Created by Alexa Smith
almost 9 years ago
What are Jeremy Bentham's Dates?
What are J.S. Mill's Dates?
What are Peter Singer's dates?
What is the Principle of Utility?
What must you reduce, before you increase pleasure?
What is Act Utilitarianism?
In act utilitarianism, are actions a means to an end, or an end in themselves?
Give three weaknesses of Utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham was QUANTITATIVE, what does this mean?
Give Three Strengths of Utilitarianism
What is the Hedonic Calculus?
What does the Hedonic Calculus ask?
(the seven questions)
What is Hedonism?
Is Utilitarianism teleological or deontological, and why?
What is Rule Utilitarianism?
How do you apply rule utilitarianism?
What is the difference between strong and weak rule utilitarianism?
What are three strengths of Rule Utilitarianism?
What are three weaknesses of Rule Utilitarianism?
What did J.S. Mill stress rather than pleasure?
J.S. Mill was QUALITATIVE, what does this mean?
When J.S. Mill said "It is better to be socrates dissatisfied, than a fool satisfied", what did he mean?
Bentham or Mill?
"The greatest good (pleasure) for the greatest number"
Bentham or Mill?
Would protect the common good, focused on univerability
Bentham or Mill?
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number"
Bentham or Mill?
What is Preference Utilitarianism?
Who are the three philosophers mainly associated with preference utilitarianism?
According to preference utilitarianism, what is goodness?
What are three weaknesses of Utilitarianism?
What are three strengths of Utilitarianism?