Raquel Lindsay-M
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Prepping college

Raquel Lindsay-M
Created by Raquel Lindsay-M over 8 years ago

Preparing for College FINAL

Question 1 of 103


1. The price for many free applications on the Internet includes

Select one of the following:

  • A. a request for a password.

  • B. a reduced processing speed.

  • C. a small fee for uploads.

  • D. allowing a cookie to be put on your computer.


Question 2 of 103


2. One advantage of e-books over traditional books is that

Select one of the following:

  • A. they can be sold to other students.

  • B. they come with supplements.

  • C. they are faster to read.

  • D. they are searchable.


Question 3 of 103


3. What is a podcast?

Select one of the following:

  • A. An audio or video recording of instructional or entertaining material that can be accessed on the Internet

  • B. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides written commentary

  • C. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides video-based commentary

  • D. A way to get to know your instructor better


Question 4 of 103


4. What is a blog?

Select one of the following:

  • A. An audio or video recording of instructional material that can be accessed on the Internet

  • B. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides written commentary

  • C. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides video-based commentary

  • D. A collaborative wiki


Question 5 of 103


5. What is a vlog?

Select one of the following:

  • A. An audio or video recording of instructional material that can be accessed on the Internet

  • B. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides written commentary

  • C. A Web-based public diary in which a writer provides video-based commentary

  • D. A collaborative wiki


Question 6 of 103


6. Which of these statements is FALSE?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Facebook and Myspace are designed for social interactions.

  • B. Employers don't access social networking sites when making hiring decisions

  • C. You can control your privacy settings on social networking sites.

  • D. Group work is an essential part of post-secondary education.


Question 7 of 103


7. LinkedIn is an example of what type of application?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Professional networking

  • B. Social networking

  • C. Online private workspace

  • D. Online shared workspace


Question 8 of 103


8. The key feature of distance learning courses is

Select one of the following:

  • A. the number of students.

  • B. the nature of interaction between instructor and students.

  • C. the number of normative hours.

  • D. the number of assignments.


Question 9 of 103


9. One potential challenge of distance learning is

Select one of the following:

  • A. the need for extra discipline and time management skills

  • B. the lack of opportunities to develop your writing skills.

  • C. the number of class hours.

  • D. the number of assignments.


Question 10 of 103


10. One potential benefit of distance learning is

Select one of the following:

  • A. the immediacy of feedback.

  • B. the carefully structured pace.

  • C. the potential for more online contact with your professor.

  • D. the lack of written assignments.


Question 11 of 103


11. What is netiquette?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Guidelines for demonstrating civility and respect in an online environment

  • B. Guidelines for demonstrating civility and respect in an offline environment

  • C. Guidelines for demonstrating excellence

  • D. Guidelines for etiquette when online gaming


Question 12 of 103


12. What are emoticons

Select one of the following:

  • A. Symbols that show the writer is not being serious in his/her comments

  • B. Symbols used instead of punctuation in email or text messages

  • C. Symbols used to provide information on the emotion that the writer wants the reader to feel

  • D. Symbols used in email or text message that provide information on the emotion that the writer is trying to convey


Question 13 of 103


13. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Select one of the following:

  • A. You should use different email addresses, depending on purpose.

  • B. You should use the same email address for social and job-seeking purposes.

  • C. Consider carefully the tone you convey in an email.

  • D. Consider carefully the content you put in an email.


Question 14 of 103


14. An informative subject line of an email might read

Select one of the following:

  • A. Funding applications.

  • B. Funding applications due at noon.

  • C. Funding applications due at noon on Oct 17

  • D. Important: funding applications due.


Question 15 of 103


15. If you have more than one topic to discuss with an email recipient, you should

Select one of the following:

  • A. write separate emails for each topic.

  • B. include all topics in one email.

  • C. use more abbreviations in the email to keep it short.

  • D. include the topics as attachments.


Question 16 of 103


16. Information competency is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • A. the ability to determine where information can be found.

  • B. the ability to determine what information is true.

  • C. the ability to determine what information is necessary, and then to locate, evaluate, credit, and effectively use that information.

  • D. the ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources.


Question 17 of 103


17. An online database is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • A. an electronic, organized body of information on a related topic, or dealing with related media.

