Erkläre inwiefern die häretischen (ketzerischen) Bewegungen (Katharer, "cathars") nicht nur Bewegungen für eine religiöse Erneuerung waren, sondern auch soziale Bewegungen, die die weltliche, also die politische und ökonomische Macht, der Katholischen Kirche in Frage stellten.
Erkläre, was die “Heilige Inquisition” war.
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At the root of popular heresy (Häresie) was the belief that God no longer spoke through the clergy (priests, monks, nuns, bishops) because of its greed and corruption.
The heretics played a crucial role in the anti-feudal struggle. They exhorted (ermunterten) people not to pay the tithes (= den Zehnten, das heißt die Abgaben an die Kirche).
The heretics taught that Christ had no property, and that if the Church wanted to regain its spiritual power it should divest itself from its possessions. The Waldenses were owning, like the apostles, all things in common.
The heretic movements of the Cathars (= "Ketzer", from "Katharoi" = pure) and the Waldenses (= Waldenser) only reinterpreted the religious tradition.
in 1233, the Pope instituted a special tribunal with the function of eradicating heresy: the Holy Inquisition. The use of torture against heretics was authorized with the consensus of the main theologians of the time. Proven heretics and their protectors were to burned at the stake. The house where a heretic was discovered was to be destroyed, and the land upon which it was built confiscated. The aim was to undermine the "popularity of the heretic evil. There is not one commune, in which heresy does not have its supporters, its defenders and believers."
Heresy was the most important social movement of the Middle Ages. Heretics denounced social hierarchies, exploitation and the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few.
The heretics taught that the exterior forms of worship - buildings, images, symbols - should be invested with more importance.