Why are appositive phrases set off by commas?
Can an infinitive be the subject of a sentence?
What famous line in Hamlet repeats the same infinitive twice?
True or false: An infinitive can sometimes act as a noun.
Is "sadness" a concrete noun?
True or false: "Pumpkins" is a countable noun.
True or false: "Freshness" is a collective noun.
True or false: "Flock" is a collective noun.
True or false: "Wine" is a non-countable (mass) noun.
Is "rain" a countable noun?
True or false: "Rims" is a countable noun.
True or false: "Air" is a countable noun.
True or false: All proper nouns are capitalized.
True or false: "Kleenex" and "Xerox" are the same type of noun.
Are "Skippy" and "peanut" the same type of noun?
What is the difference between a proper noun and a common noun?
True or false: nouns can appear anywhere in a sentence.
What is a common noun?
What is a proper noun?
What is an appositive phrase?
What is an appositive?