  • B. a series of volumes that attempt to cover the entire range of knowledge.

  • C. a list of all the materials held in the library, as well as their locations.

  • D. a way to search by subject, date range, abstract, or author.


Question 18 of 103


18. One way to protect your privacy online is to

Select one of the following:

  • A. use public computers whenever possible.

  • B. accept cookies from free websites.

  • C. set your browser to remember your passwords.

  • D. adjust your social media settings to restrict access to your information


Question 19 of 103


19. One way you can limit the number of results returned on an online search is to use

Select one of the following:

  • A. Quotation marks.

  • B. Apostrophes.

  • C. Punctuation.

  • D. Equal signs.


Question 20 of 103


20. Using minus (-) signs before terms in an online search will

Select one of the following:

  • A. denote that the word can have more than one ending.

  • B. denote a phrase that should appear in its entirety.

  • C. denote terms that you do not want to appear in the results.

  • D. denote words like AND, OR, AND NOT, and NEAR.


Question 21 of 103


21. Using an asterisk (*) after terms in an online search will

Select one of the following:

  • A. denote that the word can have more than one ending

  • B. denote a phrase that should appear in its entirety.

  • C. denote terms that you do not want to appear in the results.

  • D. denote words like AND, OR, AND NOT, and NEAR.


Question 22 of 103


22. When it comes to plagiarizing sources not cited, "the ghost writer" tends to

Select one of the following:

  • A. borrow generously from his or her previous work.

  • B. alter the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.

  • C. copy significant portions of text from a single source without alteration.

  • D. turn in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own


Question 23 of 103


23. When it comes to plagiarizing sources not cited, the writer who engages in "the poor disguise" tends to

Select one of the following:

  • A. borrow generously from his or her previous work.

  • B. alter the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.

  • C. copy significant portions of text from a single source without alteration.

  • D. turn in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.


Question 24 of 103


24. When it comes to plagiarizing sources not cited, the writer who engages in "the photocopy" tends to

Select one of the following:

  • A. borrow generously from his or her previous work.

  • B. alter the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.

  • C. copy significant portions of text from a single source without alteration

  • D. turn in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.


Question 25 of 103


25. When it comes to plagiarizing sources not cited, the writer who acts as "the self-stealer" tends to

Select one of the following:

  • A. borrow generously from his or her previous work.

  • B. alter the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.

  • C. copy significant portions of text from a single source without alteration.

  • D. turn in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.


Question 26 of 103


26. When it comes to plagiarizing sources that are cited, "the forgotten footnote" exists when

Select one of the following:

  • A. the writer copies from several different sources.

  • B. the writer takes the time to paraphrase from several sources.

  • C. the writer provides inaccurate information regarding sources.

  • D. the writer neglects to include specific information on the location of the material referenced.


Question 27 of 103


27. When it comes to plagiarizing sources that are cited, "the misinformer" tends to

Select one of the following:

  • A. copy from several different sources.

  • B. take the time to paraphrase from several sources.

  • C. provide inaccurate information regarding sources.

  • D. neglect to include specific information on the location of the material referenced.


Question 28 of 103


28. A closely related set of ideas that suggest a way of approaching a topic is

Select one of the following:

  • A. an outline.

  • B. a thesis.

  • C. a defence.

  • D. an argument.


Question 29 of 103


29. A set of facts, research findings, or other evidence used to support a thesis is

Select one of the following:

  • A. an outline.

  • B. a defence.

  • C. an argument.

  • D. an action.


Question 30 of 103


30. Mind mapping allows you to

Select one of the following:

  • A. explore your topic.

  • B. generate your topic.

  • C. write without an outline.

  • D. write in one step.


Question 31 of 103


31. Which of the following steps should you take first when writing an essay?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Outline

  • B. Mind map

  • C. Organize research

  • D. Write


Question 32 of 103


32. Which of the following steps should you take last when writing an essay?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Outline

  • B. Mind map

  • C. Organize research

  • D. Write


Question 33 of 103


33. Writer's block may be overcome through the practice of

Select one of the following:

  • A. writing the whole essay at once.

  • B. writing before outlining.

  • C. writing immediately after eating.

