In which stage are individual chromosomes first present?
In what stage of mitosis are sister chromatids formed?
In mRNA the As attatch to...
Single Ring Bases
Double ring bases
Double Ring family of bases are called
Single Ring family of bases are called
What did Chargoff's rule state?
What is a nucleotide made of?
How is the Sugar-Phosphate 'backbone' bonded?
What are the rungs of the 'ladder' held by?
What type of bond is inbetween AT and CG, and why is it important?
3 steps involved in cell replication
What tells the DNA to unwind, unzip, and replicate?
Definition of Gene
Definition of Chromosome
Relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes
The two main functions of DNA
Nitrogenous base for DNA
The nitrogenous base for RNA
Definition of Binary Fission + Examples
Definiton of Budding + Examples
Regeneration Definition and Examples
Go and G1 Phase in Cell Cycle
"S" in the Cell Cycle
G2 Phase in the Cell Cycle
"M" in the Cell Cycle
Purpose of Mitosis