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Tadi Kativhu
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AS - Level Law Mind Map on Chaney et al - Asthma Spacer Device to Improve Compliance in Children, created by Tadi Kativhu on 11/01/2016.

Tadi Kativhu
Created by Tadi Kativhu about 9 years ago
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Chaney et al - Asthma Spacer Device toImprove Compliance in ChildrenA Pilot StudyResearch MethodA field experiment, conductedin the participants' homesettings in AustraliaRepeated Measures DesignThis allows the researchers to show aclear comparison and analysis betweenthe compliance of children with the twoasthma devicesMore ecologically valid as the participantsare in their own enviornment, where theywould usually take their asthmamedication; at homeIndependent variablesWhether the child used astandard/small volume spacer device -The Breath-a-TechWhether the child used a FunhalerDependent VariableThe amount of adherence to theprescribed medical regimeMore chances of order effects as thechildren are using both inhalersThere are more extraneous variables asthe participants are in their own homeand not in a controlled environmentSampleExperimental Design32 Children22 Male, 10 FemaleAge Range: 1.5Years to 6 YearsMean age 3.2Average duration ofasthma 2.2 YearsThe children'sparents providedinformed consentand alsoparticipated in thestudy throughcompletingquestionnaires andtaking part in aphone interview.Random SamplingRandomsample ofasthmaticchildren whohad beenprescribeddrugs deliveredby PMDI andSpacer(pressurisedmetered doseinhaler)Recruited from Clinics acrossa large geographical areaProcess of selection is unbias andfair, as everyone has an equalchance of being chosenHas a chance of producinga bias sample, as it iscompletely randomChildren were too young to give their own consent.The fact that the parents gave consent makes Chaney'sstudy ethically sound, as there is a lack of deception,and the study is also confidentialLess participants neededthan in independentmeasures designExcludes individualdifferencesDemand Characteristics as theparticipants use both inhalers(see both conditions)Quantative FindingsGiven in numerical form such asthe numbers of asthmatic childrenand their parents whoadministered medication onrandomly checked daysEasy to Directly and objectivelycompare the use of each deviceLack of Depth and detailabout the compliance ofchildren with the medicationGender Bias - reducing the population validityIncreases the populationvalidityProcedure DetailsThe children's parents gave informed consent andcompleted a structured close question questionnaire, withan interviewer about the child's current asthma deviceThe participants were asked to use a funhaler instead oftheir normal PDMI space inhaler, without furtherinstructions, except that parental guidance was requiredThe Funhaler incorporated the standard PDMI inhalerand spacer, along with an additional attachment whichincluded incentive toys, such as a spinning disc andwhistle. These were designed to distract the childrenfrom the drug delivery event and to encourage andreward deep breathing patterns (required for effectivedelivery of medicationThis was a form of operant conditioning - Selfreinforcement as the use of device rewarded the user,requiring no external reinforcement/encouragementfrom doctor or parent.After this time, parents completed a matched itemquestionnaire on the funhaler. The researchers also conducted arandom check via telephone checking on participants to find outwhether they had attempted to educate their child the daybeforeDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node