  • D. writing immediately upon waking up in the morning.


Question 34 of 103


34. What are the elements normally listed on a title page of a report?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Title of the assignment only

  • B. Title of the assignment, title of the professor, and the date the assignment was handed in

  • C. Title of the assignment, the date the assignment is due, and the date the assignment was handed in

  • D. Title of the assignment, your name and student number, and the course code


Question 35 of 103


35. What does the conclusion section of a report normally contain?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A few paragraphs outlining the scope and the main topics

  • B. Highlights and recommendations

  • C. Main topics and subtopics

  • D. A list of topics and subtopics


Question 36 of 103


36. What does the introduction section of a report normally contain?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A few paragraphs outlining the scope and the main

  • B. Highlights and recommendations

  • C. Main topics and subtopics

  • D. A list of topics and subtopics


Question 37 of 103


37. What does the body section of a report normally contain?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A few paragraphs outlining the scope and the main topics

  • B. Highlights and recommendations

  • C. Main topics and subtopics

  • D. A list of topics and subtopics


Question 38 of 103


38. What does the bibliography section of a report normally contain?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A list of topics and subtopics

  • B. A list of conclusions

  • C. A list of sources used

  • D. A list of graphs, diagrams, and supporting articles


Question 39 of 103


39. What do the appendices section of a report normally contain?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Major topics and subtopics

  • B. Graphs, diagrams, and supporting articles

  • C. Works cited

  • D. Conclusions and recommendations


Question 40 of 103


40. Which of these statements is FALSE with regard to presentation anxiety?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Such anxiety is caused because you cannot control the audience's reaction.

  • B. Such anxiety is normal.

  • C. Practiced presenters feel no anxiety.

  • D. Practised presenters usually feel a bit anxious.


Question 41 of 103


41. For a presentation, you can determine which topics to cover and in how much depth on the basis of

Select one of the following:

  • A. your grade.

  • B. your audience

  • C. your subtopics.

  • D. your table of contents.


Question 42 of 103


42. Making a mental movie of a decision means

Select one of the following:

  • A. playing different parts in your friends' lives.

  • B. seeing yourself in different roles in the decision.

  • C. working through different scripts in your head to envision potential outcomes.

  • D. thinking through the most favourable alternative to determine the outcome.


Question 43 of 103


43. What is the best way to make a decision or solve a problem when in "crisis mode"?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Act on your gut instinct right away.

  • B. Delay until the situation changes.

  • C. Compartmentalize (break down/chunking) the problem.

  • D. Choose the quickest and easiest solution.


Question 44 of 103


44. Problem-solving is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • A. the process depicted in decision trees.

  • B. the process depicted in freewriting.

  • C. the process of deciding among various alternatives.

  • D. the mental activity involved in generating a set of alternative courses of action to enhance decision-making.


Question 45 of 103


45. Chunking is defined as

Select one of the following:

  • A. breaking a problem down into two pieces.

  • B. breaking a problem down into smaller, more manageable pieces

  • C. dividing a problem into parts you can solve and parts that you can't solve.

  • D. dividing a problem into parts that are short-term and long-term.


Question 46 of 103


46. In Robert Ennis's classic definition of critical thinking, such thinking is

Select one of the following:

  • A. intuitive or feeling-based.

  • B. reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.

  • C. based on the opinions of others.

  • D. based on information gathered over time.


Question 47 of 103


47. Before you make a decision, you need to begin with

Select one of the following:

  • A. the pros and cons.

  • B. the alternatives.

  • C. the end you have in mind

  • D. the criteria.


Question 48 of 103


48. To avoid providing a short-term answer to an immediate problem, when making a decision, you need to consider

Select one of the following:

  • A. the context of your entire life.

  • B. the alternatives.

  • C. the pros and cons.

  • D. how fast the decision will take effect.


Question 49 of 103


49. When determining the probability that an outcome will take place, you need to

Select one of the following:

  • A. make a rough estimate of the likelihood that an outcome will come to pass.

  • B. toss a coin.

  • C. assign a precise number to the likelihood that an outcome will come to pass.

  • D. rate the chances that the outcome will come to pass.


