Amy Le Grys
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A-Level Classics (Guide Sheet A) Quiz on Cicero and His Rise Up The Cursus Honorum, created by Amy Le Grys on 03/01/2016.

Amy Le Grys
Created by Amy Le Grys over 8 years ago

Cicero and His Rise Up The Cursus Honorum

Question 1 of 10


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Cicero started with a disadvantage in politics because he was an or in the middle class. Due to this he did not have the which allowed the other senators to gain votes. The was when the rich upper class helped the poor during hard times by giving food or money, this then ensured that the client was loyal to the patron who could then or voted for who they were told to vote for. Cicero was . Also for the past 100 years and Cicero was not in one of these families. These Optimates made sure that getting into politics outside of these families was virtually impossible, when Cicero did get in he was , meaning that he is the first person ..


Question 2 of 10


Cicero made his speech against Verres in 80 BC

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 3 of 10


In what year was he made Aedile?

Select one of the following:

  • 63

  • 75

  • 69

  • 66


Question 4 of 10


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Cicero was made:
in and was stationed in
in where he got which in Rome.
in and he got . During this time he also got
in when he defeated the and .


Question 5 of 10


What were the reasons that Pompey didn't like Cicero when he returned from Asia?

Select one or more of the following:

  • He didn't want the job in Asia

  • Jealousy of Cicero as he wasn't getting as much regonitsion for what he did in Asia as he would have liked

  • He wasn't happy with Cicero as consul

  • Pompey supported Rullus while Cicero did not

  • Pompey didn't like the people who Cicero was with

  • Pompey believed that Cicero had not kept his name alive in the senate


Question 6 of 10


What was the Concordia Ordinum?

Select one of the following:

  • The joining of the equites and optimates.

  • Gave total control to the optimates.

  • The optimates and the populares were united by a common cause.


Question 7 of 10


What did the Concordia Ordinum do and when was it created?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Divided the country and almost started a civil war

  • Enabled two different view points and ideas to meet in the middle.

  • Created in 63 BC

  • Created in 49 BC


Question 8 of 10


The Bona Dea Trial in surrounded a man named who was generally believed to be a mad man. He was in the top 20 families as held prestige in the senate as 12 generations had been consul and he was aligned . Bona Dea or Good Goddess was the goddess of and to be worshiped by females only. She was also responsible for the so her festival was extremely important. Clodius however disguised himself as a female and got into the temple, however he was discovered and tried in a court where the judges were . himself gave evidence against Clodius and was able to prove that he was in Rome during the time of the festival. He was due to the running throughout the court and every one knew what had happened. This was the

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    62 BC
    61 BC
    Women and Healing
    War and Victory
    protection of Rome
    success of the senate
    high levels of bribery
    honesty of the judges
    end of the Concordia Ordinum.
    beginning of a better age of Rome.


Question 9 of 10


What did the populares want?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Social reform which would be disliked in the senate

  • They were frightened of power developing outside their circles

  • Didn't want Pompey to have the command in Asia

  • Wanted to pass laws in popular assemblies rather than the senate

  • Cancel debts and give land to the homeless


Question 10 of 10


What side of the senate was Cicero on?

Select one of the following:

  • Optimates

  • Populares

  • Known as a Popularis Consul but considered safe by the Optimates
