Created by Luke Hansford
about 9 years ago
Why is it doubtful whether current bipropellant S.I's can be improved by more than 10%?
What are other factor limits the SI?
Why does LH2/LF2 offer little advantage in SI over LH2/LO2?
There are two chemical systems which offer a gain in SI, what are they?
What is variable cycle air-breathing?
Pros and cons of air breathing ?
What is Exhaust jet power equal to?
What is the equation for energy input?
What does Energy/impulse equal?
What does Exhaust thrust equal?
What does power/thurst equal?
What do these proportionality's show us?
Power system mass equals?
Propellant mass?
Total mass is equal too?
On an Exhaust Velocity SI km/s vs Total System Mass kg, where is the Optimum SI
For a chemical rocket k~1 so how does this affect the graph?
What too ways can electric propulsion work?
What types of electrothermal propulsion systems are there?
How do electrothermal motors work?
How does a resistojet work?
What are the pros of resistojets?
What do they look like (diagram)?
How does an arcjet work?
What is the main problem with an arc jet?
What does an arc jet look like (diagram)?
What electrodynamic systems are there?
How do electromagnetic systems work?
How does a railgun work?
Pros and cons?
What does a railgun look like (diagram)?
How does an ion engine work?
Pros and cons of an ion engine?
What does the diagram for an ion engine look like?
What are the two types for ion engines (in terms of ions)?
What are the types of conductive metals used and why?
What are there issues?
What types of inert gases are used?
What are the two main problems with Ion engines in general?
What is most desirable for an ion engine?
How can motor life and efficiency be increased?
How can the speed of an ion be calculated?
What does GOCE stand for?
Why does the GOCE orbit closer to earth (think of its function)?
What do the two winglets on the GOCE provide?
What satellite perturbations can influence the measuring of gravity?
What is gradiometry?
How does a Hall effect plasma thruster work?
Pros and cons of hall effect plasma thruster?
What does a Hall plasma thruster look like (diagram)?
How do solar sails and electric propulsion share the same mission characteristics?
What problem does the long period of time they are used over create?
Why is this assumption important?
How are the trajectories for low thrust systems calculated?