Question 50 of 103


50. What is the first step in solving any problem?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Generating alternatives

  • B. Being as clear as you can about what the problem is

  • C. Generating solutions

  • D. Taking another's perspective


Question 51 of 103


51. Why is it so easy to jump to conclusions when we are facing everyday problems?

Select one of the following:

  • A. We may be unaware of the assumptions that underlie our thinking.

  • B. We accept some bit of information as a fact.

  • C. We confuse fact with opinion.

  • D. We don't like to rely on common sense.


Question 52 of 103


52. If two events appear to be associated with one another, we CAN’T conclude

Select one of the following:

  • A. a relationship

  • B. causality.

  • C. interference

  • D. comparison.


Question 53 of 103


53. When choosing group members, it is most important to consider

Select one of the following:

  • A. pre-existing friendships.

  • . compatible schedules.

  • C. Intellectual Intelligence.

  • D. Emotional Intelligence.


Question 54 of 103


54. Emotional intelligence, according to Daniel Goleman, means possessing abilities such as

Select one of the following:

  • A. being able to instantly gratify oneself.

  • B. being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations.

  • C. being able to motivate others.

  • D. being able to sympathize with others.


Question 55 of 103


55. In which stage of a group's evolution do group members try to determine how the group will work and which role each person will play?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Adjourning

  • B. Performing

  • C. Norming

  • D. Forming


Question 56 of 103


56. In which stage of a group's evolution do groups tend to disintegrate?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Performing

  • B. Norming

  • C. Storming

  • D. Adjourning


Question 57 of 103


57. In which stage of a group's evolution do groups start to bond?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Forming

  • B. Storming

  • C. Norming

  • D. Performing


Question 58 of 103


58. In which stage of a group's evolution do groups focus on working together to get the task done?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Forming

  • B. Performing

  • C. Storming

  • D. Norming


Question 59 of 103


59. To engage in reflective feedback, you should

Select one of the following:

  • A. rephrase what the speaker has said.

  • B. reframe what the speaker has said.

  • C. ask questions.

  • D. deal with distractions.


Question 60 of 103


60. What term refers to shared national origins or cultural patterns?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Sociology

  • B. Diversity

  • C. Ethnicity

  • D. Culture


Question 61 of 103


61. What term reflects the learned behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes that are characteristic of an individual society?

Select one of the following:

  • A. sociology

  • B. diversity

  • C. ethnicity

  • D. culture


Question 62 of 103


62. What term is defined as knowledge and understanding about other ethnic groups, cultures, and minority groups?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Cultural competence

  • B. IQ

  • C. Emotional intelligence

  • D. Diversity training


Question 63 of 103


63. What term is defined as evaluation or judgments of members of a group that are based primarily on membership in the group?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Culture

  • B. Prejudice

  • C. Ethnicity

  • D. Discrimination


Question 64 of 103


64. What term is defined as behaviour directed towards individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Culture

  • B. Prejudice

  • C. Ethnicity

  • D. Discrimination


Question 65 of 103


65. What term is defined as beliefs and expectations about members of a group that are held simply because of that membership in the group?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Stereotypes

  • B. Prejudice

  • C. Ethnicity

  • D. Discrimination


Question 66 of 103


66. In Toronto, what percentage of the city's residents was born outside of Canada?

Select one of the following:

  • A. 15

  • B. 25

  • C. 40

  • D. 50


Question 67 of 103


67. Which is North America's most multicultural city?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Montreal

  • B. Vancouver

  • C. Toronto

  • D. Ottawa


Question 68 of 103


68. In Toronto, what approximate percentage of the city's residents speaks a language other than English or French at home?

Select one of the following:

  • A. 40 %

  • B. 30 %

  • C. 20 %

  • D. 10 %


Question 69 of 103


69. What is the definition of a zero-sum game?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A situation in which loser takes all

  • B. A situation in which there can be two winners, or two losers

  • C. A situation in which when one person wins, the other person automatically loses

  • D. A situation in which both parties walk away with something they want


Question 70 of 103


70. Failing a course, losing a job, and ending a relationship are examples of

Select one of the following:

  • A. Pre-existing conditions.

  • B. Cataclysmic events.

  • C. Personal stressors.

  • D. Daily hassles.


