Green algae are the closest relatives of land plants.
Land plants descended from modern charophytes (green algae).
Which of the following are adaptations found in plants but NOT charophytes? (May be more than 1 correct answer.)
Embryo unprotected during development
Conductive tissues
No more lignin (wood) production
Gametophyte becomes more predominant than the sporophyte
There are two multicellular stages of plants: it is either a , the haploid stage (n) or it is the (2n).
Gameotophytes produce haploid gametes by mitosis meiosis( mitosis, meiosis ), whereas sporophytes produce haploid spores by meiosis mitosis( meiosis, mitosis ).
Due to the dependency of embryo on the parent, land plants are called ___ .
Parent dependents
Nutrients transferred from parent to embryo through
Placental transfer cells
Baby feeder helpers
Spores (❌n) are produced in organs called ❌. Gametes (❌n) are produced in organs called ❌.
Nonvascular plants are called bryophytes angiosperms pterophytes lycophytes( bryophytes, angiosperms, pterophytes, lycophytes ). They are nonvascular because they lack vascular tissue stomata cuticles lignin( vascular tissue, stomata, cuticles, lignin ).