Each question in this quiz is timed.
What does ram mean?
Random access memory
Resistant alteration memory
What does rom mean?
Read only memory
Rarely obtainable memory
What is the difference between an input and an output device?
An input device is a component used to feed information to a computer while an output device gives processed information back to the user.
An input device improves something on the inside of the computer while an output improves something on the outside of the computer
1GHz is equivalent to 1 million instructions per second
A microphone is a input device
What does non volatile mean?
It does loose memory when it is turned off
It doesn't loose memory when it is turned off
What is an advantage of using binary?
Binary devices are simple and easy to build
Binary is fast
What is the difference between an integer an float?
An integer is a whole number while a float is a decimal number
An integer is a decimal number and a float is a whole number