Question 71 of 103


71. Receiving a cell phone bill full of errors, being interrupted by noise when trying to study, and getting stuck in a traffic jam are examples of

Select one of the following:

  • A. Pre-existing conditions.

  • B. Cataclysmic events.

  • C. Personal stressors.

  • D. Daily hassles.


Question 72 of 103


72. Getting married, starting a new job, or having a baby are examples of

Select one of the following:

  • A. pre-existing conditions.

  • B. cataclysmic events.

  • C. personal stressors.

  • D. daily hassles.


Question 73 of 103


73. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, good mental health is related to

Select one of the following:

  • A. your degree of self-actualization and your work-life balance

  • B. your ability to totally relax.

  • C. your support system.

  • D. your workload.


Question 74 of 103


74. Someone who is resistant to change and driven by emotion is likely to be

Select one of the following:

  • A. emotionally intelligent.

  • B. emotionally reactive.

  • C. resilient and self-confident.

  • D. a female member of the baby boomer generation.


Question 75 of 103


75. Someone who is assertive in their communication and optimistic and positive in their focus is likely to be

Select one of the following:

  • A. emotionally intelligent.

  • B. emotionally reactive.

  • C. resilient and self-confident.

  • D. a female member of the baby boomer generation.


Question 76 of 103


76. Someone who is emotionally intelligent is likely to

Select one of the following:

  • A. be driven by emotion.

  • B. act on their intuition.

  • C. do things with reflection and intention.

  • D. overwhelmed often.


Question 77 of 103


77. Someone who is emotionally reactive is likely to be

Select one of the following:

  • A. optimistic, positive, and hopeful in focus.

  • B. an assertive communicator.

  • C. better at coping with stress.

  • D. pessimistic and sarcastic


Question 78 of 103


78. Assistance and comfort supplied by others in times of stress is known as

Select one of the following:

  • A. social assistance.

  • B. social support

  • C. close friends.

  • D. meditation.


Question 79 of 103


79. A technique for refocusing attention and producing bodily relaxation is known as

Select one of the following:

  • A. social support.

  • B. religion.

  • C. meditation

  • D. yoga.


Question 80 of 103


A life without stress would probably be?

Select one of the following:

  • A. boring.

  • B. safer.

  • C. happier.

  • D. wise.


Question 81 of 103


81. If you have to juggle your responsibilities, the first thing you should do is

Select one of the following:

  • A. update your status.

  • B. clean out your closet

  • C. identify your priorities

  • D. finish gaming.


Question 82 of 103


82. If you have to juggle your responsibilities, you should

Select one of the following:

  • A. keep your problems to yourself.

  • B. communicate with others about your obligations.

  • C. put your own needs last.

  • D. fill every spare minute with work.


Question 83 of 103


83. In the video presented during class, what did Dr. Evans refer to as the single most important thing we can do to control our stress

Select one of the following:

  • A. Talk to someone

  • B. Distract your mind

  • C. Change your thinking style

  • D. Spend time outdoors


Question 84 of 103


84. Following consumption, the stimulant effects of caffeine may last as long as

Select one of the following:

  • A. 1-2 hours.

  • B. 3-4 hours.

  • C. 6-8 hours.

  • D. 8-12 hours.


Question 85 of 103


85. What counts as disposable income once you are living on your own?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Your parents' money

  • B. Money for clothing, electronics, and partying

  • C. Money left over after paying taxes and contributions to social insurance plans

  • D. Money left over after paying car loans and credit card payments


Question 86 of 103


86. What is a budget?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A formal plan that accounts and plans for income and expenditures

  • B. An informal plan that tracks income and expenditures

  • C. An ideal strategy for where your money will go

  • D. A list of expenditures, itemized and prioritized


Question 87 of 103


87. The best part about a budget is that it provides

Select one of the following:

  • A. transparency.

  • B. security.

  • C. free money.

  • D. justification for wants.


Question 88 of 103


88. To get an overview of your expenditures for the coming year, the first thing you should do is

Select one of the following:

  • A. plan for all your needs.

  • B. go through any records you've kept to identify where you've spent money over the last year.

  • C. plan for all your wants.

  • D. find out when you are likely to get your income tax refund.


