauge?
What were one of the factors that helped the Great Plague to spread?
Name two things that the government did during the plague.
What were the three main beliefs for the cause of the Great Plague?
What was the impact of the plague in London?
Name three of the governments response, at the time of the plague.
Name some similarities between the Great Plague and The Black Death.
Name some differences between the Great Plague and the Black Death.
What are some of the differences between Medieval and Renaissance doctors?
When was the Industrial Revolution?
Name three factors that lead to the change in medicine.
When was the first inoculation discovered?
Why were some against receiving an inoculation?
How was the realisation of vaccinations founded?
When and where Jenner submit his findings?
What does revolution mean?
Name three inventions that happened during this time.
Why did Jenner have such big oppositions?
When was the first vaccination?
When was vaccination first made compulsory?
When were vaccinations compulsory and strictly enforced?
Who invented the microscope?
Why were vaccinations successful?
What did Pasteur discover?
In what year was Pastuer's Beer investigation?
When was the Germ Theory discovered?
When were theses vaccine created?
Chicken Cholera
Who was Koch?
What did Koch prove?
What and when were the microbes which caused
How did Koch prove his findings?
Why were Pasteur and Koch so successful?
How were cities like in the Industrial revolution?
Why did disease spread so quickly during the industrial revolution?
When was the first cholera outbreak?
What was the Boards of health?
When were the boards of health set up?
When was the second cholera outbreak?
Who was Chadwick?
What did Chadwick recommend?
When was Chadwick's report?
Why did nothing happen after Chadwick's report?
What happened in 1848?
Why did people oppose the governments changes to public health after 1848?
Describe the first public health act.
What were some of the main diseases in the 19th century?
When was the third cholera outbreak?
What was John Snow's theory?
When and what was Snow's discovery?
What happened in 1854?
Where did Florence nightingale take 38 nurses to?
How were the hospitals?
What changes did Nightingale make?
How was the death rate after Nightingale?
Why was Nightingale so successful?
When were the liberal Reforms?
Why did the L.R occur?
What were the Liberal Reforms promise?
Who realised that poverty was caused by sickeness, old age and lack of employment?
What were the actions of the Peoples budget?
When was the National insurance act made?
What did the National insurance act (1911) do?
Were there any problem with the Liberal Reforms (1906-1911)
Name acts dealing with:
-Health and sickness
Name some differences between the Renaissance and I.R medical knowledge.
Who was Paul Ehrlich?
What did Ehrlich discover?
When was the first magic bullet made?
What were some of the factors that contributed to the discovery of the first magic bullet?
When was the discovery of penicillin?
Who discovered penicillin?
What was the journey of penicillin?
What were the factors that affected Penicillin?
When was the NHS set up?
Was there opposition to the NHS?
When was the Beveridge Report?
What did the Bevridge report lead to?
What did the Beveridge report consist of?
What were the 5 giant Evils?
Who was the minister for Health that set up the NHS?
Who were the biggest opposition to the NHS?
Why was the BMA an opposition to the NHS?
What were some differences between doctors in C19th and C20th
Name four types of alternative medicine.
When was the discovery of the structure of DNA?
Who were the four people who were involved with the discovery of the DNA structure?
What project lead from the discovery of the DNA structure and when?
Name some medical treatments that could be performed as a result of DNA discovery
How was the structure of DNA found?