Question 89 of 103


89. To track all the items for which you normally pay with cash, the best thing to do is

Select one of the following:

  • A. set aside $50 a week for cover all those items.

  • B. don't worry about expenditures under $2.

  • C. record everything for which you have a receipt.

  • D. jot down everything you spend for one week in a notebook that you carry with you all the time.


Question 90 of 103


90. What is one way to control impulse buying when grocery shopping?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Read your flyer ahead of time and plan menus around items on sale

  • B. Shop when you're hungry.

  • C. Always buy the same items.

  • D. Shop when you've got a limited amount of time.


Question 91 of 103


91. How can you make credit cards work for you?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Pay the interest on your balance every month.

  • B. Use the "grace period" as an interest-free loan.

  • C. Use only department store credit cards.

  • D. Only use credit cards for cash advances.


Question 92 of 103


92. Why get a credit card in the first place?

Select one of the following:

  • A. It's a great way to finance your lifestyle.

  • B. It's a quick way to get new merchandise from a department store.

  • C. It is one of the most accepted forms of payment worldwide.

  • D. It's a good form of cash advance.


Question 93 of 103


93. What is a credit rating?

Select one of the following:

  • A. A judgment by an employment agency about your credit worthiness

  • B. A judgment by a credit reporting agency about your credit worthiness

  • C. A judgment by a credit reporting agency about your employment worthiness

  • D. A judgment by a government agency about your loan worthiness


Question 94 of 103


94. When should you see a credit counsellor?

Select one of the following:

  • A. If you want more credit than you have

  • B. If you want a prestigious credit card

  • C. If you cannot work out a repayment plan on your own

  • D. If you want to increase your student loan


Question 95 of 103


95. What is the average Canadian family’s largest annual expenditure?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Food

  • B. Shelter

  • C. Taxes

  • D. Bills


Question 96 of 103


96. What is the average amount of student loan(s) outstanding after graduation for a college student in Canada? For a student graduating with a bachelor’s degree from a Canadian university?

Select one of the following:

  • A. College $5,300; University $7,300

  • B. College $9,400; University $1,530

  • C. College $11,800, University $22,700

  • D. College $12,700, University $32,000


Question 97 of 103


97. You have a $3000 balance on your credit card, which charges 19% interest on outstanding balances. If you make only the minimal payment each month (usually 2.5% of the outstanding balance), how many months will it take you to pay off the entire balance?

Select one of the following:

  • A. 283 Months (more than 23 years)

  • B. 125 Months (more than 10 years)

  • C. 62 Months (more than 5 years)

  • D. 38 Months (more than 3 years)


Question 98 of 103


98. If you graduate from college with a two-year diploma, how much more money will you earn in total over a 37-year working life than someone who has only a high-school diploma?

Select one of the following:

  • A. $38, 925

  • B. $58, 825

  • C. $96, 825

  • D. $173, 825


Question 99 of 103


99. A Canadian couple decides to marry and plan to invite 100 people to their wedding. How much does the average couple budget for this size of wedding? How much do they actually spend?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Budget $8,000, Spend $7,000

  • B. Budget $9,000, Spend $14,000

  • C. Budget $14,000, Spend $27,000

  • D. Budget $19,000, Spend $19,000


Question 100 of 103


100. According to the Zeitgeist documentary presented in class, what is the part of our money system that creates the greatest negative effect?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Interest

  • B. Securities

  • C. Savings

  • D. Debt


Question 101 of 103


101. What does the financial acronym TFSA refer to?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Tax Free Security Allowance

  • B. Tax Free Savings Account

  • C. Tax Free Social Allowance

  • D. Tri Federal Savings Account


Question 102 of 103


102. In class we watched a video by financial guru David Bach. He gives one huge suggestion for ensuring a secure financial security. What is the suggestion?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Delay impulse buys

  • B. Automate all bills and savings

  • C. Use multiple credit cards to pay each other off

  • D. Avoid student loans


Question 103 of 103


103. When David Bach talks about the financial strategy paying yourself first, how much of your income does he suggest you set aside from each pay period for your retirement fund?

Select one of the following:

  • A. 25%

  • B. 10%

  • C. 2%

  • D. 17%
